08 марта | 2025г. | 20:31:12

АвторТема: HelpLocalizationOfImage - плагин в помощь переводчикам имиджей  (Прочитано 3909 раз)

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Потеряв четыре дня, но дойдя всего лишь до четверти (25%) в деле перевода имиджа OpenATV, меня снова осенило, можно же ускорить этот процесс, как давече сделал с "ковырянием" в скине.

Те, кто занимался переводом знают, что обычно мы берем в качестве основы какой-нибудь более продвинутый перевод в имидже, и оттуда узнаем непереведенное.
Обычно это бывает немецкий перевод в имидже. Немцы почти всегда более оперативно реагируют, и у них свежий перевод.

Так вот в течении четырех дней сравнивая немецкий перевод с русским в поисках непереведенного, двигаюсь уж очень медленно, ведь в переводе десятки тысяч строк. Сравнивать эти строки вручную, ну это просто адская работа.

Вот и написал плагинчик-тулзу, который уже с помощью машинного процессора, за секунды нам выдаст весь список непереведенного. И чего это я раньше не додумался??

И вот подсунув плагину немецкий более полный и русский совсем неполные переводы (имидж ОпенVTA), я получил вот этот список.

Новая версия 1.1

- улучшение сравнения переводов...

Спойлер   :
msgid "1X"
msgid "2X"
msgid "3D Mode"
msgid "3X"
msgid "4X"
msgid "A/V settings"
msgid "Aspect Ratio"
msgid "Aspect list..."
msgid "CaID: "
msgid "Customise"
msgid "Display >16:9 content as"
msgid "Do you want to reboot your %s %s?"
msgid "ECM avg"
msgid "Ecm:"
msgid "Enable auto PIN"
msgid "Enable blinking rec symbol on the LCD Display"
msgid "Enable debug log"
msgid "Enable panic button"
msgid "Enable teletext caching"
msgid "Encryption key"
msgid "Enigma2 Changes"
msgid "Entitlements"
msgid "Error executing plugin"
msgid "Error reading webpage!"
msgid "Event Info"
msgid "Event font size"
msgid "Extended Shares"
msgid "Extended System"
msgid "Extensions/QuickMenu"
msgid "FTP Setup"
msgid "Filesystem check your Harddisk"
msgid "Flash On the Fly"
msgid "Flash On the fly (select a image)"
msgid "Flash Online"
msgid "Flash Online a new image"
msgid "Flash and restore settings and all saved plugins"
msgid "Flash and restore settings and no plugins"
msgid "Flash and restore settings and selected plugins (ask user)"
msgid "Flash and start installation wizard"
msgid "Flash on the fly your your Receiver software."
msgid "Fontsize"
msgid "For more information see https://www.opena.tv"
msgid "Force de-interlace"
msgid "Format HDD"
msgid "Format your Harddisk"
msgid "Free Memory:"
msgid "Free Swap:"
msgid "Free memory"
msgid "Free memory:"
msgid "Free:"
msgid "Free: "
msgid "Frozen Cam Check"
msgid "Ftpd service type: Vsftpd server"
msgid "Full back-up on %s"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgid "General"
msgid "Get latest experimental image"
msgid "Get latest release image"
msgid "Goto next bouquet"
msgid "Goto next channel"
msgid "Goto previous bouquet"
msgid "Goto previous channel"
msgid "Goto specific data/time"
msgid "Graphical EPG"
msgid "Graphics"
msgid "Green"
msgid "Green long"
msgid "Grey"
msgid "HDMI CEC"
msgid "HDMI CEC Setup"
msgid "Height"
msgid "Here you can select which files should be updated with a online update"
msgid "Hide CI messages"
msgid "Hide any zap error messages."
msgid "Hide error messages from the Common Interface module."
msgid "Hide zap errors"
msgid "History buttons mode"
msgid "Hops:"
msgid "Hostname: "
msgid "Hour"
msgid "Hourly"
msgid "Hours Mins"
msgid "Hours Mins Secs"
msgid "IMDb Details"
msgid "INFO button mode"
msgid "INFO-Panel..."
msgid "IP address"
msgid "IP:"
msgid "Idle Time: "
msgid "If enabled the video will always be de-interlaced."
msgid "If set to 'yes' channels without EPG will not be shown."
msgid "If set to 'yes' shows a small TV-screen in the EPG."
msgid "If set to 'yes' the bouquets will be shown each time you open the EPG."
msgid "If set to 'yes' the channel number will be displayed in the infobar."
msgid "If set to 'yes' the infobar will be displayed when a new event starts."
msgid "If set to 'yes' the infobar will be displayed when changing channels."
msgid "If set to 'yes' you can preview channels in the EPG list."
msgid "Image Information"
msgid "Inadyn Log"
msgid "Inadyn Setup"
msgid "Increase time scale"
msgid "Info = show tuner informations"
msgid "Info button (long)"
msgid "Info button (short)"
msgid "Info icon width"
msgid "InfoBar EPG mode"
msgid "Infobar EPG"
msgid "InfobarEPG settings"
msgid "Initial fast forward speed"
msgid "Initial rewind speed"
msgid "Install Plugins"
msgid "Install Softcams"
msgid "Install plugins"
msgid "Installing Service"
msgid "Installing plugins..."
msgid "Interface"
msgid "Internal flash"
msgid "Internal hdd only"
msgid "Interval between keys when repeating:"
msgid "JobManager"
msgid "Jump first press in channel selection"
msgid "Just change Bouquet"
msgid "Just change channels"
msgid "Just scale"
msgid "Just zap"
msgid "Keeps MovieList open whilst playing audio files."
msgid "Keyboard map"
msgid "Keymap Selection"
msgid "Keymap changed, you need to restart the GUI"
msgid "LAN adapter"
msgid "LCD Skin Setup"
msgid "LCD scroll speed"
msgid "Label"
msgid "Last Req."
msgid "Last used share: "
msgid "Left from servicename"
msgid "Light Grey"
msgid "Limit debug log size (MB)"
msgid "Link quality:"
msgid "Listen to the radio..."
msgid "Load EPG"
msgid "Load/Save"
msgid "Local = Flash a image from local path /hdd/images"
msgid "Local box"
msgid "Local network"
msgid "Log Manager"
msgid "Logs location"
msgid "Logs older then the set no of days will be deleted."
msgid "Logs settings"
msgid "Long << / >>"
msgid "Long Left/Right"
msgid "Lower Framerate save CPU Time"
msgid "Manage network mounts"
msgid "Manage your online update files"
msgid "Manual scan"
msgid "Manual scan for services"
msgid "Maxdown +"
msgid "Maxdown -"
msgid "Maxdown: "
msgid "Maximum no of days:"
msgid "Maximum space used (MB):"
msgid "Media playback Remaining/Elapsed as"
msgid "Memory Information"
msgid "Menu config"
msgid "MiniDLNA Setup"
msgid "MiniTV with OSD"
msgid "Mins"
msgid "Mins Secs"
msgid "Mount Manager"
msgid "Mount Setup"
msgid "Mounts Devices"
msgid "Mounts Setup"
msgid "Move Left/Right"
msgid "Move Up/Down"
msgid "Movie List"
msgid "MultiEPG settings"
msgid "NFI image flashing completed. Press Yellow to Reboot!"
msgid "NFS Setup"
msgid "NTP"
msgid "Name:"
msgid "Network Adapter Selection"
msgid "Network Browser"
msgid "Network ID"
msgid "Network Information"
msgid "Network Interface"
msgid "Network MAC settings"
msgid "Network Restart"
msgid "Network Servers:"
msgid "Network Services"
msgid "Network mounts"
msgid "Network name (SSID)"
msgid "Network wizard"
msgid "Neutrino  (keymap.ntr)"
msgid "New Packages"
msgid "New profile: "
msgid "New timers location"
msgid "No ECM info"
msgid "No IPTV media server found"
msgid "No card inserted!"
msgid "No httpport defined in oscam.conf. This value is required!"
msgid "No httppwd defined in oscam.conf"
msgid "No httpuser defined in oscam.conf"
msgid "No network connection available."
msgid "No new ECM info"
msgid "No, just start my %s %s"
msgid "NodeID"
msgid "NodeID: "
msgid "Not Shown"
msgid "Nothing to upgrade"
msgid "Number of rows"
msgid "OE Changes"
msgid "OK button (long)"
msgid "OK button (short)"
msgid "OK button mode"
msgid "OK/ green = activate settings"
msgid "OSD 3D Setup"
msgid "OSD Adjustment"
msgid "OSD Position"
msgid "OScam Info"
msgid "Offline decode delay (ms)"
msgid "Once per day"
msgid "One line"
msgid "Online = Download a image and flash it"
msgid "OnlineVersionCheck"
msgid "Only active when in standby"
msgid "Only free scan"
msgid "Open bouquetlist..."
msgid "Open the Plugin Browser"
msgid "OpenVPN Setup"
msgid "OpenVpn Log"
msgid "OpenVpn Setup"
msgid "Option to disable picons on the Infobar"
msgid "Option to enable the Hardware Standby Timer"
msgid "Oscam Info - Configuration"
msgid "Oscam Info - Main Menu"
msgid "Overwrite Bootlogo Files ?"
msgid "Overwrite Driver Files ?"
msgid "Overwrite Emu Files ?"
msgid "Overwrite Picon Files ?"
msgid "Overwrite Setting Files ?"
msgid "Overwrite Spinner Files ?"
msgid "Overwrite bootlogo files during software upgrade?"
msgid "Overwrite driver files during software upgrade?"
msgid "Overwrite picon files during software upgrade?"
msgid "Overwrite setting files (channellist) during software upgrade?"
msgid "Overwrite softcam files during software upgrade?"
msgid "Overwrite spinner files during software upgrade?"
msgid "PIP with OSD"
msgid "Password (httpwd)"
msgid "Password:"
msgid "Peak load (max queued requests per workerthread)"
msgid "Percentage"
msgid "Percentage left"
msgid "Percentage right"
msgid "Picon and Service Name"
msgid "Picon width"
msgid "Picture in graphics"
msgid "Please be patient, a backup will now be made,\n"
msgid "Please choose CCcam-Reader"
msgid "Please choose reader"
msgid "Please connect your %s %s to the internet"
msgid "Please select an NFI file and press green key to flash!"
msgid "Please select device to use as swapfile location"
msgid "Please select medium"
msgid "Please wait while we check your installed plugins..."
msgid "Please wait whilst feeds state is checked."
msgid "Please: DO NOT reboot your STB and turn off the power.\n"
msgid "Port:"
msgid "Power On Display"
msgid "PowerTimer List"
msgid "PowerTimer Overview"
msgid "PowerTimers"
msgid "Predefined"
msgid "Prefer audio track stored by service"
msgid "Prefer graphical DVB subtitles"
msgid "Prefer subtitles stored by service"
msgid "Press '0' to toggle PiP mode"
msgid "Primetime hour"
msgid "Primetime minute"
msgid "Profile: Local box"
msgid "Progress bar left"
msgid "Progress bar right"
msgid "Protocol"
msgid "Provider Name: "
msgid "Provider: "
msgid "Providers:"
msgid "Providers: "
msgid "Put your %s %s in standby"
msgid "Python Camstarter (default)"
msgid "Quick Launch Menu"
msgid "Quick Menu..."
msgid "QuickEPG mode"
msgid "QuickMenu/Extensions"
msgid "Read Userdata from oscam.conf"
msgid "Reader"
msgid "Reader Statistics"
msgid "Ready to install %s ?"
msgid "Ready to remove %s ?"
msgid "Reception settings"
msgid "Record next"
msgid "Record now"
msgid "Recording Setup"
msgid "Recording settings"
msgid "Red"
msgid "Red long"
msgid "Refresh every (in hours)"
msgid "Refresh rate selection."
msgid "Reload Services"
msgid "Reloading EPG Cache..."
msgid "Remaining"
msgid "Remaining & Elapsed"
msgid "Remote Control Code"
msgid "Remote box"
msgid "Remove bookmark"
msgid "Removing Service"
msgid "Rename failed!"
msgid "Rename to:"
msgid "Rename..."
msgid "Renamed %s!"
msgid "Repeat Display Message"
msgid "Reshare:"
msgid "Restart %s %s."
msgid "Restart Gui"
msgid "Restart Network"
msgid "Restart Network Adapter"
msgid "Restart network and remount connections"
msgid "Restart network to with current setup"
msgid "Restore Plugins"
msgid "Restore Settings"
msgid "Restore settings from a backup"
msgid "Right from servicename"
msgid "Run"
msgid "Run how often ?"
msgid "Running Myrestore script, Please wait ..."
msgid "SABnzbd Setup"
msgid "Samba Setup"
msgid "Save EPG"
msgid "Save every (in hours)"
msgid "Saving EPG Cache..."
msgid "Saving Timeshift files"
msgid "Scan for local extensions and install them"
msgid "Scrolling Speed"
msgid "Scrolling delay (software renderer)"
msgid "Scrolling speed (software renderer)"
msgid "Search Sats"
msgid "Seekbar activation"
msgid "Seekbar sensibility"
msgid "Select Backup files"
msgid "Select Cam 1"
msgid "Select Cam 2"
msgid "Select Lan/Wlan"
msgid "Select Red-key action"
msgid "Select Red-key action long"
msgid "Select Software Update"
msgid "Select Yellow Key Action"
msgid "Select a script to run:"
msgid "Select folders"
msgid "Select how to activate the Quick EPG mode:"
msgid "Select how your box will upgrade."
msgid "Select if timeshift must continue when set to record."
msgid "Select if you want the Subservice mode to be activated."
msgid "Select seekbar to be activated by arrow L/R (long) or << >> (long)."
msgid "Select the Swap File Size:"
msgid "Select what you want the Channel +/- button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the EPG button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the INFO button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the OK button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the RED button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the RED-Long button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the TV button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the Up/Down button to activate:"
msgid "Select what you want the YELLOW button to activate:"
msgid "Select your Language for Audio/Subtitles"
msgid "Send"
msgid "Serv.Name"
msgid "Servers"
msgid "Servers:"
msgid "Service Information"
msgid "Service font size"
msgid "Service info font size"
msgid "Service name font size"
msgid "Service number font size"
msgid "Service width"
msgid "Set Framerate for MiniTV"
msgid "Set System"
msgid "Set the default sorting method."
msgid "Set the jump-size of the seekbar."
msgid "Set the scrolling speed of text on the front display."
msgid "Set the time before checking video source for resolution infomation."
msgid "Set the time to hide the infobar."
msgid "Set to the desired primetime (hour)."
msgid "Set to the desired primetime (minutes."
msgid "Set to what you want the button to do."
msgid "Set voltage and 22KHz"
msgid "Settings..."
msgid "Setup AFP"
msgid "Setup Audio Sync"
msgid "Setup Enigma2"
msgid "Setup FTP"
msgid "Setup Inadyn"
msgid "Setup MiniDLNA"
msgid "Setup NFS"
msgid "Setup Network Services"
msgid "Setup Network Services (Samba, Ftp, NFS, ...)"
msgid "Setup OpenVPN"
msgid "Setup Plugin filter"
msgid "Setup SABnzbd"
msgid "Setup Samba"
msgid "Setup Telnet"
msgid "Setup Tuner"
msgid "Setup Videomode"
msgid "Setup each tuner for your satellite system"
msgid "Setup how to control the channel changing."
msgid "Setup interface"
msgid "Setup network time synchronization interval."
msgid "Setup network. Here you can setup DHCP, IP, DNS"
msgid "Setup rotor"
msgid "Setup the interval to check for online updates. (in hours)"
msgid "Setup tuner(s)"
msgid "Setup uShare"
msgid "Setup your Channel selection configuration"
msgid "Setup your Device mounts (USB, HDD, others...)"
msgid "Setup your EPG config"
msgid "Setup your Harddisk"
msgid "Setup your LCD"
msgid "Setup your OSD"
msgid "Setup your System"
msgid "Setup your Tuner and search for channels"
msgid "Setup your Video Mode, Video Output and other Video Settings"
msgid "Setup your display"
msgid "Setup your local network"
msgid "Setup your mounts for network"
msgid "Setup your network mounts"
msgid "Setup your positioner for your satellite system"
msgid "Setup your recording config"
msgid "Setup your remote buttons"
msgid "Setup your timezone."
msgid "Share Folder's"
msgid "Share View"
msgid "Shares"
msgid "Show /tmp/ecm.info"
msgid "Show 1080p 24fps as"
msgid "Show 1080p 25fps as"
msgid "Show 1080p 30fps as"
msgid "Show 720p 24fps as"
msgid "Show CCcam in extensions ?"
msgid "Show CCcamInfo in Extensions Menu"
msgid "Show Clients"
msgid "Show CoolInfoGuide"
msgid "Show CoolSingleGuide"
msgid "Show CoolTVGuide"
msgid "Show DVD-Player in Mainmenu"
msgid "Show DVD-Player in Mainmenu when BMC is installed ?"
msgid "Show Display Icons"
msgid "Show E2 Log"
msgid "Show Eventview"
msgid "Show Graphical EPG"
msgid "Show HDD progress"
msgid "Show HDMI Output Resulution"
msgid "Show HDMI-Output Res"
msgid "Show Log"
msgid "Show Log Manager in extensions list ?"
msgid "Show Media playback Remaining/Elapsed as"
msgid "Show Merlin EPG Center"
msgid "Show MiniTV in the Front Display"
msgid "Show Movies"
msgid "Show Multi EPG"
msgid "Show OE Log"
msgid "Show OScam in extensions ?"
msgid "Show OscamInfo in Extensions Menu"
msgid "Show PIP in the Front Display"
msgid "Show PVR status in MoviePlayer infobar"
msgid "Show Readers/Proxies"
msgid "Show Record Movies"
msgid "Show Restart Network in Extensions list *"
msgid "Show SD as"
msgid "Show Single EPG"
msgid "Show Softcam-Panel in Extensions Menu"
msgid "Show Time Remaining/Elapsed"
msgid "Show Transponder Remaining/Elapsed as"
msgid "Show VCR scart on main menu"
msgid "Show animation while busy"
msgid "Show background in Radio Mode"
msgid "Show background when tuned to a radio channel."
msgid "Show blinking rec symbol in LCD during recording"
msgid "Show bouquet on launch"
msgid "Show channel number in infobar"
msgid "Show channel numbers in channel selection"
msgid "Show columns"
msgid "Show crypto icons"
msgid "Show crypto info in infobar"
msgid "Show encryption info in the infobar (when supported by the skin)."
msgid "Show epg"
msgid "Show in extensions list ?"
msgid "Show infobar lite *"
msgid "Show infobar picons"
msgid "Show job tasks in extensions"
msgid "Show live tv when movie stopped"
msgid "Show menu"
msgid "Show on Display"
msgid "Show only found image and mtd partitions.\n"
msgid "Show or hide the extended description, (skin dependent)."
msgid "Show picon background colour"
msgid "Show screensaver"
msgid "Show service type icons"
msgid "Show spinning logo when system is busy."
msgid "Show status icons in movielist"
msgid "Show the media player..."
msgid "Show time elapsed as positive"
msgid "Show time remaining/elapsed"
msgid "Show transponder remaining/elapsed as"
msgid "Shows Plugins Browser. Here you can setup installed Plugin"
msgid "Shows available plugins. Here you can download and install them"
msgid "Shows available pluigns. Here you can download and install them"
msgid "Shows available softcams. Here you can download and install them"
msgid "Shuffle playlist"
msgid "Shutdown in (mins)"
msgid "Signal strength:"
msgid "Simulate (no write)"
msgid "SingleEPG settings"
msgid "Skin Setting"
msgid "Skin Setup"
msgid "Skin setup"
msgid "Sleep delay"
msgid "Slow motion speeds"
msgid "Softcam-Panel Setup"
msgid "Softcam-Panel..."
msgid "SoftcamPanel"
msgid "Software Manager Setup"
msgid "Sorry Inadyn Config is Missing"
msgid "Sorry feeds are down for maintenance, please try again later."
msgid "Sorry uShare Config is Missing"
msgid "Sort Extensions list alphabetically"
msgid "Sort by default"
msgid "Sort list by"
msgid "Sort menu screen's alphabetically"
msgid "Sort plug-in browser alphabetically"
msgid "Sort setting screen's alphabetically"
msgid "Special Features"
msgid "Start Mode"
msgid "Start attempts"
msgid "Start offline decode"
msgid "Start time"
msgid "Start/stop/select cam"
msgid "Start/stop/select your cam, You need to install first a softcam"
msgid "Starting Cam 1: "
msgid "Starting Cam 2: "
msgid "Status"
msgid "Stop check when cam is running"
msgid "Storage devices"
msgid "Subservice mode"
msgid "Support at"
msgid "Swap File not found. You have to create the file before to activate."
msgid "Swap Manager"
msgid "Swap PiP and main picture"
msgid "Swap Place:"
msgid "Swap SNR in '%' with SNR in 'db'"
msgid "Swap Size:"
msgid "Swap services"
msgid "SwapManager"
msgid "Switch Blue-Short (QuickMenu) with Blue-Long (Extensions)"
msgid "Switch config"
msgid "Switch to Radio"
msgid "Switch to TV"
msgid "Switch to next channel in history"
msgid "Switch to next sub service"
msgid "Switch to previous channel in history"
msgid "Switch to previous sub service"
msgid "Sync NTP every (minutes)"
msgid "Sync time using"
msgid "Synchronize systemtime using transponder or internet."
msgid "System Setup"
msgid "System: "
msgid "TV button mode"
msgid "Telnet Interface"
msgid "Telnet Port"
msgid "Telnet Setup"
msgid "Test the network configuration of your %s %s.\n"
msgid "The %s %s reads the stored EPG data every (hours)."
msgid "The %s %s stores the EPG data every (hours)."
msgid "The image or kernel will be flashing and auto booted in few minutes.\n"
msgid "The servicelist is reloaded."
msgid "The user interface of your %s %s is restarting"
msgid "There is no [webif] section in oscam.conf"
msgid "There was an error downloading the updatelist. Please try again."
msgid "This allows you change the number of rows shown."
msgid "This option allows to set the level of dynamic contrast of the picture."
msgid "This option allows you choose how to display elapsed time  as + or -"
msgid "This option allows you set the layout view (Text or Graphics)."
msgid "This option allows you to Power Off the display."
msgid "This option allows you to boost the blue tones in the picture."
msgid "This option allows you to boost the green tones in the picture."
msgid "This option allows you to bypass HDMI EDID check"
msgid "This option allows you to disable sorting of the Extensions list."
msgid "This option allows you to disable sorting of the menus"
msgid "This option allows you to disable sorting of the plugin browser."
msgid "This option allows you to enable 3D Surround Sound."
msgid "This option allows you to view the old and new settings side by side."
msgid "This option configures the general audio delay of stereo sound tracks."
msgid "This option configures the screen resolution in PC output mode."
msgid "This option configures the video output mode (or resolution)."
msgid "This option configures you can set Auto Volume Level."
msgid "This option lets you adjust the 3D depth"
msgid "This option lets you adjust the transparency of the user interface"
msgid "This option lets you choose the 3D mode"
msgid "This option lets you show the option in the extension screen"
msgid "This option sets  the picture contrast."
msgid "This option sets the picture brightness."
msgid "This option sets the picture flesh tones."
msgid "This option sets the picture hue."
msgid "This option sets the picture saturation."
msgid "Time Update in Minutes"
msgid "Time Update in Minutes:"
msgid "Time between start attempts (sec.)"
msgid "Time for next LCD scrolling"
msgid "Time settings"
msgid "Time to execute command or script"
msgid "Timeline font size"
msgid "Timer List"
msgid "Timer recording location"
msgid "Timer type"
msgid "Timers"
msgid "Timeshift buffer limit [in hours]"
msgid "Timeshift save recording (Select event)"
msgid "Timeshift save recording (stop after current event)"
msgid "Timeshift settings"
msgid "Timeshift-save action on zap"
msgid "Total"
msgid "Total Memory:"
msgid "Total Swap:"
msgid "Total cards:"
msgid "Total handled client ecm's"
msgid "Total handled client emm's"
msgid "Total:"
msgid "Trying to download a new updatelist. Please wait..."
msgid "Tuner Configuration"
msgid "Tuner Setup"
msgid "Tuner settings"
msgid "Two lines"
msgid "Unattended upgrade without GUI"
msgid "Unattended upgrade without GUI and reboot system"
msgid "Unzipping files, Please wait ..."
msgid "Up/Down button mode"
msgid "Update at your own risk"
msgid "Update interval (in seconds)"
msgid "Update is reported as faulty !!"
msgid "Update/Backup your firmware, Backup/Restore settings"
msgid "Update/Backup/Restore your box"
msgid "Updates Available:"
msgid "Updating mount locations."
msgid "Upgrade with GUI"
msgid "Uphops +"
msgid "Uphops -"
msgid "Uphops: "
msgid "Uptime"
msgid "Use EIT EPG information when it is available."
msgid "Use FreeSat EPG information when it is available."
msgid "Use Harddisk Hardware Standby Timer"
msgid "Use Keymap"
msgid "Use MHW EPG information when it is available."
msgid "Use Netmed EPG information when it is available."
msgid "Use TV remote control"
msgid "Use ViaSat EPG information when it is available."
msgid "Use image coloured Buttons *"
msgid "Use interface"
msgid "Use slim screen"
msgid "Use the alternative or the conventional radio mode."
msgid "Use these settings?"
msgid "Use timeshift seekbar while timeshifting?"
msgid "Use work-around for recordings from deep-standby"
msgid "Used:"
msgid "User  (keymap.usr)"
msgid "User interface visibility"
msgid "Username (httpuser)"
msgid "Username:"
msgid "Using old profile: "
msgid "Version: "
msgid "Video Enhancement Settings"
msgid "Video fine-tuning"
msgid "Video mode selection."
msgid "Video output"
msgid "VideoEnhancement"
msgid "VideoEnhancement Setup"
msgid "View"
msgid "View mode"
msgid "Volume Adjust"
msgid "Volume Config"
msgid "Wait please while creating swapfile..."
msgid "Wait please while scanning..."
msgid "Wait time before start Cam 2"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgid "Wakeup your %s %s from standby"
msgid "Web Interface"
msgid "Weekly"
msgid "When enabled the PiP can be closed by the exit button."
msgid "When enabled, a popup message will be shown when a recording starts."
msgid "When enabled, authentication is required to watch http streams."
msgid "When enabled, channel numbering will start at '1' for each bouquet."
msgid "When enabled, graphical DVB subtitles will be centered horizontally."
msgid "When enabled, it is possible to leave the movieplayer with exit."
msgid "When enabled, network trash can's are probed for cleaning."
msgid "When enabled, show channel numbers in the channel selection screen."
msgid "When enabled, subtitles for the hearing impaired can be used."
msgid "When enabled, teletext pages will be cached, allowing faster access."
msgid "When enabled, the VCR scart option will be shown on the main menu"
msgid "When enabled, the receiver will select an AC3 track (when available)."
msgid "When set the PIG will return to live after a movie has stopped playing."
msgid "White"
msgid "Width"
msgid "XBox 360 support"
msgid "Yellow"
msgid "Yellow long"
msgid "Yes, but don't save timeshift as movie"
msgid "Yes, but save timeshift as movie and continue recording"
msgid "Yes, but save timeshift as movie and stop recording"
msgid "Yes, delete from Timerlist"
msgid "Yes, delete from Timerlist and delete recording"
msgid "You can Display MiniTV with or without OSD Menu"
msgid "You can Display PIP with or without OSD Menu"
msgid "You can disable Telnet Server and use ssh to login."
msgid "You can have the list sorted by time or alphanumerical."
msgid "You have selected no logs to delete."
msgid "You have selected no logs to send."
msgid "You have to create a Swap File before to activate the autostart."
msgid "You seem to be in timeshift!"
msgid "You seem to be in timeshift, Do you want to leave timeshift ?"
msgid "Your %s %s does not have an internet connection"
msgid "Your %s %s does not support PiP HD"
msgid "Your %s %s is not connected to the internet"
msgid "Your %s %s is rebooting"
msgid "Your %s %s is shutting down"
msgid "Your %s %s will Reboot..."
msgid "Your STB will freeze during the flashing process.\n"
msgid "Zap + Exit"
msgid "Zoom In/Out TV..."
msgid "Zoom Off..."
msgid "[TimeShift] Restarting Timeshift!"
msgid "[Timeshift] Merging records failed!"
msgid "active CAM 1: "
msgid "active CAM 2: "
msgid "add Current"
msgid "address:"
msgid "an internal error has occur"
msgid "as plugin in extended bar"
msgid "because of the used filesystem the back-up\n"
msgid "caid:"
msgid "card"
msgid "card reader"
msgid "change"
msgid "close share view"
msgid "decrease uphop by 1"
msgid "don't descramble, record ecm"
msgid "dont wait"
msgid "ecm time:"
msgid "ecm.info"
msgid "feed status"
msgid "file oscam.conf could not be found"
msgid "get the cards' server"
msgid "goto deep-standby"
msgid "goto standby"
msgid "handled"
msgid "hops:"
msgid "increase uphop by 1"
msgid "installs the sundtek driver and runs related shellscripts"
msgid "just boot"
msgid "no CAM 1 active"
msgid "no CAM 2 active"
msgid "no or unknown card inserted"
msgid "ofgwrite will stop enigma2 now to run the flash.\n"
msgid "only HD"
msgid "pid:"
msgid "please wait..."
msgid "press the menu button to set a general AC3/Dolby offset"
msgid "provid:"
msgid "provider:"
msgid "reboot system"
msgid "restart GUI"
msgid "root and kernel"
msgid "save"
msgid "select channels to add a offset to the Volume"
msgid "share:"
msgid "show all cards"
msgid "show cards with uphop 0"
msgid "show cards with uphop 1"
msgid "show cards with uphop 2"
msgid "show cards with uphop 3"
msgid "show cards with uphop 4"
msgid "show cards with uphop 5"
msgid "show cards with uphop 6"
msgid "show cards with uphop 7"
msgid "show cards with uphop 8"
msgid "show cards with uphop 9"
msgid "show picons in service list"
msgid "show program information..."
msgid "system:"
msgid "this will take between 2 and 9 minutes\n"
msgid "uShare Log"
msgid "uShare Name"
msgid "uShare Port"
msgid "uShare Setup"
msgid "updates available."
msgid "using:"
msgid "via Network"
msgid "via USB"
msgid "wakeup"
msgid "wakeup to standby"
msgid "will take about 3-12 minutes for this system\n"
msgid "with %d error"
msgid_plural "with %d errors"
msgid "with exit button"
msgid "with left/right buttons"
msgid "with long OK press"

Ха, обрабатывать теперь надо всего 800 строк, а не несколько десятков тысяч.
Конечно, если переводимое выражение из нескольких строк, плагин вам подскажет только первую, но это уже дело техники.
Переводчики поймут о чем я........

Этот плагин, конечно в первую очередь в помощь мне самому, но я не перевожу все имиджи, так что еще кому-нибудь может понадобится.....

С плагином нужно работать так.
Берем самый продвинутый перевод имиджа (обычно немецкий), и закидываем этот файл enigma2.po  в папку tmp вашего имиджа.
Далее берем ваш на чем-то основанный русский перевод (я беру свой от опенпли) и переименовываем его в enigma2-new.po и тоже закидываем в папку tmp вашего имиджа.
Затем заходим в меню плагина и нажимаем ОК и получаем в папке tmp файл под названием localeneed, в котором просто будут перечислено все непереведенное.

Я например таким образом вместо того, чтобы потерять как минимум еще четыре дня, теперь справлюсь с переводом за один день.
Легче? Гораздо легче......

  • vu+ultimo 9995
Мои авторские работы  нельзя редактировать для выкладывания на паблик.
Но их можно выкладывать неизмененными на любых ресурсах с указанием авторства
Мои кошельки:
WMZ     Z356196865451 WMR     R105983132832

Онлайн oleg8000

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 820
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  • Уважение: +8
А ещё проще с помощью WinMerge - закидываешь оба перевода и где есть разница будет подсвечивать, и прямо в программе это всё редактируешь и сохраняешь.
Текстовый редактор WinMerge

Оффлайн ака УчкунАвтор темы

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 1098
  • Поблагодарили: 4787
  • Уважение: +49
А ещё проще с помощью WinMerge - закидываешь оба перевода и где есть разница будет подсвечивать, и прямо в программе это всё редактируешь и сохраняешь.
Текстовый редактор WinMerge

Да, это есть и в самом геттексте, но дело в том что мы сравниваем не два русских перевода, а немецкий и русский перевод.
Поэтому все строки с немецким текстом тоже будут подсвечиваться.
Мне это неудобно.
Мне честно легче написать плагин.
Плагин-то игнорирует немецкую часть.
Да еще и 12000 строк обрабатывать пусть с отсвечиванием где, а где 1000 строк обрабатывать, уже точно зная, что их нет в переводе.
Поэтому чем это еще проще мне непонятно....

  • vu+ultimo 9995
Мои авторские работы  нельзя редактировать для выкладывания на паблик.
Но их можно выкладывать неизмененными на любых ресурсах с указанием авторства
Мои кошельки:
WMZ     Z356196865451 WMR     R105983132832

Онлайн oleg8000

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 820
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  • Уважение: +8
В WinMerge редактировать, это только альтернатива! С помощью твоего плагина редактировать удобней, так что выкладывай улучшенную версию! :)

Оффлайн ака УчкунАвтор темы

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 1098
  • Поблагодарили: 4787
  • Уважение: +49
А улучшать пришлось вот в связи с чем.

В версии 1.0 плагин только проверяет строки, где присутствует выражение msgid, пропуская остальные.
Но ведь в переводе есть очень много переводимого с переносом строки.
То есть вот например такой:

msgid ""
"Check if there is a recording started in the next 5 mins (at bootup), then "
"put your box in standby."
msgstr ""

Здесь плагин явно пропустить сравнение перевода.
То есть возьмет для сравнения только строчку

msgid ""

И это будет ошибкой.

И потому следующая версия 1.1
Выложил в первом сообщении.

А изучающим питон, в спойлере пропишу как эту занятную задачу решил.

Спойлер   :
Честно сам плагин написал за 20 минут, а вот как придумать, чтобы плагин сравнивал в вышепривиденном случае еще и следующую строку промучился часа три.
Кто питоном хоть немножко занимается, те поняли, что я задаю питону прочитать файлы enigma2.po и enigma2-new.po, перевожу строку в список и уже элементы списка сравниваю.
А вот как в результате сравнивания, оставить следующую строку за определенной, то есть вот за этой

msgid ""

ни в одном методе списка не нашел.

То есть если говорим питону прямо "Если в строчке с msgid идет пустая строчка, возьми следующую, используя метод определения индекса данной строки", код не работает, и это естественно.

Вам не разрешен просмотр кода. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь для просмотра.Не работает "выдергивание" следующего элемента списка, потому как сам кусок кода рассматривает только этот элемент, то есть уже находится внутри условия
for element in spisok:

Включил логику и допер. А не будем следующий элемент добавлять, а будем добавлять элемент в котором ПРЕДЫДУЩИЙ элемент списка отвечает этому условию, то есть вот так изменил код и все заработало:

Вам не разрешен просмотр кода. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь для просмотра.

spisok.index(element) это метод узнавания индекса элемента в списке.....

Занятно. В форумах программистов не нашел ответа, а логика сама дала ответ.....

  • vu+ultimo 9995
Мои авторские работы  нельзя редактировать для выкладывания на паблик.
Но их можно выкладывать неизмененными на любых ресурсах с указанием авторства
Мои кошельки:
WMZ     Z356196865451 WMR     R105983132832


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