<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <!-- Automatically generated by the e2m3u2b --> <!-- E2m3u2bouquet IPTV suppliers config file Add as many suppliers as required this config file will be used and the relevant bouquets set up for all suppliers entered 0 = No/False 1 = Yes/True For elements with <![CDATA[]] enter value between empty brackets e.g. <![CDATA[mypassword]]> --> <config> <supplier> <name>Сборка</name><!-- Supplier Name --> <enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) --> <settingslevel>1</settingslevel><!-- GUI settings level (0 - simple, 1 - expert) --> <m3uurl><![CDATA[https://dl.dropbox.com/s/qepct7b4tj3telh/ABC.m3u8]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url --> <epgurl><![CDATA[http://epg.it999.ru/edem.xml]]></epgurl><!-- Forced loading events from the specified XMLTV EPG URL --> <streamtypetv>5002</streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001, 5002 or 8739) --> <gstreamer>1</gstreamer><!-- (Optional) Stream type: 0 (no buffering), 1 (buffering enabled) or 3 (progressive download and buffering enabled) --> <progressive>0</progressive><!-- (Optional) EXT3_PLAYBACK_PROGRESSIVE (0 or 1) --> <livets>0</livets><!-- (Optional) EXT3_PLAYBACK_LIVETS (0 or 1) --> <buffersize>8192</buffersize><!-- (Optional) GST_BUFFER_SIZE buffer size in kilobytes --> <bufferduration>0</bufferduration><!-- (Optional) GST_BUFFER_DURATION buffer duration in seconds --> <multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split bouquets into seperate categories (0 or 1) --> <usenickname>0</usenickname><!-- Create bouquet name from provider name and group name (works if you have only one provider) (0 or 1) --> <restrcat>0</restrcat><!-- Apply restricted categories filter (0 or 1) --> <allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create "All in one" bouquet as separate bouquet if multivod enabled (0 or 1) --> <picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download picons (0 or 1) --> <usepil>1</usepil><!-- Use PIL to optimize loaded channel picons (0 or 1) --> <piconsalt>1</piconsalt><!-- Forced loading of piсons from the specified XMLTV source (0 or 1) --> <sortmethod>0</sortmethod><!-- Sorting method for playlist content (0:default, 1:alphabet, 2:custom) --> <abgroups>0</abgroups><!-- Sort group names alphabetically (0 or 1) --> <abchannels>0</abchannels><!-- Sort channel names alphabetically (0 or 1) --> <newbroadcasts>1</newbroadcasts><!-- Create "New broadcasts" bouquet (0 or 1) --> <streamlink>0</streamlink><!-- Use streamlink proxy syntax (if this plugin is installed) when creating serviceref entries (0 or 1) --> </supplier> </config>