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АвторТема: DMConcinnity-HD-Controler fьr VTI 2.x  (Прочитано 2021 раз)

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DMConcinnity-HD-Controler fьr VTI 2.x
« Первое сообщение: 20 апреля | 2011г. | 04:36:52 »
    DMConcinnity-HD-Controler fьr VTI 2.x


- switching between Transparent and Solid
- Infobar changed, various views including analog clock
- Progressbarfarbe (blue, dark blue, red, purple, pink, green, yellow, gray), it will be changed every color accents!
- 4 different bars selectable Second Info

Planned enhancements:

- Cool TV Guide optimization (done)
- more colors + PNG optimization (partially completed)
- ecm.info own parser (planned)
- analog clock optimization, graphics as a pointer
- more views
- SecondInfoBar editable as InfoBar
- Channel Selection integrate next mission
- internationalize


- IPK copy it to the tmp directory and install from the VTI panel.
- make> DMConcinnity setup the settings - - After installation, the VTI-panel -> Extensions> GUI restart
- After restarting the GUI menu -> Settings -> System -> Skin DMConcinnity the HD hardymod Select Skin -> GUI restart (this is not necessary for an update!)

After an update:

- Go to> Add-ons - DMConcinnity HD controller on VTI Panel
- change a value at least briefly, and change back again, or make changes if desired.
- Save
- after restarting the GUI should run everything!

Version 0.2.4 (BETA) 26.10.2010:

- Added LastFM Screen (Thanks to Pitch for the screen!)
- Progressbarfarben added to purple, pink, dark blue and gray
- Progressbargrafiken optimized!
- Volume Control graphics optimized (now transparent and solid)
- Preview optimized (SecondInfoBar also shows the correct Progressbarfarbe)

Version 0.2.5 (BETA) 27/10/2010:

- Channel List Screen Video Fixed Progress List!

Version 0.2.6 (BETA) 27/10/2010:

- ExtraNumText.py integrated (Thanks lizard-king!)
- LastFM expanded (thanks Pitch!)

Version 0.2.7 (BETA) 28/10/2010:

- Watches.py integrated (for analog, was missing in the package!)

Version 0.2.8 (BETA) 28/10/2010:

- Extended date field, at long date, only the date was displayed.

Version 0.3.2 (BETA) 04/11/2010:

- New Color dark yellow "
- Optimized Cool TV Guide
- Replaced some graphics and adapted

Version 0.3.3 (BETA) 23/11/2010:

- Adaptation to the enhanced movie list V1.0.1 (Thanks to mgl!)
- From scooters Chart in the channel info (no more errors when you switch!)
- New second screen info (! Idea of ​​lizard-king, thank you big grin)
- Some video adjustments (format bug fixes)

Version 0.4.0 29/12/2010:

- Adapting to the Enhanced Movie Center V1.1.0
- Different window revised (date and time)
- Error in preview SecondInfoBar eliminated Type 5

Version 0.4.4 15/4/2011:

- Correction hardyClockToText.py - wrong display format for "Date" fixed
- Integration EMC2
- channel selection changed - display next broadcast stations including Picon (Thanks to Lizard King for the presentation of large
(it's the standard used Picon! Will you have other Picon, simply create a subfolder in Picon folder named Picon2 (capital "P"!). I use as the transparent Picon for dark backgrounds

Version 0.4.5 16.04.2011

 - EMC2 Filmliste geдndert (Datum jetzt voll sichtbar)
 - Styles Infobar Oben Rechts korrigiert (Auflцsung fehlte)
 - Aufnahmegrafik geдndert (Vom EMC2 ьbernommen)
 - 4 mal Tuneranzeige + DVB-C Unterstьtzung

Version 0.4.7 19.04.2011
- Recordsymbol auswдhlbar (5 verschiedene)
- Recordsymbol blinken ein- und ausschaltba

  • GI S9895 HD, Sezam 9100HD, Topfield 7700HSCI, Openbox X810, Prof 7301 DVB-S2


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