если вы про это то не помоглоА что ты делал с boxbranding?
имидж OpenATV 6.3 всё устанавливается и работаетя на имидже openpli 7.1 проверяю
пробуй этот для mips архитектурыподошел этот !!!
Add three servers
Correction Servier 41 cccamkable
Which is the same as the server 27
Clarification The cccamkable is a premium server perfect for watching the Sky germany package
If the server does not appear in cfg files
You can get a line by first changing the mac address and then the ip address
Using the tool in the blog and vpn provided that the ip is different every time we want to fetch the line
Note tv.mycccam is a 10 day server theoretically I haven't tried it but it works for me
So far and for four days
alquilerНет, ети каналы не ш@ра не плагин неоткрывает. В IPTV ети каналы есть
Some new servers stop their site has been replaced such as freecccamserver10 and freecccamserver13
Add freecccamserver45 using one user and random email
Its advantage is that the server is in the mailbox The server works for 5 days renewable ...
Update regarding emu oscam
Add debug mode to OSCAM
Vpn code update
New knife does not contain the background does not contain video or audio ..