23 марта | 2025г. | 04:47:56

АвторТема: Сборки эмулятора NCam для разных имиджей платформы mipsel (Без обсуждения)  (Прочитано 126952 раз)

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Ncam v11.3-r0

-updated cx-aio-v09.2.6
-small fix for CAK7 Cards HD03/04/05 refresh valid to date
(the recommendation remains to enable shared and disable global emm)
-Updated Android stapi pvu
(Try to Solve Audio issues in some channels)
-Updated: Multics detection
(added to the detected multics, protocol = mgcamd_mcs or newcamd_mcs,
removed: protocol = cccam_mcs_HB and Multics client detection (does not send unique IDs in client mode))
-Updated: Newcamd NCam (Stealth mode)
-fix camd35/ext mode
-webif cache-size / reader page for lg-flagged CWs

Спойлер   :
Скрытый текст
Для просмотра нужно иметь не менее 3-х сообщений
или Оформить подписку

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
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  • Уважение: +3
NCam 5.2-r1 (official) 14.09.2020

Changelog v5.2-r1:
- Rework code ref gbox_maxecmsend.
- Fix sharing instability side effect.
- [powervu] Fixed emm algo.
- Fixed warning messages with high GCC 9.x.x
- Fixed warning integer constant is too large for long type.
- Add Newcamd NCam and MGcamd (Stealth mode)
- Fixed gbox module ecm debug string error.
- Add repeat to ask all gbox readers again during fallback time.
- Fixed for CAK7 Cards HD03/04/05.

Спойлер   :
ncam.mips Enigma2 - Mipsel (Gigablue, Dream, Vu+, Xtrend, Formuler...).
ncam.mips-uclibc Enigma2 - Mipsel (Tiviar Plus 'firmware no enigma2', and similar).
ncam.x86 Linux PC (32 bit - i686).
ncam.x86_64 Linux PC (64 bit).
ncam.x86_64-syn_atom Linux x86_64 (For Synology ATOM 64 bit).
ncam.ppc Enigma1 - (Power PC - DM600, 7000, 7020, 7020si...).
ncam.ppc-old Enigma1 - (Power PC OLD - DM500, 500S, DBox2...).
ncam.sh4 Enigma2/Spark sh4 - (Golden Media, Galaxy Innovations, Amiko...).
ncam.cortexa9hf-vfp-neon Enigma2 - (Cortex-A9 - Wetek, Vu+4K, Octagon 4k and similar).
ncam.arm-raspbian ARM (Raspberry pi 3, Prismcube, TInkerboard and other similars).
ncam.arm-android ARM (For Android ARM (API 24+)).
ncam.arm-marvell ARM (Synology Armada 375 and similar).
ncam.arm-armada37xx ARM (Synology Armada 37xx).
ncam.arm-mca ARM (For Matrix CAM Air).
ncam.arm-samsungtv ARM (For Samsung TV).
ncam-router.mips Routers (Routers MIPSEL DD-WRT).
ncam.router-openwrt-brcm47xx.mips Mips (Routers openwrt brcm47xx).
ncam.router-openwrt-ar71xx.mips Mips (Routers openwrt ar71xx).
ncam.router-openwrt-brcm63xx.mips Mips (Routers openwrt brcm63xx).
ncam-x86_64-pc.exe Windows PC (64-bit) (You Need DLL cygwin1.dll in C:\Windows\System32).
ncam-i686-pc.exe Windows PC (32-bit) (You Need DLL cygwin1.dll in C:\Windows\System32).

************************************************************ ***********************************

Ncam settings web::

Ncam Admin Control: (192.168.x.x or host-xx.org)
user: root
password: ldteam

Important: Change xxxxxxxxxx (0-9 and A-F) on the NodeID. (Important to respect all 16 characters.

Change serverip (CCcam) 192.168.xx.xx for the ip of the receiver.

Config: /var/tuxbox/config
SoftCam.Key: /var/tuxbox/config

SoftCam.Key Not included!!
The emulator is inactive for default.
  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH



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