подскажите в чем может быть проблема?перестал грузиться ЕПГ для зарубежных каналов.с рускоязычными проблем нет.имидж OPENPLI4.проблемы начались вчера.никаких новых плагинов не устанавливал.
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<!-- You can list as many <source> entries in a file as you wish. Files or urls for sources and channels ending in '.gz' will be treated as gzipped and decompressed while processing. Use the "type" attribute to set the python module that handles the file, currently only type="gen_xmltv" is supported, more will follow once this plugin gets more popular. The channels property is the local file or URL with channel ID to service ref mappings. The default is the same filename but with .channels.xml as extension. Each source may use a different channels definition, or multiple sources may use the same, whatever is convenient. The description must be unique for each source, and is displayed on the UI. -->
Дмитрий73, вчера с нуля установил последний OpenPLi, установил enigma2-plugin-extensions-xmltvimport_mod_1.6_mipsel.ipk, установил xmltvimport-rytec (20150327-r0.0) с фида. Не обновляет программу с linux-sat.tv хотя файл epgimport.gz в /tmp присутствует. Помоги разобраться!
[EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1428381036.86 [EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1428381036.99 [EPGImport] WakeUpTime now set to 1428940848 (now=1428381036) [EPGImport] onBootStartCheck [EPGImport] now=1428381036 wake=1428940848 wake-now=559812 [EPGImport] is boot [EPGImport] not starting import - is restart enigma2 [EPGImport] nextImport, source= Linuxsat ExUSSR XMLTV [EPGImport] Downloading: https://linux-sat.tv/epg/tvprogram_ua_ru.gz to local path: /tmp/epgimport.gz [EPGImport] afterDownload /tmp/epgimport.gz [EPGImport] unlink /tmp/epgimport.gz [EPGImport] Downloading: https://linux-sat.tv/epg/ls.channels.xml.gz to local path: /tmp/epgimport.gz [EPGImport] afterChannelDownload /tmp/epgimport.gz [EPGImport] Using twisted thread [EPGImport] Parsing channels from 'https://linux-sat.tv/epg/ls.channels.xml.gz' sourcesDone(): False None [EPGImport] WakeUpTime now set to 1428940848 (now=1428381140)
Добавлено 07 апреля | 2015г. | 08:02:44 Наверное какие-то проблемы на linux-sat.tv, пробовал на других ресиверах, на которых не переустанавливал имидж, на них тоже не работает, хотя неделю назад все было гуд.