24 марта | 2025г. | 00:41:23

АвторТема: E-Channelizer (редактор каналов и букетов)  (Прочитано 89399 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость смотрят эту тему.

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3

Support stream buffering to eliminate playback interruptions.
Support markers in the bouquets list.
Improve UI of the bouquets and favorites.
Improve importing of M3U playlists.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).
Update the Polish translation (thanks to Pan3o).
Update the Spanish translation (thanks to titovich).
Other minor bugs.

  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688

Several feature and performance improvements.
Update the Dutch translation (thanks to Clemens).
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the Polish translation (thanks to Pan3o).
Update the Russian translation (thanks to spartak73).
Update the Spanish translation (thanks to titovich).

Can not play stream when the name contains a colon.
Other minor bugs.

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688

Bulk find and replace bouquet and channel names.
Search using wildcards (*?) to find unknown characters.
Improve the search algorithm and performance.
Support the service PMT PID.
Minimize the app to the system tray.
New option to run the app when Windows starts.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the German translation (thanks to Halo).
Update the Dutch translation (thanks to Clemens).

Can not load Koditv EPG sources.
Other minor bugs.

Оффлайн sputnik80

  • Падаван
  • *
  • Сообщений: 38
  • Поблагодарили: 16
  • Уважение: 0
Всем привет!Скажите в этой программе можно использовать файлы от dreamboxedit?

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688
sputnik80, так ты сам попробуй и нам напишешь но я думаю что этого не кто не делал и файлы с dreamboxedit не прокатят

Оффлайн Durimar

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 704
  • Поблагодарили: 4178
  • Уважение: +43
Всем привет!Скажите в этой программе можно использовать файлы от dreamboxedit?
Выложите файлы я проверю их в программе
  • VU+ Duo2 OpenPLi Release-9.1
Если плюнуть в Россию - она утрется! Если плюнет Россия - мир захлебнется - Маргарет Тетчер

Оффлайн sputnik80

  • Падаван
  • *
  • Сообщений: 38
  • Поблагодарили: 16
  • Уважение: 0

Оффлайн Durimar

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 704
  • Поблагодарили: 4178
  • Уважение: +43
Прекрасно работает с файлами от dreamboxedit
Спойлер   :
[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
  • VU+ Duo2 OpenPLi Release-9.1
Если плюнуть в Россию - она утрется! Если плюнет Россия - мир захлебнется - Маргарет Тетчер

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688

Several feature and performance improvements.
Update the Dutch translation (thanks to Clemens).
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the German translation (thanks to Halo).
Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).

Other minor bugs.

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688

Several feature and performance improvements.
Speed up the application launch time.
Increase the timeout for STB connections.

Channel groups not loaded when importing M3U.
The license cannot be activated on some PCs.
Other minor bugs.

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3

Load PMT and Multistream fields from KingOfSat.
Improve handling of satellite Multistream.
Improve simultaneous transfers to multiple boxes.
Improve browsing, opening and saving files.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Some minor bugs.
  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688

New wizard for downloading channels and satellite.xml file.
Bookmark favourites when downloading satellites.
Revamp Import M3U, Assign EPG and Write Settings dialogs.
Search M3U groups, EPG sources and web satellites.
Show Multistream fields in the services list.
Assign picons to IPTV streams without references.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Add the Swedish translation (thanks to Seagen).
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the German translation (thanks to Halo).
Update the Italian translation (thanks to Satrunner).
Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).
Update the Spanish translation (thanks to titovich).
Update the Russian translation (thanks to spartak73).

The incorrect warning of satellites mapping.
Configuration reset after restarting some PCs.
License not verified on some PCs.
Some minor bugs.

Оффлайн сергей 999s

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17996
  • Поблагодарили: 100145
  • Уважение: +1688

New wizard for downloading channels and satellite.xml file.
Merge the downloaded satellites with the current settings.
Bookmark favourite satellites for downloading.
Bookmark favourite sources for assigning EPG.
Revamp Import M3U, Assign EPG and Write Settings dialogs.
Search M3U groups, EPG sources and web satellites.
Show Multistream fields in the services list.
Assign picons to IPTV streams without references.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Add the Swedish translation (thanks to Seagen).
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the German translation (thanks to Halo).
Update the Italian translation (thanks to Satrunner).
Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).
Update the Spanish translation (thanks to titovich).
Update the Russian translation (thanks to spartak73 ).

Satellites not mapped warning.
Configuration reset after restarting some PCs.
License not verified on some PCs.
Some minor bugs.

Обновление доступно онлайн

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3

Revamped fresh look and feel.
Modern and flexible Ribbon for better user experience.
Deliver overall high performance and speed.
Manage unlimited IPTV accounts (Xtream Codes and M3U).
Support IPTV Live, Movies and Series categories.
Create, edit and sort M3U playlists (groups and channels).
Assign custom EPG provider to the M3U channels.
Export IPTV channels and Enigma bouquets to M3U playlist.
Configure and schedule IPTV updates in the background.
Add new IPTV channels to a predefined group/bouquet.
Select multiple boxes to sync with IPTV channel updates.
Support more M3U directives and formats.
Improve handling and assigning EPG.
Support the latest changes of ImportEPG plugin.
Group Enigma bouquets into TV and Radio.
Display stream EPG and URL in the favourites list.
Improve channels searching, sorting, dragging and dropping.
Improve handling of Enigma satellite and cable channels.
Support all compressed file formats (ZIP, RAR, TAR, 7Z).
Improve loading and transferring files.
Brand new folders and files browser.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Add the Norwegian translation (thanks to Seagen).
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).
License not verified on some PCs.
Some minor bugs.
  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH

Оффлайн Serjoga

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 3238
  • Поблагодарили: 16992
  • Уважение: +3
Спойлер   :
Revamped fresh look and feel.
Modern and flexible Ribbon for better user experience.
Deliver overall high performance and speed.
Manage unlimited IPTV accounts (Xtream Codes and M3U).
Support IPTV Live, Movies and Series categories.
Create, edit and sort M3U playlists (groups and channels).
Assign custom EPG provider to the M3U channels.
Export IPTV channels and Enigma bouquets to M3U playlist.
Configure and schedule IPTV updates in the background.
Add new IPTV channels to a predefined group/bouquet.
Select multiple boxes to sync with IPTV channel updates.
Support more M3U directives and formats.
Improve handling and assigning EPG.
Support the latest changes of ImportEPG plugin.
Support Enigma bouquet inside bouquet.
Support satellite T2-MI transmission.
Improve handling of satellite MultiStream.
Improve handling of DVB transponders and channels.
Group Enigma bouquets into TV and Radio.
Display stream EPG and URL in the favourites list.
Improve channels searching, sorting, dragging and dropping.
Support all compressed file formats (ZIP, RAR, TAR, 7Z).
Improve loading and transferring files.
Brand new folders and files browser.
Several feature and performance improvements.
Add new Norwegian translation (thanks to Seagen).
Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
Update the German translation (thanks to Halo).
Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).
Update the Russian translation (thanks to spartak73 ).

License not verified on some PCs.
Various bug fixes.

  • Latvian SatFan
Dreambox 920 UHD (DVB-T/DVB-S2X MultiStream FBC Tuner)
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH


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