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АвторТема: Drtic  (Прочитано 1982 раз)

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« Первое сообщение: 04 июня | 2011г. | 14:56:30 »

is a plugin for the Dreambox, dBox2 and Triple Dragon satellite receivers. With this plugin you can
watch movies in foreign languages with subtitles  loaded to your satellite. It works on OE 1.6 based images now.

проверил (BH, GIS). рулит.  только не смог дружит с русскими[/i]
все необходимое тут
можно установить и через  GSF Subtitles Downloader

jDrtic - is a java application which converts subtitles to Drtic's native format.

Upload subtitles* to /var/tuxbox/Drtic/tit *Subtitles have to be in the DTC format.

Добавлено  04 июня | 2011г. | 15:09:18   
Control Summary

Спойлер   :
Normal mode
OK - Start/Pause subtitles
LAME - Exit plugin
left arrow - Show previous subtitle
right arrow - Show next subtitle
up arrow - Skip 10 subtitles forward
down arrow - Skip 10 subtitles backward
red button - Change subtitles size (zoom)
green button - Change pallete (normal/bright)
yellow button - Change color of subtitles (yellow - white - cyan - light green)
blue button - Change background of subtitles (semitransparent - transparent - black)
Bouquet + -Speed up subtitle by 0,5 sec
Bouquet - - Delay subtitles by 0,5 sec (slow down)
Volume + - Move subtitles up on TV screen
Volume - - Move subtitles down on TV screen
Video - Switch subtitles position - default (4:3 TV screen), or changed with volume +/- (16:9 zoom)
TV - Show dialog for FPS selection (Button on the bottom of RC!)
Menu (Dream on older versions of RC's) - Subtitles selection dialog
Numeric buttons 0-9 - Set elapsed time - you can set position in the programme.

Dialogs in general
OK or green button - Accept selection
LAME or red button - Exit dialog, do nothing
up - Move selection bar up
down - Move selection bar down

Subtitles file selection dialog
left - Previous page with files
right - Next page with subtitles
blue button - Mark subtitles for deletion. When you press OK you'll have to confirm deletion.
yellow button - Load subtitles from drtic.dtc file.
0-9 buttons - Mobile phone like subtitles selection - skips to first subtitles file starting with correspondig letter.

  • VU+ duo     мультифид LNB3(75E)-LNB4(85E)-LNB5(90E);    diseqc 1.2 -LNB1( 9-53E); LNB2 ( 36E)



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