Evolux Version=1.5.9
- ALL:
- hostname set to "EvoLux"
- Neutrino:
- CPU-Standby-Freq now 200-450mHz selectable
- TuxboxCommander add, thx TangoCash
- Imageinfo fixxed
- Fritzcall fixxed, thx martii
- dvbsubtitle fix, thx martii
- webif update to + fbshot add
- Blockads(werbezapper)-Plugin add (blue button)
(please set Time0=* in blockads.conf as by osd not working imho,
after rezap sound off, please press vol+- and it's back)
- Teletext french fixxed, thx martii
- E2:
- graphlcd update, thx konfetti
- skin update for external-lcd