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АвторТема: Плагин BissFeedAutoKey  (Прочитано 7681 раз)

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Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Первое сообщение: 15 мая | 2019г. | 15:40:09 »

A Plugin For Feed-Lovers NOT Feed-Hunters


I've written this plugin based on feeds that are reported in sat-universe. After the feed freq is scanned and searched, user can use this plugin. when plugin is up, it shows all feed info that is reported in sat-universe like transponder,id,CW, 4:2:2 or 4:2:0, sport category ,game and somethings else and if you press OK button, The #CW key is inserted in Softcam.key file and softcam(like oscam,gcam,cccam,ncam or others) is restarted automatically if your plugin setting is ok, otherwise user should should restart your softcam manually.
Option and Tips:
1- when plugin is up, five event maybe happen:

a)All thing is ok and all info are shown and visible.

b)HTTP error is happened and infos aren't shown

c)URL error((e.g. connection refused)) is happened and infos aren't shown.

d)Socket error is happened and infos aren't shown.

e)Internet Conection error is happened and infos aren't shown.

2)When all thing is ok and all infos are visible(especially #CW):

a)First of all, check plugin setting. Press Blue button and following screen will be displayed:
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Important Tips Before using Plugin:
1. Config folder -> oscam.conf file -> [webif] section -> httpport = 8888

2. Config folder -> oscam.conf file -> [webif] section -> "" must be in httpallowed section like(httpallowed =,192,168.0.0-

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3.In setting screen, you should select folder of Softcam.key file(Default Folder: etc/tuxbox/config) and press ok button to save changes!

b)Finally go back to plugin and press OK button to add #CW key in Softcam.key file and softcam(like oscam,gcam,cccam,ncam or others) is restarted automatically. Otherwise you should restart your softcam manually.

3- when user press ok button, several event maybe happen:
a) all thing is ok and following message will be displayed: "SoftCam.Key Updated & SoftCam is Restarting ...!"
b) IP:PORT is wrong and following message will be displayed: "SoftCam.Key Updated. Please Restart SoftCam "
c)Softcam.key file folder is wrong and following message will be displayed: "SoftCam.Key File Not Found! Please Set Directory in Setting(BlueKey)"
d)CW NOT FOUND - Reasons:1- All type of Internet Conection errors 2-Feed isn't reported in Sat-universe 3-Server of our plugin and Feed info isn't updated.
e) Signal isn't locked: "No Signal"
f) Not Biss Feed or Channel: "Not Biss Encrypted"

4-Plugin delete keys that inserted by this plugin every 12 hours!

5-If CW doesn't find, a screen will be displayed that request only the CW code of feed or any Biss Encrypted channel! After pressing ok button, key will be inserted in Softcam.key file and softcam(like oscam,gcam,cccam,ncam or others) is restarted automatically.
when you type CW in box, lowercase or uppercase letters is not important.
Some #CW keys of tv channels are existed, if you want to add your favorite Biss channels, please post full info of it in this thread.(minimum info: Full transponder and #CW)

Error log:
We test this plugin only in Enigma2 Receivers and fix all plugin errors but If when plugin is up and your enigma2 is crashed, please sent error log.

Special Thanks:
Special Thanks To: Sat-Universe Feed Hunters
Special Thanks To: All who help and support me[Shr776, HamidReza, hamid soltani, ali(@ali_ak11), ahmad(@dm920uhd)]
Special Thanks To: oscam-emu(oscam.emu@gmail.com)
Special Thanks To: Ihad.tv enigma2-plugin tutorial 2010 lessons by Emanuel

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Оффлайн Serjoga

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  • Сообщений: 3238
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  • Уважение: +3
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #1: 16 мая | 2019г. | 12:58:53 »
New update 1.1

--Fix bug regarding to DVB-C & DVB-T Frequency; thanks to jenseneverest
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
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  • Сообщений: 3238
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  • Уважение: +3
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #2: 16 мая | 2019г. | 22:49:26 »
New update 1.1 r2

--Fix ipk file: Removed Depends: nigma2 from control file, which was causing a dependency error during installation.; thanks to master G
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
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  • Сообщений: 3238
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  • Уважение: +3
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #3: 22 мая | 2019г. | 13:09:39 »
BissFeedAutoKey DREAMOS
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
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  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #4: 26 мая | 2019г. | 09:26:14 »
New update 1.3

--Fix "No signal Error" after twice and more pressing ok!
--Fix black screen after leaving plugin!
--change delete time to 6 hrs
--Add some picons
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн 06101970

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Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #5: 03 июня | 2019г. | 12:45:18 »
New update 1.5
-Plugin search Softcam.key directory and it's added to setting directories!
-If No softcam.key in STB, Plugin will show a massage in setting!
-Fix picon of satellite
-if user and pass are defined in webif setting, a warning massage will be appeared.
-Animated Channel name, sat and freq
-Fix some bugs
Next update:
In next version, we will try to improve search in database by plugin!Also we will try to add keyboard to plugin for Manual mode

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  • Vu+ DUO 4K 1x Dual FBC-S/S2/S2X, 1x Dual DVB-T2 MTSIF
Умный человек не обижается, а делает выводы

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 18003
  • Поблагодарили: 100233
  • Уважение: +1689
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #6: 17 октября | 2019г. | 19:35:54 »
BissFeedAutoKey 2.0

New update 2.0

--Server address is changed to linuxsat-support.com. No vpn needed! (Thanks master G )
--Improvment in search feeds in database especially for multi IDs feeds.
--Improvment in setting and it's skin. (Thanks audi06_19 for some codes)
--Plugin set weif IP:PORT according to config file! Also user can change them.
--FullHD skin is added to plugin
--User can disable "delete old keys" option
--if Addkey plugin is installed, if #CW not found and ok is pressed, Addkey plugin will be up to insert key manually! Otherwise input box will be up.(Thanks fairbird )
--If Found #CW is wrong and ok is pressed then feed will not be decrypted, user can insert new key manually by pressing ok again.
--If key inserted by Addkey plugin, when the user exits the plugin, Emulator is reset automatically and a massage will be appeared.
--Fix some bugs like iptv

Next update:

In next version, we will try to design new graphic and picons maybe deleted.
Also maybe a lite version will be released with small size.

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Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #7: 21 октября | 2019г. | 11:17:23 »

DreamOS mod: audi06_19


ImportError: No module named TypeLabel
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 18003
  • Поблагодарили: 100233
  • Уважение: +1689
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #8: 30 октября | 2019г. | 17:09:35 »
Тest BissFeedAutoKey 2.1

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Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3
Плагин BissFeedAutoKey
« Ответ #9: 07 декабря | 2019г. | 01:34:44 »
New update 2.2

Special thanks to Beta testers: Shr776 ,Mehdi,cesaret244,kalkan99

--Server address is changed to version 1.5. maybe vpn needed!
--New skin is designed to reduce plugin size.
--Use same skin for OE2 & DreamOS.​
--if user uses Addkey plugin by mistake​ and key is not inserted by Addkey plugin, emulator isn't restarted.
--Improvment in search feeds in database especially for multi IDs feeds.
--Improvment in setting.
--Fix some bugs​
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH



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