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Totall Commander
« Ответ #90: 10 мая | 2018г. | 12:35:19 »
Total Commander 9.20 beta 2 (32/64)

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09.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 2 (32/64)
09.05.18 Fixed: Installer: Detect when Total Commander is running even when one path is in long form and one in 8.3 form, e.g. c:\Program Files\total commander\ and C:\PROGRA~1\TOTALC~1 (32/64)
09.05.18 Fixed: When moving the main window docked to the left/right side (AeroSnap) between 2 screens with different DPI with Shift+Win+Cursor left/right, the window was resized (AeroSnap was lost) (32/64)
09.05.18 Fixed: Crash creating new FTP connection via Ctrl+F - New connection (64)
09.05.18 Fixed: Buttons for directory hotlist and history didn't have the right foreground color in high contrast mode with black background (64)
09.05.18 Fixed: Buttons for directory hotlist and history could disappear when resizing window (64)
08.05.18 Fixed: Alt+2 hotkey not working in "Change attributes" dialog (64)
08.05.18 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu, "Copy file properties": When copying NTFS permissions, the archive attribute was set by Windows (32/64)
08.05.18 Fixed: Tree shown in normal file panel: Cursor was not placed on moved line when clicking on
  • or [-] symbol (AllowSetCursorPos had no effect) (32/64)

08.05.18 Fixed: Updated 7zip unpacker dlls (TC7Z.DLL/TC7Z64.DLL) to version 18.05 from LZMA SDK (Software Development Kit), with various improvements (the security problem CVE-2018-10115 in RAR unpacking does not affect this dll since TC uses the official unrar dll) (32/64)
08.05.18 Fixed: Misaligned and overlapping controls in multi-rename tool (32/64)
07.05.18 Fixed: Error <Read error!> was shown by mistake on empty disks with no files when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
07.05.18 Fixed: Selection was always lost in virtual folders like the Desktop when switching away from TC and back, even when nothing changed (32/64)
07.05.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Refresh - "No refresh for these drives" didn't work correctly for virtual folders: ':' should disable refresh, but instead, '\' was used (32/64)
07.05.18 Fixed: Range check error when the width or height of a control was set to a negative number by mistake, e.g. via cm_100Percent (64)
07.05.18 Fixed: Mouse wheel: combine wheel turning into one scroll operation, e.g. instead of 3x WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, scroll 3 lines together (64)
06.05.18 Fixed: Compare by content, very big files, start comparison within compare tool: Show progress both for the initial comparison and for counting the differences (32/64)
06.05.18 Fixed: When passing path to TC via command line or WM_COPYDATA, do not show <Read error!> when invalid - always go to valid parent (32/64)
06.05.18 Fixed: View modes, auto switch mode: "Must match" option didn't work with FTP paths when using patterns *\myfolder\*\ (specified folder and subfolders) or *\myfolder\ (folder only) (32/64)
04.05.18 Fixed: Search for *2?21?3* didn't find dots in the location of the ? placeholders, e.g. 2.21.36.jpg - Reason: bug in Windows function FindFirstFile (32/64)
Total Commander 9.20 beta 2

Total Commander 9.20 beta 1
03.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 1 (32/64)
03.05.18 Fixed: F7 new folder: Placeholder <[d] inserted the date from the file timestamp instead of the current date as documented. Use <[T1][d] to insert the file date (32/64)
02.05.18 Fixed: Crash on program start when entering very long command line (e.g. 1000 characters) in TC "Start" menu (32/64)
02.05.18 Fixed: Verify checksums: Detect UTF-8-encoded checksum file even without byte order mark (32/64)
02.05.18 Fixed: Use GetTickCount64 on Windows Vista or newer to show system up time >49 days (32/64)
02.05.18 Fixed: Improved system info dialog: Show CPU details from registry, Windows 10 ProductId, Windows type (Home, Professional, Ultimate etc), get SystemBiosVersion if SystemBiosDate is missing (32/64)
01.05.18 Fixed: Drag tab to other panel with no tabs -> tab was added also for current directory of that panel, but without icon (32/64)
30.04.18 Fixed: FTP client: Automatically use sChannel (even with OpenSSL present) on Vista or newer when using a client certificate (32/64)
30.04.18 Added: FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with sChannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl (32/64)
29.04.18 Fixed: Create CRC checksums, SFV format: The "beta" character in beta versions wasn't stored correctly in UTF-8-encoded sfv files (32/64)
27.04.18 Fixed: File system links (junctions, reparse points): Do not draw 2 link overlays (internal and from Windows itself), it results in a double border on Windows 10 (32/64)
27.04.18 Fixed: Removed flickering caused by functions added to handle switching from/to high contrast mode (32/64)
24.04.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: parameter %O was appended with limit of 1023 characters, so it could be cut if the command line was longer (32/64)
23.04.18 Added: If we cannot access a directory when TC starts, show <Read error!> even if IgnoreDirErrors=1 isn't set (32/64)
23.04.18 Added: Changing to directory via history or by switching tab -> ask for admin rights if we get error 5 (access denied), e.g. for C:\Windows\System32\config (32/64)
22.04.18 Added: Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi), e.g. for 4k screen and full hd screen (32/64)
20.04.18 Fixed: Windows 10, switch from/to high contrast mode -> text and background colors of various buttons were wrong (32/64)
20.04.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoRenameMode=3: Determines how files are auto-renamed when copying or in multi-rename tool. Sum of: 1: append number (x) separated by space, 2: start number at (2), not (1) (32/64)
20.04.18 Fixed: Crash when viewing file with cudalister plugin, modifying the file, and closing lister without saving (32)
16.04.18 Added: Button bar, start menu: Add quotes around name inserted with %p%n too if it contains spaces or '&' character (32/64)
16.04.18 Added: When searching in virtual folder \\Desktop (Alt+F7 or Alt+Shift+F7), search both in user directory and common directory (32/64)
16.04.18 Added: Trying to create a subdirectory in non-existent directory with F7 or via command line (md dir) will now create the missing parent directory too (32/64)
16.04.18 Added: Double click on <Read error!> entry in unreadable directories lets TC retry to read the directory (32/64)
15.04.18 Fixed: Some content plugins could crash the plugin picker dialog (e.g. click on [=? Plugin] in multi-rename tool) when the user closed the dialog while the plugin sample value was still being loaded (32/64)
15.04.18 Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: in rare cases, the wrong icon was still shown after closing/re-opening the dialog (bug in LoadIconWithScaleDown function) (32/64)
13.04.18 Fixed: cd c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\ caused unnecessary elevation prompt (32/64)
13.04.18 Fixed: Copying to t:\ fails if it's substed drive for dirs with write access for which SetCurrentDirectory didn't work, like c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\ on Windows 10 (32/64)
13.04.18 Fixed: Ctrl+R in c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\ caused unneccessary elevation prompt (32/64)
13.04.18 Fixed: Button bar, paste button from clipboard: Remove all trailing spaces, they are often added when copying button bar data from a Web browser (32/64)
10.04.18 Fixed: Lister: Couldn't find Cyrillic text under special conditions: language for non-Unicode programs=Russian, encoding=Ansi (0), default font was changed (32/64)
10.04.18 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: password dialog for encrypted file names was sometimes not modal (user could still go back to TC) (32/64)
09.04.18 Fixed: Separate search dialog: only use second file name as list file name (selected files) if the name ends with .tmp (32/64)
09.04.18 Fixed: Couldn't copy to certain directories with F5-F2, e.g. to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\, because SetCurrentDirectory failed (32/64)
09.04.18 Fixed: Starting a search in certain directories failed with error "Search path not found!", e.g. in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\, because SetCurrentDirectory failed (32/64)
04.04.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead (32/64)
04.04.18 Added: New button bar parameter %Y anywhere in the parameter list: Allow empty lists when nothing is selected for parameters %S, %R, %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d, %WL, %WF, %UL and %UF (32/64)
03.04.18 Fixed: Standalone search via Alt+Shift+F7: Use real path for virtual folders, e.g. "Desktop" -> C:\Users\<username>\Desktop, show error if not available (32/64)
03.04.18 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with compare by content: Show "?" and not "unequal" when there is a read error in the middle of a file (32/64)
03.04.18 Fixed: Delete to recycle bin: Always divide the reported numbers by 2, since the reported estimates are mostly twice the number of files deleted (32/64)
26.03.18 Fixed: Switch between two directories with exactly the same content, e.g. a directory and a junction/reparse point to the same directory -> view modes were not updated (32/64)
26.03.18 Fixed: Drag URL from Chrome or Firefox to Total Commander: Disallow drop to file system plugin (32/64)
26.03.18 Fixed: Copying files, background transfer manager: Speed limit didn't work any more for the second file and below (32/64)
26.03.18 Fixed: Copying files, option "Auto-rename target": The renaming of the existing target files to e.g. "file (2).ext" wasn't logged (32/64)
26.03.18 Fixed: Copying files: reset speed calculations when overwrite confirmation dialog is shown (32/64)
25.03.18 Added: Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar) (32/64)
25.03.18 Fixed: "x32" submenu in file right click context menu (only displayed with X64menu=1 in [Configuration]): menu item "Configure..." not working (64)
25.03.18 Fixed: Compare by content, binary mode: Problems with files >2GB: no progress bar within compare results to count differences, sometimes crashes, no "show only selected" (64)
25.03.18 Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %P, %p, %N, %n, %T, %t, %M, %m wrong in archive branch view: The name parameters need to contain the relative path (32/64)
24.03.18 Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d, %WL, %WF, %UL, %UF didn't put local paths in list for file system plugins like virtual panel (32/64)
24.03.18 Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %C1, %C2, %c1, %c2 etc. didn't work with file system plugins returning local path like virtual panel (32/64)
23.03.18 Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %c1, %c2, %n, %m were not using 8.3 names any more (32/64)
23.03.18 Fixed: Command line parameters: Always treat file with extension .tab as a directory tab file, even when a packer plugin claims the extension for itself (32/64)
23.03.18 Fixed: FTP: no second progress bar was shown when uploading subdirectories (32/64)
23.03.18 Fixed: FTP, edit two text files (with F4) from two different directories, save both within 1-2 seconds -> re-upload errors (32/64)
21.03.18 Fixed: cm_GotoNextDrive, cm_GotoPreviousDrive: skip drives with no media when HideRemovableNoMedia!=0 (32/64)
20.03.18 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP server: Download, "Resume all" didn't work (it re-downloaded from the start), "Resume" worked (32/64)
20.03.18 Fixed: Non-Unicode SunOS-compatible TAR archives (long name stored within same header): Long paths were cut at 155 characters (32/64)
20.03.18 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+F3 (compare left and right) tried to compare empty directory only present on one side (32/64)
20.03.18 Added: Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel, labeled LEFT or RIGHT (hotkey: Alt+2) (32/64)
20.03.18 Fixed: Delete file from ZIP subdir -> file list wasn't refreshed if the subdir wasn't by itself stored in the zip, just the file with relative name (32/64)
15.03.18 Fixed: Do not beep in compare by content when copying a line which wasn't selected between the panels (Alt+Left or Alt+Right), only when copying from the inactive to the active panel (32/64)
14.03.18 Fixed: GZip unpacker: Couldn't unpack GZ file with very large extra field >8kBytes (32/64)
14.03.18 Fixed: GZip unpacker: Only first stream of multi-stream gz file was unpacked when it had the same CRC as the last stream (32/64)
14.03.18 Fixed: File system plugins with custom icons: icons were not refreshed when changing icon size in configuration and just entering the plugin root (32/64)
13.03.18 Fixed: Files - Change attributes - Add - Comment - ">>" (Edit comment) -> the buttons were not visible (64)
13.03.18 Added: Command line parameters: Support switching to virtual folders via GUID, e.g. for drive list, use /L=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} (32/64)
13.03.18 Added: Command line: support switching to virtual folders via GUID, e.g. for drive list, use cd ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} (32/64)
13.03.18 Added: Button bar: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer's recent dirs, use cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99} (32/64)
13.03.18 Fixed: Files - Pack files: Dropdown list of packer plugins only showed up to 8 plugins without scrolling, increased to 30 (64)
13.03.18 Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: Couldn't delete exe/dll files used for icons in the bar after closing the dialog (they still stay locked while the dialog is up) (32/64)
13.03.18 Fixed: Files - Split files: Last used size wasn't remembered as default. Now saved in wincmd.ini [Configuration] SplitBytesPerFile (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: Compare by content: Clear last search result (underlined text) when changing the text or re-comparing from current line (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: View mode with custom columns view: Additional sort orders defined in the view mode were not applied (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: View modes, auto switch mode: "Must match" option didn't work with FTP paths, e.g. *\public_html* matches folder named "\public_html" and all subfolders. Must use backslashes in pattern (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: Files - Encode files: Options were not remembered when closing Total Commander. Store in wincmd.ini [Configuration] EncodeMethod=0..2 and EncodeLinesPerFile (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: Trying to close locked tab with middle mouse click (wheel) or ctrl+left click -> show tab title in confirmation dialog (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: Ctrl+Click on inactive tab now closes the tab without switching to it first (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: Button bar: When shown as dropdown menu, items without an icon are not displayed as pressed (e.g. sort by name button when list sorted by name) (32/64)
12.03.18 Fixed: Crash when switching to different tab with mouse when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to  handle values > 4GB) (64)
11.03.18 Fixed: No drive icons from Explorer were shown when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to  handle values > 4GB) (64)
11.03.18 Fixed: Copying in foreground, then clicking on background button crashed when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
09.03.18 Fixed: Background transfer manager crashed when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
27.02.18 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, internal compare plugin (compare as text) may hang with 2 files of different size, multiple of 32kBytes (32/64)
10.12.17 Fixed: Configuration - button bar: icons were sometimes wrong (32/64)
04.12.17 Added: Show warning in log when upload to Micrsoft IIS FTP server via TLSv1.2 fails. Search for KB2888853 for a hotfix (32/64)


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