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АвторТема: WLTool  (Прочитано 13027 раз)

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Оффлайн falstafАвтор темы

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« Первое сообщение: 15 сентября | 2011г. | 00:55:42 »
WLTool v0.2
- minor fixes and blind/hack adjustment for fw 1.2.08
- on fw 1.1.42 press GREEN to start plugin OSD menu
- on fw 1.2.07 press RED to start plugin OSD menu
- on fw 1.2.08+ press RED (twice on Alien) and LEFT or RIGHT (on 8120 or other Spark STBs)
- it seems that API has changed in fw 1.2.08, but as there is no documentation or anything about it...,
RC response is slow - temporary solution: press UP/DOWN slowly:)
- looking for new API...

WLTool v0.1 (short for; Well, let's try to write a spark plugin)

- Mcas updater (self explanatory)
- Basic sysinfo (public/private IP, traffic, etc, mem and cpu info, some yaffs2 data)
- E2 cleaner (may be helpful to some with ecc errors)
- Ugly TCP clients/servers info (really ugly as there is no easy way to use monospace font at the moment)
- Based on Proton-team api v103prel4.
- Tested, well, briefly checked, on Alien 8900 fw v1142 n v1207, should work just fine on other siblings.

While in active windows, use UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT to return back to WLTool menu. EXIT returns to the main plugin menu. There is no need to leave WLTool running (green icon) as currently it does nothing in background. There are vogue plans to include more useful functions and better GUI as there are miniGUI and GTK libs already installed.

Ссылка: WLTool version 0.2

Оффлайн moto

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« Ответ #1: 15 сентября | 2011г. | 10:21:32 »
Можно коротко, в чём смысл плагина?

Оффлайн sergik

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« Ответ #2: 15 сентября | 2011г. | 11:47:57 »
В принципе всё написано.
- Mcas update- ключи для эмуля скачивает
- Basic sysinfo - системная информация (память, процессор...)
- Ugly TCP clients/servers info - инфа о соединениях

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