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АвторТема: Плагин Crond Manager  (Прочитано 2426 раз)

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Плагин Crond Manager
« Первое сообщение: 01 декабря | 2018г. | 23:19:45 »
Crond Manager Plugin for Enigma2

Ver. 20181201-r1.2

This plugin is very useful to schedule certain actions on dreambox by executing scripts at specific time once or every minute,hourly....yearly
among these jobs are
-shutdown dreambox daily at mid night at 12.00 or to put it in standbye
-delete all crashlogs regularly to save space
-empty tmp directory
-reboot dreambox with filesystem check
-send message to the tv screen at specific time to notify you about important event or anything else

The plugin installs many already made scripts in etc/cron/scripts and you can add your script at same directory
when you open plugin
already available scripts will be listed with four buttons to manage cron jobs
remove:to remove script
add:to add new job
run and stop cron: work automatically and used occasionally if you want to stop jobs execution

Adding cron job is simple and available by three ways
1- adding daily at specific time :example put dream box standbye ate 12.00 midnight daily
2- adding job to be executed once after specific time as example shutdown dreambox after 60 minutes
3-advanced option for those do not need daily or after period execution a example shutdown dreambox at 20th june at 11 pm,this function needs good knowledge from user to make cron syntax but not necessarily as this site(crontab.guru - crontab examples) make for you the syntax, just copy the first part and put it in file /etc/cron/cronsyntax.txt
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  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
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Плагин Crond Manager
« Ответ #1: 09 декабря | 2018г. | 17:39:04 »
Crond Manager 2018.12.01-r1.3
Files edit.
/etc/etc/cron #remove

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