16 сентября | 2024г. | 12:02:07

АвторТема: OpenPLI 4.0 (все ресиверы, обсуждение и решение проблем) (part 4)  (Прочитано 309819 раз)

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Оффлайн Дмитрий73

  • Джедай Куратор
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  • Уважение: +91
Я по этому и писал:Понятно что они не будет разбираться если у них такого нету и они физически не могут определить ошибку.
И у  меня на трех разных ресиверах,таких проблем нет.

Оффлайн Yura1966

  • Великий Джедай
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  • Уважение: -2
то мне единственное приходит в голову файл /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh. А если такого файла нету, тогда не знаю.
Как нету, вот он.

Оффлайн sety

  • Джедай Куратор
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Если бы это было связанно на пример с драйверами, то было бы у всех.
  так это у Всех и есть, вернее у кого ресы ДУО УЛЬТИМО

И у  меня на трех разных ресиверах,таких проблем нет.
А ДУО УНО или УЛЬТИМО есть у Вас? речь идет именно о них, на старших моделях которые есть у меня этого косяка невидно
  • ЕТ11000, VU+ DUO 4K & VU+ DUO4K SE Помните, ковчег построил любитель, профессионалы построили Титаник

Оффлайн adaniyal

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На vu+solo тоже нет этого файла:enigma2_pre_start.sh. При перезагрузке gui пауза на 60 сек.
  • VU+SOLO(OpenPli 7.0), Gi s8120(OpenPli 7.0 Ednaz 20181225 for Spark 7111 backup_G-Man), Vu+uno 4K SE

Оффлайн a.paduchak

  • Младший Джедай
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На vu+solo тоже нет этого файла:enigma2_pre_start.sh. При перезагрузке gui пауза на 60 сек.
На solose нет файла:enigma2_pre_start.sh. При перезагрузке gui тоже пауза.

Оффлайн leo16

  • Джедай
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Я по этому и писал:Понятно что они не будет разбираться если у них такого нету и они физически не могут определить ошибку.
Если в файле /usr/bin/enigma2.sh изменении нет, то мне единственное приходит в голову файл /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh. А если такого файла нету, тогда не знаю.
Если бы это было связанно на пример с драйверами, то было бы у всех.
Taapat в директории /usr/bin/ есть два файла один я выкладывал enigma2.sh еще есть файл enigma2 весом 2.45мб могу выложить для сравнения,если кто нибудь выложит с имиджа до 17.05.Хотя я не знаю что там прописано и для чего он предназначен.
  • GI- 8895 Open Pli 7.3  Stable release

Оффлайн Sirius0103Автор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
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И у  меня на трех разных ресиверах,таких проблем нет.
Дим, проблема есть так как тут её описывают, у меня нет сейчас времени поставить чистый для проверки (пришёл с работы упал, встал пошёл на работу) потому и молчу не участвуя в дискуссии... вроде проблема как организовалась после как драйвера пришли эти Драйвера Vu+ Solo2 (без обсуждения), но с полной уверенностью не могу сказать, обновляю редко (в основном из-за драйверов)

Ura1966, sety, по делу... или в курилку  :yes4:
  • Vu+ Solo 4k | Vu+ Solo 4k | Vu+ Solo²

Оффлайн Дмитрий73

  • Джедай Куратор
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  • Уважение: +91
Может проблема в opera-browser,надо его удалить  и проверить.
Или поставить старые драйвера,до обновления.
Такие тесты сделать совсем не трудно.

Оффлайн Nikei

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +3
Дима opera-browser у меня не установлен,проблемма точно не в дровах проверял давно еще когда проблемма возникла.

Оффлайн AlexSSS999

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Если долго не трогать пульт, появляется запрос на отключение ресивера.
А где настройка такая находится?

Оффлайн Sirius0103Автор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +47
Дмитрий73, в opkg нету opera-browser, удалять нечего...
драйвера через полчасика...
ставил декабрьские без изменения...

лог, запустил когда нажал перезагрузку GUI с пульта, может будут идеи...

Спойлер   :
root@vusolo2:~# enigma2
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
<   369.269579> [eInit] + (1) Background File Eraser
<   369.270414> [eInit] + (5) Tuxtxt
<   369.270625> [eInit] + (8) graphics acceleration manager
<   369.270991> [eInit] + (9) GFBDC
<   369.271335> [fb] 21600k video mem
<   369.271910> [fb] double buffering available!
<   369.516464> [gFBDC] resolution: 780x1080x32 stride=7680, 5400kB available for acceleration surfaces.
<   369.516707> [eInit] + (9) gLCD
<   369.516842> [eFbLCD] /dev/fb1: No such file or directory
<   369.516920> [eFbLCD] framebuffer not available
<   369.519604> [eDboxLCD] xres=132, yres=64, bpp=8 lcd_type=1
<   369.519742> [eLCD] (132x64x8) buffer 0x826c78 8448 bytes, stride 132
<   369.519834> [gLCDDC] resolution: 132x64x8 stride=132
<   369.519908> [eInit] + (9) Font Render Class
<   369.519997> [FONT] initializing lib...
<   369.520583> [FONT] loading fonts...
<   369.520710> [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
<   369.521052> [eInit] + (10) gRC
<   369.521932> [gRC] thread created successfully
<   369.523105> [eInit] + (15) eWindowStyleManager
<   369.523250> [eInit] + (20) DVB-CI UI
<   369.523342> [eInit] + (20) UHF Modulator
<   369.523476> [eRFmod] couldnt open /dev/rfmod0: No such file or directory
<   369.523606> [eInit] + (20) RC Input layer
<   369.523695> [eInit] + (20) misc options
<   369.523776> [eInit] + (20) AVSwitch Driver
<   369.523893> [eAVSwitch] failed to open /dev/dbox/fp0 to monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed: No such file or directory
<   369.524043> [eInit] + (21) input device driver
<   369.525428> [eRCInputEventDriver] devicename=dreambox advanced remote control (native)
<   369.525561> [eRCInputEventDriver] EVIOCGRAB: Device or resource busy
<   369.525656> [eRCDeviceInputDev] device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
<   369.525867> [eInputDeviceInit] Found 1 input devices.
<   369.525980> [eInit] + (22) Hdmi CEC driver
<   369.527236> [eHdmiCEC] cannot open /dev/hdmi_cec: Device or resource busy
<   369.527375> [eInit] + (30) eActionMap
<   369.527475> [eInit] + (35) CI Slots
<   369.527563> [CI] scanning for common interfaces..
<   369.529207> [CI] Slot 0 setSource(0)
<   369.529751> [CI] eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
<   369.531274> [CI] eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(1, 1)
<   369.531422> [CI] done, found 1 common interface slots
<   369.531502> [eInit] + (35) CA handler
<   369.533555> [eInit] + (40) eServiceCenter
<   369.533713> [eServiceCenter] settings instance.
<   369.533802> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
<   369.533926> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryHDMI
<   369.534078> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
<   369.535153> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
<   369.535404> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
<   369.535527> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
<   369.535660> [eInit] + (41) Encoders
<   369.535870> [eInit] + (41) Stream server
<   369.536777> [eServerSocket] ERROR on bind: Address already in use
<   369.537366> [eServerSocket] ERROR on bind: Address already in use
<   369.537665> [eInit] reached rl 70
<   369.537864> [eDVBDB] ---- opening lame channel db
<   369.538131> [eDVBDB] reading services (version 4)
<   369.949084> [eDVBDB] loaded 484 channels/transponders and 6851 services
<   369.949508> [eDVBResourceManager] scanning for frontends..
<   369.949771> [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 0
<   369.950743> [eDVBFrontend] close frontend 0
<   369.951427> [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 1
<   369.951658> [eDVBFrontend] opening /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1 failed: Device or resource busy
<   369.951956> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 0
<   369.952134> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 1
<   369.952219> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 2
<   369.952275> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 3
<   369.952336> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 4
<   369.952390> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 5
<   369.952441> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 6
<   369.952491> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 7
<   369.952541> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 8
<   369.952852> [eDVBResourceManager] found 1 adapter, 1 frontends(1 sim) and 9 demux, boxtype 4
<   369.953174> [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Use valid Linux Time :) (RTC?)
<   369.953365> [eEPGCache] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
<   369.954686> [MAIN] Loading spinners...
<   369.959371> [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
<   369.959467> [MAIN] found 7 spinner!

[MAIN] executing main
<   369.959874> [setIoPrio] best-effort level 3 ok
<   370.182601> [eDVBFrontend] Failed to open /dev/dbox/fp0
<   370.182965> [Misc_Options] 12Vdetect cannot open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output: No such file or directory
[HardwareInfo] Scanning hardware info
Detected: vusolo2 (1200E8)
[Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
[ePopen] command: ('hdparm', 'hdparm', '-S0', '/dev/sda')
<   370.205805> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting hdparm
new Harddisk sdb -> /dev/sdb -> /dev/sdb
[ePopen] command: ('sdparm', 'sdparm', '--set=SCT=0', '/dev/sdb')
<   370.221910> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting sdparm
Reading satellites.xml
removing internal link on frontend id 0
sec config cleared
<   371.578761> [eDVBFrontend] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr BCM7356 DVB-S2 NIM (internal), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
link tuner 0 to tuner 1
slot: 0 configmode: loopthrough
slot: 1 configmode: advanced
add 48 to 1
add 70 to 1
add 90 to 1
add 100 to 1
add 130 to 1
add 160 to 1
add 192 to 1
add 235 to 1
add 282 to 1
add 315 to 1
add 360 to 2
add 420 to 1
add 450 to 1
add 530 to 1
add 549 to 1
add 750 to 1
add 851 to 1
add 3560 to 1
add 3592 to 1
sec config completed
[Picon] adding path: /media/usb/picon/
<   372.272388> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.tv
<   372.272782> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.ntv___tv_.tv
<   372.275950> [eDVBDB] 210 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ntv___tv_.tv
<   372.276370> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.ntv__hd__tv_.tv
<   372.276911> [eDVBDB] 33 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ntv__hd__tv_.tv
<   372.277281> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.trikolor.tv
<   372.279468> [eDVBDB] 192 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.trikolor.tv
<   372.279793> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.___trikolor_hd__.tv
<   372.280432> [eDVBDB] 35 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.___trikolor_hd__.tv
<   372.280756> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.____kontinent____.tv
<   372.282943> [eDVBDB] 176 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.____kontinent____.tv
<   372.283346> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.___kontinent_hd___.tv
<   372.283790> [eDVBDB] 20 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.___kontinent_hd___.tv
<   372.284210> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1e_4a__4_8e__.tv
<   372.284903> [eDVBDB] 47 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1e_4a__4_8e__.tv
<   372.285304> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_7a__7_0e__.tv
<   372.285541> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_7a__7_0e__.tv
<   372.285878> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_9a__9_0e__.tv
<   372.286287> [eDVBDB] 12 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_9a__9_0e__.tv
<   372.286638> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._hot_bird_13a_13b_13c__13_0e__.tv
<   372.287985> [eDVBDB] 102 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._hot_bird_13a_13b_13c__13_0e__.tv
<   372.288395> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1h_1kr_1l_1m__19_2e__.tv
<   372.289062> [eDVBDB] 42 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1h_1kr_1l_1m__19_2e__.tv
<   372.289385> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_3a_3b__23_5e__.tv
<   372.289867> [eDVBDB] 27 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_3a_3b__23_5e__.tv
<   372.290587> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_2a_2b_2d__28_2e__.tv
<   372.291144> [eDVBDB] 25 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_2a_2b_2d__28_2e__.tv
<   372.291474> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1g__31_5e__.tv
<   372.291706> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1g__31_5e__.tv
<   372.292133> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_36a_36b__36_0e__.tv
<   372.292625> [eDVBDB] 26 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_36a_36b__36_0e__.tv
<   372.292948> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._intelsat_12__45_0e__.tv
<   372.293236> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._intelsat_12__45_0e__.tv
<   372.293569> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._express_am22__53_0e__.tv
<   372.293902> [eDVBDB] 12 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._express_am22__53_0e__.tv
<   372.294340> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._yamal_402__55_0e__.tv
<   372.294846> [eDVBDB] 29 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._yamal_402__55_0e__.tv
<   372.295214> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._abs_1_1a__75_0e__.tv
<   372.295451> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._abs_1_1a__75_0e__.tv
<   372.295763> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._intelsat_15__85_2e__.tv
<   372.296274> [eDVBDB] 22 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._intelsat_15__85_2e__.tv
<   372.296607> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._yamal_201__90_0e__.tv
<   372.296934> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._yamal_201__90_0e__.tv
<   372.297339> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.tv
<   372.297552> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.tv
<   372.297737> [eDVBDB] 22 entries in Bouquet bouquets.tv
<   372.298404> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.radio
<   372.298747> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.radio
<   372.298943> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.radio
<   372.299184> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet bouquets.radio
<   372.299339> [eDVBDB] Renumbering...
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf<   372.740895> [FONT] OK (Regular)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/andale.ttf<   372.741724> [FONT] OK (Fixed)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf<   372.742826> [FONT] OK (Console)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf<   372.743787> [FONT] OK (Replacement)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/Neuropol.ttf<   372.755810> [FONT] OK (Titles)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf<   372.757436> [FONT] OK (Regular)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/LedCounter.ttf<   372.758861> [FONT] OK (Indication)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/LucidaConsole.ttf<   372.760329> [FONT] OK (Console)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf<   372.781710> [FONT] OK (Subs)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-Italic.ttf<   372.782645> [FONT] OK (Subsi)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf<   372.783526> [FONT] OK (Subsb)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf<   372.784400> [FONT] OK (Subsz)
[iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
[iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
Activating keymap: Default (US)
[ePopen] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
<   372.821245> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
Activating language Русский
<   373.216721> [eAVSwitch] cannot open /proc/stb/avs/0/input_choices: No such file or directory
--> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
<   373.265833> [eTuxttxtApp] enable caching
[ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev eth0
<   373.392405> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<   373.396714> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 25
<   373.447528> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 127
<   373.501812> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
<   373.502924> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
<   373.504142> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
<   373.529149> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
<   374.651850> [eTPM] connect error No such file or directory
Plugin  Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
Plugin probably removed, but not cleanly in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
[Yamp] Set language to  ru
[Yamp] Set language to  ru
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename without Extension
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename with Extension
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title (slow!)
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title and Artist (slow!)
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Artist and Title (slow!)
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
[Seasondream] Unable to import servicets.so No module named servicets
('[BackupSuite] Unable to initialize MPHelp:', ImportError('No module named MPHelp',), '- Help not available!')
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync Setup
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Setup for the Audio Sync Plugin
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  sets the Audio Delay (LipSync)
<   377.163786> [eSocketMMIHandler] created successfully
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] U/MOUNTCMD---> umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
[ePopen] command: umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
<   377.380734> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
<RemoteControlCode> Write Remote Control Code : 2
getModeList for port DVI-PC
remove DVI-PC because of not existing modes
getModeList for port YPbPr
getModeList for port Scart
getModeList for port DVI
hotplug on dvi
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
setMode - port: DVI mode: 1080p rate: multi
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
[CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
[CI_Activate] FOUND 1 CI Slots
[CI_Activate] activate CI0 with following settings:
([], [], [])
starting hotplug handler
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Jun 18 15:34:40 2015
<   377.788374> PC: 004da088
<   377.788484>     00000000 00000001 00000000 00000001
<   377.788563>     009d6468 7f9d0548 7f9d0560 00000000
<   377.788618>     00000168 00000098 009d6468 7f9d0560
<   377.788669>     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
<   377.788725>     00000001 00000000 00000000 01171ac0
<   377.788774>     7f9d0628 ffffffff 009d0f50 00000003
<   377.788819>     00000000 004b981c 76a9d084 00000000
<   377.788869>     0064a1c0 7f9d0520 009d6468 004da088
<   377.788916> -------FATAL SIGNAL
<   378.063873> [eTextPara] unicode U+ 213 not present
<   378.064673> [eTextPara] unicode U+   1 not present
<   380.093052> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
root@vusolo2:~# root@vusolo2:~# enigma2
-sh: root@vusolo2:~#: not found
root@vusolo2:~# ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mip
s_init(): unhandled variable size 8
.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips-sh: .c(151): orcsyntax error: unexpected "("_compile
r_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
root@vusolo2:~# openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled varia
ble size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openp-sh: li-4/build/tsyntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")mp/work/
mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
root@vusolo2:~# ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mip
s_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.open-sh: pli-4/buildsyntax error: unexpected "("/tmp/work
/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
root@vusolo2:~# ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mip
s_init(): unhandled variable size 8
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# nhandled variable size 8
.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
-sh: nhandled: not found
root@vusolo2:~# openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled varia
ble size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/o-sh: e.openpli-4/syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")build/tm
p/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
root@vusolo2:~# ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mip
s_init(): unhandled variable size 8
ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/bui-sh: ld/tmp/work/syntax error: unexpected "("mips32el
-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mips_init(): unhandled variable size 8
root@vusolo2:~# ORC: ERROR: /dreambox/oe.openpli-4/build/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/orc/0.4.23-r0/orc-0.4.23/orc/orcprogram-mips.c(151): orc_compiler_orc_mip
s_init(): unhandled variable size 8
PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
-sh: PYTHONPATH:: not found
<   369.269579> [eInit] + (1) Background File Eraser
-sh: DVB_API_VERSION: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.269579> [eInit] + (1) Background File Eraser
<   369.270414> [-sh: eInit] + (5syntax error: unexpected "(") Tuxtxt

root@vusolo2:~# <   369.270414> [eInit] + (5) Tuxtxt
<   369.270625> [eInit]-sh:  + (8) grapsyntax error: unexpected "("hics acc
eleration manager
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.270625> [eInit] + (8) graphics acceleration manager
<   369.270991> [eInit] + (9) GFBDC
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.270991> [eInit] + (9) GFBDC
<   369.271335> [fb] 21600k video mem-sh:
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.271335> [fb] 21600k video mem
<   369.271910> [fb] double buffering available!
-sh: can't open 369.271335: no such file
-sh: 21600k: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.271910> [fb] double buffering available!
<   369.516464> [gFBDC] resolution: 780x1080x32 stride=7680, 5400kB available for acceleration surfaces.
-sh: can't open 369.271910: no such file
-sh: double: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.516464> [gFBDC] resolution: 780x1080x32 stride=7680, 5400kB available for acceleration surfaces.
<   369.516707> [eInit] + (9) gLCD
-sh: can't open 369.516464: no such file
-sh: resolution:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.516707> [eInit] + (9) gLCD
<   369.516842> [eFbLCD] /dev/fb1: No such file or d-sh: irectory
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.516842> [eFbLCD] /dev/fb1: No such file or directory
<   369.516920> [eFbLCD] framebuffer not available
-sh: can't open 369.516842: no such file
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.516920> [eFbLCD] framebuffer not available
<   369.519604> [eDboxLCD] xres=132, yres=64, bpp=8 lcd_type=1
-sh: can't open 369.516920: no such file
-sh: framebuffer: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.519604> [eDboxLCD] xres=132, yres=64, bpp=8 lcd_type=1
<   369.519742> [eLCD] (132x64x8) buffer 0x826c78 8448 bytes, stride 132
-sh: can't open 369.519604: no such file
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.519742> [eLCD] (132x64x8) buffer 0x826c78 8448 bytes, stride 132
<   369.519834-sh: > [gLCDDC] syntax error: unexpected "("resoluti
on: 132x64x8 stride=132
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.519834> [gLCDDC] resolution: 132x64x8 stride=132
<   369.519908> [eInit] + (9) Font Render Class
-sh: can't open 369.519834: no such file
-sh: resolution:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.519908> [eInit] + (9) Font Render Class
<   369.519997> [FONT] initializing lib..-sh: .
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.519997> [FONT] initializing lib...
<   369.520583> [FONT] loading fonts...
-sh: can't open 369.519997: no such file
-sh: initializing: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.520583> [FONT] loading fonts...
<   369.520710> [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
-sh: can't open 369.520583: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.520710> [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
<   369.521052> [eInit] + (10) gRC
-sh: can't open 369.520710: no such file
-sh: Intializing: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.521052> [eInit] + (10) gRC
<   369.521932> [gRC] thread created successfully-sh:
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.521932> [gRC] thread created successfully
<   369.523105> [eInit] + (15) eWindowStyleManager
-sh: can't open 369.521932: no such file
-sh: thread: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523105> [eInit] + (15) eWindowStyleManager
<   369.523250> [eInit] + (20) DVB-CI UI
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523250> [eInit] + (20) DVB-CI UI
<   369.523342> [eInit] + -sh: (20) UHF Mosyntax error: unexpected "("dulator

root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523342> [eInit] + (20) UHF Modulator
<   369.523476> [eRFmod] couldnt open /dev/r-sh: fmod0: No ssyntax error: unexpected "("uch file
 or directory
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523476> [eRFmod] couldnt open /dev/rfmod0: No such file or directory
<   369.523606> [eInit] + (20) RC Input layer
-sh: can't open 369.523476: no such file
-sh: couldnt: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523606> [eInit] + (20) RC Input layer
<   369.523695> [eInit] + (20) misc opti-sh: ons
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523695> [eInit] + (20) misc options
<   369.523776> [eInit] + (20) AVSwitch Dri-sh: ver
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523776> [eInit] + (20) AVSwitch Driver
<   369.523893> [eAVSwitch] failed to ope-sh: n /dev/dbosyntax error: unexpected "("x/fp0 t
o monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed: No such file or directory
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.523893> [eAVSwitch] failed to open /dev/dbox/fp0 to monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed: No such file or directory
<   369.524043> [eInit] + (21) input device driver
-sh: can't open 369.523893: no such file
-sh: failed: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.524043> [eInit] + (21) input device driver
<   369.525428> [eRCInputEventDriver] devicename-sh: =dreambox asyntax error: unexpected "("dvanced
remote control (native)
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.525428> [eRCInputEventDriver] devicename=dreambox advanced remote control (native)
<   369.525561> [eRCInputEventDriver] EVIOCGRAB: De-sh: vice or ressyntax error: unexpected "("ource bu
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.525561> [eRCInputEventDriver] EVIOCGRAB: Device or resource busy
<   369.525656> [eRCDeviceInputDev] device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontr-sh: ol
can't open 369.525561: no such file
-sh: EVIOCGRAB:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.525656> [eRCDeviceInputDev] device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
<   369.525867> [eInputDeviceInit] Found 1 input devices.
-sh: can't open 369.525656: no such file
-sh: device: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.525867> [eInputDeviceInit] Found 1 input devices.
<   369.525980> [eInit] + (22) Hdmi CEC driver
-sh: can't open 369.525867: no such file
-sh: Found: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.525980> [eInit] + (22) Hdmi CEC driver
<   369.527236> [eHdmiCEC] cannot open /de-sh: v/hdmi_cec:syntax error: unexpected "(" Device
 or resource busy
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.527236> [eHdmiCEC] cannot open /dev/hdmi_cec: Device or resource busy
<   369.527375> [eInit] + (30) eActionMap
-sh: can't open 369.527236: no such file
-sh: cannot: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.527375> [eInit] + (30) eActionMap
<   369.527475> [eInit] + (35) CI Slots-sh:
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.527475> [eInit] + (35) CI Slots
<   369.527563> [CI] scannin-sh: g for commonsyntax error: unexpected "(" interfa
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.527563> [CI] scanning for common interfaces..
<   369.529207> [CI] Slot 0 setSource(0)
-sh: can't open 369.527563: no such file
-sh: scanning: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.529207> [CI] Slot 0 setSource(0)
<   369.5297-sh: 51> [CI] eDVsyntax error: unexpected "("BCIInte
rfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.529751> [CI] eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# ): unhandled variable size 8
nter-sh: faces->setInsyntax error: unexpected ")"putSour
ce(1, 1)
root@vusolo2:~# terfaces->setInputSource(1, 1)
<   369.531422> [CI] done, found 1 common interf-sh: ace slotssyntax error: unexpected "("

root@vusolo2:~# <   369.531422> [CI] done, found 1 common interface slots
<   369.531502> [eInit] + (35) CA handler
-sh: can't open 369.531422: no such file
-sh: done,: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.531502> [eInit] + (35) CA handler
<   369.533555> [eInit] + (40) eServiceC-sh: enter
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.533555> [eInit] + (40) eServiceCenter
<   369.533713> [eService-sh: Center] settsyntax error: unexpected "("ings in
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.533713> [eServiceCenter] settings instance.
<   369.533802> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
-sh: can't open 369.533713: no such file
-sh: settings: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.533802> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
<   369.533926> [eIni-sh: t] + (41) eSsyntax error: unexpected "("erviceF
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.533926> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryHDMI
<   369.534078> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFact-sh: oryM2TS
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.534078> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
<   369.535153> [eInit-sh: ] + (41) eSsyntax error: unexpected "("erviceFa
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.535153> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
<   369.535404> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFa-sh: ctoryFS
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.535404> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
<   369.535527> [eIni-sh: t] + (41) esyntax error: unexpected "("ServiceF
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.535527> [eInit] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
<   369.535660> [eInit] + (41) Encoders
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.535660> [eInit] + (41) Encoders
<   369.535870> [eInit] + (41)-sh:  Stream sersyntax error: unexpected "("ver

root@vusolo2:~# <   369.535870> [eInit] + (41) Stream server
<   369.536777> [eServerSocket] ERROR on bind: Addre-sh: ss already syntax error: unexpected "("in use

root@vusolo2:~# <   369.536777> [eServerSocket] ERROR on bind: Address already in use
<   369.537366> [eServerSocket] ERROR on bind: Address already in use
-sh: can't open 369.536777: no such file
-sh: ERROR: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.537366> [eServerSocket] ERROR on bind: Address already in use
<   369.537665> [eInit] reached rl 70
-sh: can't open 369.537366: no such file
-sh: ERROR: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.537665> [eInit] reached rl 70
<   369.537864> [eDVBDB] ---- opening lame channel db
-sh: can't open 369.537665: no such file
-sh: reached: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.537864> [eDVBDB] ---- opening lame channel db
<   369.538131> [eDVBDB] reading services (version 4)
-sh: can't open 369.537864: no such file
-sh: ----: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.538131> [eDVBDB] reading services (version 4)
<   369.949084> [eDVBDB] -sh: loaded 484 syntax error: unexpected "("channels
/transponders and 6851 services
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.949084> [eDVBDB] loaded 484 channels/transponders and 6851 services
<   369.949508> [eDVBResourceManager] scanning for frontends..
-sh: can't open 369.949084: no such file
-sh: loaded: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.949508> [eDVBResourceManager] scanning for frontends..
<   369.949771> [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 0
-sh: can't open 369.949508: no such file
-sh: scanning: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.949771> [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 0
<   369.950743> [eDVBFrontend] close frontend 0
-sh: can't open 369.949771: no such file
-sh: opening: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.950743> [eDVBFrontend] close frontend 0
<   369.951427> [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 1
-sh: can't open 369.950743: no such file
-sh: close: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.951427> [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 1
<   369.951658> [eDVBFrontend] opening /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1 failed: Device or resource busy
-sh: can't open 369.951427: no such file
-sh: opening: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.951658> [eDVBFrontend] opening /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1 failed: Device or resource busy
<   369.951956> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 0
-sh: can't open 369.951658: no such file
-sh: opening: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.951956> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 0
<   369.952134> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 1
-sh: can't open 369.951956: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952134> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 1
<   369.952219> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 2
-sh: can't open 369.952134: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952219> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 2
<   369.952275> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 3
-sh: can't open 369.952219: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952275> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 3
<   369.952336> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 4
-sh: can't open 369.952275: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952336> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 4
<   369.952390> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 5
-sh: can't open 369.952336: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952390> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 5
<   369.952441> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 6
-sh: can't open 369.952390: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952441> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 6
<   369.952491> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 7
-sh: can't open 369.952441: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952491> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 7
<   369.952541> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 8
-sh: can't open 369.952491: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952541> [eDVBAdapterLinux] get demux 8
<   369.952852> [eDVBResourceManager] found 1 adapter, 1 frontends(1 sim) and 9 demux, boxtype 4
-sh: can't open 369.952541: no such file
-sh: get: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.952852> [eDVBResourceManager] found 1 adapter, 1 frontends(1 sim) and 9 demux, boxtype 4
<   369.953174> [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Use valid -sh: Linux Time syntax error: unexpected "(":) (RTC
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.953174> [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Use valid Linux Time :) (RTC?)
<   369.953365> [eEPGCache] Initialized EPGCache (-sh: wait for sesyntax error: unexpected ")"tCacheFi
le call now)
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.953365> [eEPGCache] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
<   369.954686> [MAIN] Loading spinners...
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.954686> [MAIN] Loading spinners...
<   369.959371> [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
-sh: can't open 369.954686: no such file
-sh: Loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   369.959371> [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
<   369.959467> [MAIN] found 7 spinner!
> <   369.959467> [MAIN] found 7 spinner!

[MAIN] executing main
> [MAIN] executing main
<   369.959874> [setIoPrio] best-effort level 3 ok
> <   369.959874> [setIoPrio] best-effort level 3 ok
<   370.182601> [eDVBFrontend] Failed to open /dev/dbox/fp0
> <   370.182601> [eDVBFrontend] Failed to open /dev/dbox/fp0
<   370.182965> [Misc_Options] 12Vdetect cannot open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output: No such file> <   370.182965> [Misc_Options] 12Vdetect cannot open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output: No such fileffer not available
dwareInfo] Scanning hardware info
> wareInfo] Scanning hardware info
Detected: vusolo2 (1200E8)
> Detected: vusolo2 (1200E8)
[Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
> [Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
> new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
[ePopen] command: ('hdparm', 'hdparm', '-S0', '/dev/sda')
> [ePopen] command: ('hdparm', 'hdparm', '-S0', '/dev/sda')
<   370.205805> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting hdparm
> <   370.205805> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting hdparm
new Harddisk sdb -> /dev/sdb -> /dev/sdb
> new Harddisk sdb -> /dev/sdb -> /dev/sdb
[ePopen] command: ('sdparm', 'sdparm', '--set=SCT=0', '/dev/sdb')
> [ePopen] command: ('sdparm', 'sdparm', '--set=SCT=0', '/dev/sdb')
<   370.221910> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting sdparm
> <   370.221910> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting sdparm
Reading satellites.xml
> Reading satellites.xml
removing internal link on frontend id 0
> removing internal link on frontend id 0
sec config cleared
> sec config cleared
<   371.578761> [eDVBFrontend] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr BCM7356 DVB-S2 NIM (internal), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
> <   371.578761> [eDVBFrontend] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr BCM7356 DVB-S2 NIM (internal), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S
2 Yes
link tuner 0 to tuner 1
> link tuner 0 to tuner 1
slot: 0 configmode: loopthrough
> slot: 0 configmode: loopthrough
slot: 1 configmode: advanced
> slot: 1 configmode: advanced
add 48 to 1
> add 48 to 1
add 70 to 1
> add 70 to 1
add 90 to 1
> add 90 to 1
add 100 to 1
> add 100 to 1
add 130 to 1
> add 130 to 1
add 160 to 1
> add 160 to 1
add 192 to 1
> add 192 to 1
add 235 to 1
> add 235 to 1
add 282 to 1
> add 282 to 1
add 315 to 1
> add 315 to 1
add 360 to 2
> add 360 to 2
add 420 to 1
> add 420 to 1
add 450 to 1
> add 450 to 1
add 530 to 1
> add 530 to 1
add 549 to 1
> add 549 to 1
add 750 to 1
> add 750 to 1
add 851 to 1
> add 851 to 1
add 3560 to 1
> add 3560 to 1
add 3592 to 1
> add 3592 to 1
sec config completed
> sec config completed
[Picon] adding path: /media/usb/picon/
> [Picon] adding path: /media/usb/picon/
<   372.272388> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.tv
> <   372.272388> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.tv
<   372.272782> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.ntv___tv_.tv
> <   372.272782> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.ntv___tv_.tv
<   372.275950> [eDVBDB] 210 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ntv___tv_.tv
> <   372.275950> [eDVBDB] 210 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ntv___tv_.tv
<   372.276370> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.ntv__hd__tv_.tv
> <   372.276370> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.ntv__hd__tv_.tv
<   372.276911> [eDVBDB] 33 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ntv__hd__tv_.tv
> <   372.276911> [eDVBDB] 33 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ntv__hd__tv_.tv
<   372.277281> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.trikolor.tv
> <   372.277281> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.trikolor.tv
<   372.279468> [eDVBDB] 192 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.trikolor.tv
> <   372.279468> [eDVBDB] 192 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.trikolor.tv
<   372.279793> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.___trikolor_hd__.tv
> <   372.279793> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.___trikolor_hd__.tv
<   372.280432> [eDVBDB] 35 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.___trikolor_hd__.tv
> <   372.280432> [eDVBDB] 35 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.___trikolor_hd__.tv
<   372.280756> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.____kontinent____.tv
> <   372.280756> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.____kontinent____.tv
<   372.282943> [eDVBDB] 176 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.____kontinent____.tv
> <   372.282943> [eDVBDB] 176 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.____kontinent____.tv
<   372.283346> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.___kontinent_hd___.tv
> <   372.283346> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.___kontinent_hd___.tv
<   372.283790> [eDVBDB] 20 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.___kontinent_hd___.tv
> <   372.283790> [eDVBDB] 20 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.___kontinent_hd___.tv
<   372.284210> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1e_4a__4_8e__.tv
> <   372.284210> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1e_4a__4_8e__.tv
<   372.284903> [eDVBDB] 47 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1e_4a__4_8e__.tv
> <   372.284903> [eDVBDB] 47 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1e_4a__4_8e__.tv
<   372.285304> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_7a__7_0e__.tv
> <   372.285304> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_7a__7_0e__.tv
<   372.285541> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_7a__7_0e__.tv
> <   372.285541> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_7a__7_0e__.tv
<   372.285878> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_9a__9_0e__.tv
> <   372.285878> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_9a__9_0e__.tv
<   372.286287> [eDVBDB] 12 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_9a__9_0e__.tv
> <   372.286287> [eDVBDB] 12 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_9a__9_0e__.tv
<   372.286638> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._hot_bird_13a_13b_13c__13_0e__.tv
> <   372.286638> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._hot_bird_13a_13b_13c__13_0e__.tv
<   372.287985> [eDVBDB] 102 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._hot_bird_13a_13b_13c__13_0e__.tv
> <   372.287985> [eDVBDB] 102 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._hot_bird_13a_13b_13c__13_0e__.tv
<   372.288395> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1h_1kr_1l_1m__19_2e__.tv
> <   372.288395> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1h_1kr_1l_1m__19_2e__.tv
<   372.289062> [eDVBDB] 42 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1h_1kr_1l_1m__19_2e__.tv
> <   372.289062> [eDVBDB] 42 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1h_1kr_1l_1m__19_2e__.tv
<   372.289385> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_3a_3b__23_5e__.tv
> <   372.289385> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_3a_3b__23_5e__.tv
<   372.289867> [eDVBDB] 27 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_3a_3b__23_5e__.tv
> <   372.289867> [eDVBDB] 27 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_3a_3b__23_5e__.tv
<   372.290587> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_2a_2b_2d__28_2e__.tv
> <   372.290587> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_2a_2b_2d__28_2e__.tv
<   372.291144> [eDVBDB] 25 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_2a_2b_2d__28_2e__.tv
> <   372.291144> [eDVBDB] 25 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_2a_2b_2d__28_2e__.tv
<   372.291474> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1g__31_5e__.tv
> <   372.291474> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._astra_1g__31_5e__.tv
<   372.291706> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1g__31_5e__.tv
> <   372.291706> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._astra_1g__31_5e__.tv
<   372.292133> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_36a_36b__36_0e__.tv
> <   372.292133> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._eutelsat_36a_36b__36_0e__.tv
<   372.292625> [eDVBDB] 26 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_36a_36b__36_0e__.tv> <   372.292625> [eDVBDB] 26 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._eutelsat_36a_36b__36_0e__.tvldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
-sh: can't open 369.959371: no such file
root@vusolo2:~# erbouquet._intelsat_12__45_0e__.tv
<   372.293236> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._intelsat_12__45_0e__.tv
-sh: erbouquet._intelsat_12__45_0e__.tv: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.293236> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._intelsat_12__45_0e__.tv
<   372.293569> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._express_am22__53_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.293236: no such file
-sh: 1: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.293569> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._express_am22__53_0e__.tv
<   372.293902> [eDVBDB] 12 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._express_am22__53_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.293569: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.293902> [eDVBDB] 12 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._express_am22__53_0e__.tv
<   372.294340> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._yamal_402__55_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.293902: no such file
-sh: 12: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.294340> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._yamal_402__55_0e__.tv
<   372.294846> [eDVBDB] 29 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._yamal_402__55_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.294340: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.294846> [eDVBDB] 29 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._yamal_402__55_0e__.tv
<   372.295214> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._abs_1_1a__75_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.294846: no such file
-sh: 29: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.295214> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._abs_1_1a__75_0e__.tv
<   372.295451> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._abs_1_1a__75_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.295214: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.295451> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._abs_1_1a__75_0e__.tv
<   372.295763> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._intelsat_15__85_2e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.295451: no such file
-sh: 1: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.295763> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._intelsat_15__85_2e__.tv
<   372.296274> [eDVBDB] 22 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._intelsat_15__85_2e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.295763: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.296274> [eDVBDB] 22 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._intelsat_15__85_2e__.tv
<   372.296607> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._yamal_201__90_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.296274: no such file
-sh: 22: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.296607> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet._yamal_201__90_0e__.tv
<   372.296934> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._yamal_201__90_0e__.tv
-sh: can't open 372.296607: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.296934> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet._yamal_201__90_0e__.tv
<   372.297339> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.tv
-sh: can't open 372.296934: no such file
-sh: 1: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.297339> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.tv
<   372.297552> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.tv
-sh: can't open 372.297339: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.297552> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.tv
<   372.297737> [eDVBDB] 22 entries in Bouquet bouquets.tv
-sh: can't open 372.297552: no such file
-sh: 0: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.297737> [eDVBDB] 22 entries in Bouquet bouquets.tv
<   372.298404> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.radio
-sh: can't open 372.297737: no such file
-sh: 22: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.298404> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.radio
<   372.298747> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.radio
-sh: can't open 372.298404: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.298747> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.radio
<   372.298943> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.radio
-sh: can't open 372.298747: no such file
-sh: loading: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.298943> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.radio
<   372.299184> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet bouquets.radio
-sh: can't open 372.298943: no such file
-sh: 0: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.299184> [eDVBDB] 1 entries in Bouquet bouquets.radio
<   372.299339> [eDVBDB] Renumbering...
-sh: can't open 372.299184: no such file
-sh: 1: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.299339> [eDVBDB] Renumbering...
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf<   372.740895> [FONT] OK (Regular)
-sh: can't open 372.299339: no such file
-sh: Renumbering...: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf<   372.740895> [FONT] OK (Regular)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts-sh: /andale.ttfsyntax error: unexpected "("<   372.
741724> [FONT] OK (Fixed)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/andale.ttf<   372.741724> [FONT] OK (Fixed)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/font-sh: s/tuxtxt.ttfsyntax error: unexpected "("<   372.
742826> [FONT] OK (Console)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf<   372.742826> [FONT] OK (Console)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/-sh: ae_AlMateen.syntax error: unexpected "("ttf<
372.743787> [FONT] OK (Replacement)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf<   372.743787> [FONT] OK (Replacement)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyb-sh: er_fhd/fontssyntax error: unexpected "("/Neurop
ol.ttf<   372.755810> [FONT] OK (Titles)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/Neuropol.ttf<   372.755810> [FONT] OK (Titles)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cy-sh: ber_fhd/fonsyntax error: unexpected "("ts/Robot
o-Medium.ttf<   372.757436> [FONT] OK (Regular)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf<   372.757436> [FONT] OK (Regular)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/C-sh: yber_fhd/fonsyntax error: unexpected "("ts/LedC
ounter.ttf<   372.758861> [FONT] OK (Indication)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/LedCounter.ttf<   372.758861> [FONT] OK (Indication)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/L-sh: ucidaConsole.syntax error: unexpected "("ttf<
372.760329> [FONT] OK (Console)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/Cyber_fhd/fonts/LucidaConsole.ttf<   372.760329> [FONT] OK (Console)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Libe-sh: rationSans-Rsyntax error: unexpected "("egular.t
tf<   372.781710> [FONT] OK (Subs)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf<   372.781710> [FONT] OK (Subs)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/-sh: fonts/Liberasyntax error: unexpected "("tionSans-
Italic.ttf<   372.782645> [FONT] OK (Subsi)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-Italic.ttf<   372.782645> [FONT] OK (Subsi)
[FONT] adding font /usr/sh-sh: are/fonts/Lisyntax error: unexpected "("beratio
nSans-Bold.ttf<   372.783526> [FONT] OK (Subsb)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf<   372.783526> [FONT] OK (Subsb)
[FONT] adding font /usr/s-sh: hare/fonts/Lsyntax error: unexpected "("iberatio
nSans-BoldItalic.ttf<   372.784400> [FONT] OK (Subsz)
root@vusolo2:~# [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf<   372.784400> [FONT] OK (Subsz)
[iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR:-sh:  ioctl(EVIOsyntax error: unexpected "("CGNAME):
 [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
root@vusolo2:~# [iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
[iInputDevices] getInputDevice-sh: s  <ERROR: isyntax error: unexpected "("octl(EV
IOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
root@vusolo2:~# [iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
Activating keymap: Default (US)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# Activating keymap: Default (US)
[ePopen] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# [ePopen] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
<   372.821245> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
-sh: [ePopen]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   372.821245> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
Activating language Русский
-sh: can't open 372.821245: no such file
-sh: Starting: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Activating language Русский
<   373.216721> [eAVSwitch] cannot open /proc/stb/avs/0/input_choices: No such file or directory
-sh: Activating: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.216721> [eAVSwitch] cannot open /proc/stb/avs/0/input_choices: No such file or directory
--> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
-sh: can't open 373.216721: no such file
-sh: cannot: not found
root@vusolo2:~# --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
<   373.265833> [eTuxttxtApp] enable caching
-sh: --: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.265833> [eTuxttxtApp] enable caching
[ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev eth0
-sh: can't open 373.265833: no such file
-sh: enable: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev eth0
<   373.392405> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
-sh: [ePopen]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.392405> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<   373.396714> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 25
-sh: can't open 373.392405: no such file
-sh: Starting: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.396714> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 25
<   373.447528> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 127
-sh: can't open 373.396714: no such file
-sh: setLCDBrightness: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.447528> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 127
<   373.501812> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
-sh: can't open 373.447528: no such file
-sh: setLCDBrightness: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.501812> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
<   373.502924> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
-sh: can't open 373.501812: no such file
-sh: FIXME:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.502924> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
<   373.504142> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
-sh: can't open 373.502924: no such file
-sh: FIXME:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.504142> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
<   373.529149> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
-sh: can't open 373.504142: no such file
-sh: FIXME:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.529149> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
<   374.651850> [eTPM] connect error No such file or directory
-sh: can't open 373.529149: no such file
-sh: main: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   374.651850> [eTPM] connect error No such file or directory
Plugin  Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
-sh: can't open 374.651850: no such file
-sh: connect: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Plugin  Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
Plugin probably removed, but not cleanly in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
-sh: Plugin: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Plugin probably removed, but not cleanly in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
[Yamp] Set language to  ru
-sh: Plugin: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Set language to  ru
[Yamp] Set language to  ru
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Set language to  ru
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename without Extension
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename without Extension
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename with Extension
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename with Extension
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title (slow!)
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title (slow!)
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2-sh:  Translationsyntax error: unexpected "(" for Tit
le and Artist (slow!)
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title and Artist (slow!)
[Yamp] Fallback to defa-sh: ult Enigma2syntax error: unexpected "(" Transla
tion for Artist and Title (slow!)
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Artist and Title (slow!)
[Yamp] Fallback to default -sh: Enigma2 Trasyntax error: unexpected "("nslation
 for YAMP Music Player
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
[Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
[Seasondream] Unable to import servicets.so No module named servicets
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Seasondream] Unable to import servicets.so No module named servicets
('[BackupSuite] Unable to initialize MPHelp:', ImportError('No module named MPHelp',), '- Help not available!')
-sh: [Seasondream]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# ('[BackupSuite] Unable to initialize MPHelp:', ImportError('No module named MPHelp',), '- Help not available!')
[AudioSync] fallback to defa-sh: ult translasyntax error: unexpected "(" (expecting ")")tion for
  Audio Sync Setup
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync Setup
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Setup for the Audio Sync Plugin
-sh: [AudioSync]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Setup for the Audio Sync Plugin
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync
-sh: [AudioSync]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync
[AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  sets the Audio Delay (LipSync)
-sh: [AudioSync]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  sets the Audio Delay (LipSync)
<   377.163786> [eSocketMMIH-sh: andler] cresyntax error: unexpected "("ated su
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.163786> [eSocketMMIHandler] created successfully
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: can't open 377.163786: no such file
-sh: created: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
[AutoMount.py] U/MOUNTCMD---> umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] U/MOUNTCMD---> umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
[ePopen] command: umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [ePopen] command: umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
<   377.380734> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
-sh: [ePopen]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.380734> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
-sh: can't open 377.380734: no such file
-sh: Starting: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
<RemoteControlCode> Write Remote Control Code : 2
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <RemoteControlCode> Write Remote Control Code : 2
getModeList for port DVI-PC
-sh: can't open RemoteControlCode: no such file
-sh: Remote: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port DVI-PC
remove DVI-PC because of not existing modes
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# remove DVI-PC because of not existing modes
getModeList for port YPbPr
-sh: remove: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port YPbPr
getModeList for port Scart
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port Scart
getModeList for port DVI
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port DVI
hotplug on dvi
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# hotplug on dvi
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: hotplug: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
setMode - port: DVI mode: 1080p rate: multi
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# setMode - port: DVI mode: 1080p rate: multi
-> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: setMode: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
[CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
[CI_Activate] FOUND 1 CI Slots
-sh: [CI_Assignment]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [CI_Activate] FOUND 1 CI Slots
[CI_Activate] activate CI0 with following settings:
-sh: [CI_Activate]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [CI_Activate] activate CI0 with following settings:
-sh: [CI_Activate]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# 0
([], [], [])
-sh: 0: not found
root@vusolo2:~# ([], [], [])
starting hotplug handler
-sh: [],: not found
root@vusolo2:~# starting hotplug handler
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Jun 18 15:34:40 2015
-sh: starting: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Jun 18 15:34:40 2015
<   377.788374> PC: 004da088
-sh: [TIMER]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788374> PC: 004da088
<   377.788484>     00000000 00000001 00000000 00000001
-sh: can't open 377.788374: no such file
-sh: 004da088: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788484>     00000000 00000001 00000000 00000001
<   377.788563>     009d6468 7f9d0548 7f9d0560 00000000
-sh: can't open 377.788484: no such file
-sh: 00000001: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788563>     009d6468 7f9d0548 7f9d0560 00000000
<   377.788618>     00000168 00000098 009d6468 7f9d0560
-sh: can't open 377.788563: no such file
-sh: 7f9d0548: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788618>     00000168 00000098 009d6468 7f9d0560
<   377.788669>     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
-sh: can't open 377.788618: no such file
-sh: 00000098: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788669>     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
<   377.788725>     00000001 00000000 00000000 01171ac0
-sh: can't open 377.788669: no such file
-sh: 00000000: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788725>     00000001 00000000 00000000 01171ac0
<   377.788774>     7f9d0628 ffffffff 009d0f50 00000003
-sh: can't open 377.788725: no such file
-sh: 00000000: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788774>     7f9d0628 ffffffff 009d0f50 00000003
<   377.788819>     00000000 004b981c 76a9d084 00000000
-sh: can't open 377.788774: no such file
-sh: ffffffff: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788819>     00000000 004b981c 76a9d084 00000000
<   377.788869>     0064a1c0 7f9d0520 009d6468 004da088
-sh: can't open 377.788819: no such file
-sh: 004b981c: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788869>     0064a1c0 7f9d0520 009d6468 004da088
<   377.788916> -------FATAL SIGNAL
-sh: can't open 377.788869: no such file
-sh: 7f9d0520: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788916> -------FATAL SIGNAL
<   378.063873> [eTextPara] unicode U+ 213 not present
-sh: can't open 377.788916: no such file
-sh: SIGNAL: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   378.063873> [eTextPara] unicode U+ 213 not present
<   378.064673> [eTextPara] unicode U+   1 not present
-sh: can't open 378.063873: no such file
-sh: unicode: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   378.064673> [eTextPara] unicode U+   1 not present
<   380.093052> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
-sh: can't open 378.064673: no such file
-sh: unicode: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   380.093052> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
-sh: can't open 380.093052: no such file
-sh: main: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Killed
-sh: Killed: not found
root@vusolo2:~# root@vusolo2:~#
-sh: root@vusolo2:~#: not found
root@vusolo2:~# 373.396714> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 25
-sh: 373.396714: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.447528> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 127
-sh: can't open 373.447528: no such file
-sh: setLCDBrightness: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.501812> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
-sh: can't open 373.501812: no such file
-sh: FIXME:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.502924> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
-sh: can't open 373.502924: no such file
-sh: FIXME:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.504142> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
-sh: can't open 373.504142: no such file
-sh: FIXME:: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   373.529149> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
-sh: can't open 373.529149: no such file
-sh: main: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   374.651850> [eTPM] connect error No such file or directory
-sh: can't open 374.651850: no such file
-sh: connect: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Plugin  Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
-sh: Plugin: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Plugin probably removed, but not cleanly in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
-sh: Plugin: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Set language to  ru
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Set language to  ru
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename without Extension
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Filename with Extension
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title (slow!)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Title and Artist (slow!)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Artist and Title (slow!)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Yamp] Fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for YAMP Music Player
-sh: [Yamp]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [Seasondream] Unable to import servicets.so No module named servicets
-sh: [Seasondream]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# ('[BackupSuite] Unable to initialize MPHelp:', ImportError('No module named MPHelp',), '- Help not available!')
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" (expecting ")")
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync Setup
-sh: [AudioSync]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Setup for the Audio Sync Plugin
-sh: [AudioSync]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  Audio Sync
-sh: [AudioSync]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for  sets the Audio Delay (LipSync)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.163786> [eSocketMMIHandler] created successfully
-sh: can't open 377.163786: no such file
-sh: created: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] CheckMountPointFinished None None
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [AutoMount.py] U/MOUNTCMD---> umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
-sh: [AutoMount.py]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [ePopen] command: umount -fl '/media/net/Blue Disc'
-sh: [ePopen]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.380734> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
-sh: can't open 377.380734: no such file
-sh: Starting: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
-sh: [NetworkBrowser]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <RemoteControlCode> Write Remote Control Code : 2
-sh: can't open RemoteControlCode: no such file
-sh: Remote: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port DVI-PC
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# remove DVI-PC because of not existing modes
-sh: remove: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port YPbPr
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port Scart
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# getModeList for port DVI
-sh: getModeList: not found
root@vusolo2:~# hotplug on dvi
-sh: hotplug: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# setMode - port: DVI mode: 1080p rate: multi
-sh: setMode: not found
root@vusolo2:~# -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
-sh: -: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
-sh: [CI_Assignment]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [CI_Activate] FOUND 1 CI Slots
-sh: [CI_Activate]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [CI_Activate] activate CI0 with following settings:
-sh: [CI_Activate]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# 0
-sh: 0: not found
root@vusolo2:~# ([], [], [])
-sh: [],: not found
root@vusolo2:~# starting hotplug handler
-sh: starting: not found
root@vusolo2:~# [TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Jun 18 15:34:40 2015
-sh: [TIMER]: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788374> PC: 004da088
-sh: can't open 377.788374: no such file
-sh: 004da088: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788484>     00000000 00000001 00000000 00000001
-sh: can't open 377.788484: no such file
-sh: 00000001: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788563>     009d6468 7f9d0548 7f9d0560 00000000
-sh: can't open 377.788563: no such file
-sh: 7f9d0548: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788618>     00000168 00000098 009d6468 7f9d0560
-sh: can't open 377.788618: no such file
-sh: 00000098: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788669>     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
-sh: can't open 377.788669: no such file
-sh: 00000000: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788725>     00000001 00000000 00000000 01171ac0
-sh: can't open 377.788725: no such file
-sh: 00000000: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788774>     7f9d0628 ffffffff 009d0f50 00000003
-sh: can't open 377.788774: no such file
-sh: ffffffff: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788819>     00000000 004b981c 76a9d084 00000000
-sh: can't open 377.788819: no such file
-sh: 004b981c: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788869>     0064a1c0 7f9d0520 009d6468 004da088
-sh: can't open 377.788869: no such file
-sh: 7f9d0520: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   377.788916> -------FATAL SIGNAL
-sh: can't open 377.788916: no such file
-sh: SIGNAL: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   378.063873> [eTextPara] unicode U+ 213 not present
-sh: can't open 378.063873: no such file
-sh: unicode: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   378.064673> [eTextPara] unicode U+   1 not present
-sh: can't open 378.064673: no such file
-sh: unicode: not found
root@vusolo2:~# <   380.093052> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
-sh: can't open 380.093052: no such file
-sh: main: not found
root@vusolo2:~# Killed

это пишит когда на заставке "рестарт GUI" висит...
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  • Vu+ Solo 4k | Vu+ Solo 4k | Vu+ Solo²

Оффлайн Taapat

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Sirius0103, это пишит всё время пока пауза (тогда это и виновник) или засипит лог этим и потом тишина?
  • Zgemma H7S | Zgemma H.S | Edision OS mini + | Amiko SHD-8900 Alien | VU+ Solo2 | Gi ET11000 4K

Оффлайн Sirius0103Автор темы

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Taapat, да именно, когда висит заставка пишет много раз (видно в логе), потом как закончилась заставка и пошла перезагрузка пошёл лог загрузки уже нормальный...
  • Vu+ Solo 4k | Vu+ Solo 4k | Vu+ Solo²

Оффлайн Yura1966

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проблема есть так как тут её описывают
Sirius0103 а там пишут её нету и поэтому что она есть тут, а там якобы её нету, решать там не кто не будет, ну мне кажется она и там есть но просто решить её не кто не может, мне кажется запад нам тут не поможет. Не ну а шо делать, да не, остаётся только ждать, не ну а шо ещё, ждать и надеяться.
Ага вот ещё подумал, а может оно так и задумано, этот перезагруз ну шоб картинку лишнею прилепить и подольше на неё смотреть например девку, а чем плохо, смотри и смотри по ка не кто не видит.
Ё моё пока писал чуть крышу не сорвало всё думаю за этот долгий перегруз.

Оффлайн Kirillm

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В последнее время заметил что они нечего решать не хотят, как понял ихх Problem with transciding and update image - [EN] Enduser support - Forums Не хотите не обновляйтесь

В ДУО2 не работает транскодинг, и куда же откатыватся а


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