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АвторТема: VU+ TOOLS android  (Прочитано 4630 раз)

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VU+ TOOLS android
« Первое сообщение: 25 декабря | 2015г. | 13:23:46 »
VU+ TOOLS  android

VU+ TOOLS is an Android application designed to allow you to control and manage your VUplus receivers such as VU+ SOLO or VU+ DUO , either from the same network.

- For best performace you must have stable 802.11g/n Wi-Fi connection between your receiver and your android smatphone or tablet. (802.11n strongly recommended)


* Live TV and RADIO streaming directly from your Vu+ receiver.
* Show and discover Channel list provided Favourite group
* Zapping channel
* Satfinder (signal meter)
* Add ZAP channel
* Send message to your TV via your receiver
* Volume Control UP-DOWN-MUTE
* Show and Play recorded files directly to your TV
* Monitor your receivers by screenshots from live TV
* Manage timers record (add, edit, delete) either from EPG or manually.
* EPG information provided
* Take Screen shot from your TV

List of supported VU+ receivers :

* Vu+ SOLO
* Vu+ SOLO 2
* Vu+ UNO
* Vu+ DUO
* Vu+ DUO 2
* Vu+ ZERO

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpaoCuU0AI8" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpaoCuU0AI8</a>

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Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Уважение: +1616
VU+ TOOLS android
« Ответ #1: 28 декабря | 2015г. | 12:03:35 »

ENIGMA 2 TOOLBOX is an Android application, it combines 6 easy to use tools to manage and control your ENIGMA 2 receiver such as AZBOX or XTREND from the same network.

- For best performace you must have stable 802.11g/n Wi-Fi connection between your receiver and your android smatphone or tablet. (802.11n strongly recommended)


- Live TV and RADIO streaming directly from your ENIGMA2 receiver.
- Show and discover Channel list provided Favourite group
- Zapping channel
- Satfinder (signal meter)
- Add ZAP channel
- Send message to your TV via your receiver
- Volume Control UP-DOWN-MUTE
- Play recorded files on your TV
- Monitor your receivers
- Save screen shot of your ENIGMA 2 reciver
- Manage timers record (add, edit, delete) either from EPG or manually.
- EPG information provided
- Take Screen shot from your TV
- And more...

List of supported ENIGMA 2 receivers :

* Vu+ (All enigma2 modules)
* Dreambox (All enigma2 modules)
* AzBox Ultra HD
* Azbox Premium HD
* AzBox me
* IPBox 900
* IPBox 910
* IPBox 9000
* Gigablue solo
* Xtrend ET5000 HD
* Xtrend ET9500 HD
* Xsarius Fusion HD
* Maxdigital XP1000
* Mutant HD 500C
* Mutant HD 1100
* Mutant HD 1200
* Mutant HD 2400

HD content streaming quality is influenced by mobile device specifications and wireless network quality.




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