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АвторТема: Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К  (Прочитано 28354 раз)

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Оффлайн oys

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Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #46: 17 января | 2021г. | 23:18:44 »
[OE2.6] DreamElite 7.1 DreamONE Ultra HD

  • Edision OS MINI 4K ☆ VU+ DUO 4K SE ☆ USTYM 4K PRO ☆ ET 11000 ☆ OCTAGON SF 8008 ☆ VU+ SOLO 4K , Laminas 120 (30.0°W-70.5°E)
Характер у меня замечательный, только у всех какие-то нервы слабые ...

Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
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Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #47: 06 марта | 2021г. | 14:16:34 »

Date: 2021-02-18 14:55:33.494892
Distro: opendreambox 2.6.0
Drivers: 4.9-20210217r0-r0.0
Enigma2: 4.5.1r4-r0.1
Kernel: kernel-image-4.9, kernel-image-image.gz, kernel-image-image.gz-4.9, lib32-kernel-image-image.gz 1:4.9.113-643134-ga8e83ea-r0.1
Link: installable software packages for dreamone
MD5: b0718a735f5cb37cae5e3c5a3fb84c12
Machine: Dreambox DREAMONE
SHA256: a84cc3439a9c1bcce502a05c225db4f2e45c7813ce35bf3e2ea48c511aba22d3

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Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #48: 16 марта | 2021г. | 01:17:02 »
Peter Pan Neverland DreamONE Ultra HD

Спойлер   :
The image Peter Pan have been around as long as there have been a Dreambox.
Old Peter Pan Team have retired and image development have been stoped.

I have now started from scratch and build up a whole new image based on the strong foundation of the old PP image
I have no Team. I am all alone in this project. I am the developer, skinner, webmaster coffy maker and janitor so have that in mind when you start using the image
I try and do my best to keep the image lightweight and fast as possible.
I have no big addons server and have no plan to fill it up.
I keep special plugins modded for PP and of cause the IPTV plugins from @KiddaC and @Lululla

So what does the image provide. Well this is no Panel Addons like most DreamOS images are today.
Image is hard coded the old school way. Image works very good in BarryAllen because of this.

As a skinner the fun part is the PP-Standard-HD skin setup plugin.
There is a lot of pre installed stuff to play with but you can easy add your own graphics
The plugin have no limits and you don't need skills. Just mix and match as you like and then
Just do the "Magic" and you have your own custom made skin produced from your RC

And a special thanks to @oktus for all his never ending help with graphics work
Also there is pre installed Oscam thanks to @levi45
Special thanks to @ftabin for his support
@ seagen
Спойлер   :
After installing the image allways do a PP Software update.
PP Software update are done by following this steps:
1. Open PP Meu with blue button on your remote
2. Open menu PP News & Info
3. Press blue button on your remote to start update.

With an up to date image you will allways get an message sending you to PP updates everytime you press the blue button to open PP Menu when there is updates avalible.

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Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #49: 17 марта | 2021г. | 22:57:13 »


Date: 2021-03-17 15:04:35.777025
Distro: opendreambox 2.6.0
Drivers: 4.9-20210317r0-r0.0
Enigma2: 4.5.1r5-r0.0
Kernel: kernel-image-4.9, kernel-image-image.gz, kernel-image-image.gz-4.9, lib32-kernel-image-image.gz 1:4.9.113-643139-g4b32f5b-r0.1
Link: installable software packages for dreamone
MD5: a63b264b749bd475350e17020701e0f8
Machine: Dreambox DREAMONE
SHA256: 6dff0e5a9c2c22eb91a0db2b4af355f33e4a103031d82d98e338002263520e35

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Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #50: 20 марта | 2021г. | 19:14:48 »

Date: 2021-03-20 11:00:19.394959
Distro: opendreambox 2.6.0
Drivers: 4.9-20210318r0-r0.0
Enigma2: 4.5.1r6-r0.0
Kernel: kernel-image-4.9, kernel-image-image.gz, kernel-image-image.gz-4.9, lib32-kernel-image-image.gz 1:4.9.113-643139-g4b32f5b-r0.1
Link: installable software packages for dreamone
MD5: 5e5b1c23b736419c63d32966ba4d5ffe
Machine: Dreambox DREAMONE
SHA256: 3c78a14cf5029c58ae23fb4f897fbd729088cfbc9fbe1dfae2df827125509baf

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Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Поблагодарили: 15568
  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #51: 25 марта | 2021г. | 16:36:06 »

Date: 2021-03-24 20:09:19.036590
Distro: opendreambox 2.6.0
Drivers: 4.9-20210324r0-r0.0
Enigma2: 4.5.1r6-r0.0
Kernel: kernel-image-4.9, kernel-image-image.gz, kernel-image-image.gz-4.9, lib32-kernel-image-image.gz 1:4.9.113-643147-ga9d00b3-r0.1
Link: installable software packages for dreamone
MD5: 33184939c4df5cebf8e4c51298207b0a
Machine: Dreambox DREAMONE
SHA256: 0fba08873e7641aed99f79bf9dfc512feb9160b232c9c4169ccec6bec8c7a0a6

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Для просмотра нужно иметь не менее 3-х сообщений
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Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 2573
  • Поблагодарили: 15568
  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #52: 01 апреля | 2021г. | 15:07:47 »

- new: only ask for a restart when required
- new: allow to save without restart
- new: clear Picon when setting is disabled
- fix: don't crash when entered channel number does not exist
- show event info on Menu
Picon in Display
- moved setting to skin settings and unified xml for all applicable boxes (setting has to be activated again if currently used)
- new: access missing keys (TV, Radio, Help) on Audio long press
Default Skin
- new: Merlin5 is the new default
- new: Cover are activated by default
- new: EMIL and MST are pre-installed
- new: create symlinks for sizes 50x30 and 100x60 when size 220x132 is installed
- new: show symlink info in download screen
- new: ask user whether to delete existing picons 50x30 and/or 100x60
- fix: don't crash when MovieTagger is used and "Use custom folder moviesort" is activated
- add summary screen
- fix: value of selected entry was not displayed
- new: add summary screen for regular context menu
- new: support colors (hint: define color in compontent as myColor="#00ffccdd")
new libs on merlin feeds
-python-merlin4-covercollection_1.4-r9.0 and python-merlinmusicplayer_3.3-r1 --> needed for enigma2 > 4.5.1r1
new: PiP support for One/Two

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Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 2573
  • Поблагодарили: 15568
  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #53: 21 мая | 2021г. | 22:20:30 »
Openversion compiling by ds77

10.3-r396-dreamone_flash only …
OE update
Update FFmpeg 4.4 to the latest stable git
Core plugin and OctEtFHD skin updates by norhap
dreambox driver install fix (affecting amlogic and new generations)

Use the new BoxInfo API instead of SystemInfo

Login details:
Username: root
Password: openvision
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Онлайн wrath

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Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #54: 21 мая | 2021г. | 23:33:23 »
oys, с Barry Allen - openvision даже не стартует ..

Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #55: 22 мая | 2021г. | 00:18:08 »
wrath, да , установка тока дрим на flash  свой риск . . .

P S пост имиджем поправил

Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 2573
  • Поблагодарили: 15568
  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #56: 22 сентября | 2021г. | 22:14:11 »


Date: 2021-09-22 13:58:38.013153
Distro: opendreambox 2.6.0
Drivers: 4.9-20210518r0-r0.0
Enigma2: 4.5.1r9-r0.0
Kernel: kernel-image-4.9, kernel-image-image.gz, kernel-image-image.gz-4.9, lib32-kernel-image-image.gz 1:4.9.113-643173-gbc82830-r0.1
Link: installable software packages for dreamone
MD5: cb7c96eb8d7236c084bedbda9e689f3a
Machine: Dreambox DREAMONE
SHA256: 79def12107e640915f425e133165dca74f54ae7eb400d2a520855f1a9a62e9c2

Оффлайн oys

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 2573
  • Поблагодарили: 15568
  • Уважение: +426
Имиджи для Dreambox ONE 4К
« Ответ #57: 26 октября | 2021г. | 09:31:34 »

Date: 2021-10-25 18:33:12.443744
Distro: opendreambox 2.6.0
Drivers: 4.9-20210518r0-r0.0
Enigma2: 4.5.1r10-r0.0
Kernel: kernel-image-4.9, kernel-image-image.gz, kernel-image-image.gz-4.9, lib32-kernel-image-image.gz 1:4.9.113-643173-gbc82830-r0.1
Link: installable software packages for dreamone
MD5: 8e82041b12b00c2fd8df7ad0ca070489
Machine: Dreambox DREAMONE
SHA256: a54503cf587f29a4900606d4cadcc77c1c5bbb0eb91a2ff474421ae2ecf28d93

Онлайн oleg8000

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