After install the plugin can be found in the Menu-Plugins or Blue button-Extensions list.
It features : (1) Three internet iptv links sources where the links change regularly. (2) The links can be played directly (gstreamer) or via tsplayer or hlsplayer. (3) Option to install favourites list bouquets from the links. (4) Option to view epg for any iptv channel if epg exists. (5) The number of channels can be reduced by filtering with channel name keywords. For this - put the keywords in the plugin file in list KW (see examples). (6) The users own iptv links can be played by putting the paths in plugin file Userlinks.txt. (7) The user links can be (a) m3u files, (b) internet links or (c) bouquets. ( Option to make m3u files from bouquets. Regards.