08 марта | 2025г. | 12:25:45

АвторТема: Локализация имиджей и плагинов (Обсуждение) (часть2)  (Прочитано 123487 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость смотрят эту тему.

Оффлайн Shar_Nir

  • Великий Джедай
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 518
  • Поблагодарили: 488
  • Уважение: 0
Ser6, да,десятка.По Вашей инструкции на соседнем ресурсе.Зависает и после двойного клика и после ЛКМ-декомпилировать в ро.Что то с виндой не то.

  • АХ51 и т.д...
:taunt: Люблю повеселиться, особенно поРжать !:taunt: 

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 12328
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  • Уважение: +122
Shar_Nir, когда инсталлировали проги MOedit и POedit Windows ругалась на что нибудь?

Оффлайн Shar_Nir

  • Великий Джедай
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 518
  • Поблагодарили: 488
  • Уважение: 0
Ser6, нет не ругалась.Только после инсталляции MOedit потребовала перезагрузку компьютера.

Спасибо martina3 ,всё получилось.
  • АХ51 и т.д...
:taunt: Люблю повеселиться, особенно поРжать !:taunt: 

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +122
Подкиньте идею, как правильно перевести это созвездие в OpenATV:
Спойлер   :
[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
Английский вариант Constellation

Оффлайн Vlsergei

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +201
Ser6, Юстировка, регулировка, настройка. Не знаю что лучше подойдёт.
  • Zgemma H9 Twin SE (МТС CI+v1.3, CI+ Триколор-Сибирь) )-LG55LA620V, Zgemma H9 Twin (EXSET Триколор-Сибирь)-LG55UM7400, VU+ UNO 4K- Samsung PS50C431, Matrix2.

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 12328
  • Поблагодарили: 29879
  • Уважение: +122
Заглянул в OpenPLI, там только одна строка с таким словом:
msgid "Constellation & FFT mode"
msgstr "Модуляция & FFT режим"
Если перевести Модуляция, то получаю Modulation

Оффлайн Durimar

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 703
  • Поблагодарили: 4161
  • Уважение: +42
Ser6, вот ещё варианты.
Спойлер   :
[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
  • VU+ Duo2 OpenPLi Release-9.1
Если плюнуть в Россию - она утрется! Если плюнет Россия - мир захлебнется - Маргарет Тетчер

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 12328
  • Поблагодарили: 29879
  • Уважение: +122
В крайних версиях имиджа OpenATV добавили много строк описания пунктов меню настройки тюнера.
Все добавки в файле Satconfig.py
Вот что надо переводить:
Спойлер   :
msgid "Force LNB Power"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Force LNB Tuner Power settings."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Force ToneBurst"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Force LNB Tuner ToneBurst settings."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the satellite your dish receives from. If you are unsure select "
"'automatic' and the receiver will attempt to determine this for you."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"If you are using a Circular polarised LNB select 'yes', otherwise select "
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Only select 'yes' if you are using a multiswich that requires a DiSEqC Port-"
"A command signal. For all other setups select 'no'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the satellite which is connected to Port-A of your switch. If you are "
"unsure select 'automatic' and the receiver will attempt to determine this "
"for you. If nothing is connected to this port, select 'nothing connected'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the satellite which is connected to Port-B of your switch. If you are "
"unsure select 'automatic' and the receiver will attempt to determine this "
"for you. If nothing is connected to this port, select 'nothing connected'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the satellite which is connected to Port-C of your switch. If you are "
"unsure select 'automatic' and the receiver will attempt to determine this "
"for you. If nothing is connected to this port, select 'nothing connected'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the satellite which is connected to Port-D of your switch. If you are "
"unsure select 'automatic' and the receiver will attempt to determine this "
"for you. If nothing is connected to this port, select 'nothing connected'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Leave this set to 'yes' unless you fully understand why you are adjusting it."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'yes' to only send the DiSEqC command when changing from one "
"satellite to another, or select 'no' for the DiSEqC command to be resent on "
"every zap."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Press OK to select a group of satellites to configure in one block."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Enter if you are in the east or west hemisphere."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter your current latitude. This is the number of degrees you are from the "
"equator as a decimal."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Enter if you are north or south of the equator."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Power management. Consult your receiver's manual for more information."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Power threshold. Consult your receiver's manual for more information."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select how quickly the dish should move between satellites."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Only move the dish quickly after this hour."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Only move the dish quickly before this hour."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Additional motor options allow you to enter details from your motor's spec "
"sheet so enigma can work out how long it will take to move the dish from one "
"satellite to another satellite."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Configure this tuner using simple or advanced options, or loop it through to "
"another tuner, or copy a configuration from another tuner, or disable it."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select how the satellite dish is set up. i.e. fixed dish, single LNB, DiSEqC "
"switch, positioner, etc."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"This setting allows the tuner configuration to be a duplication of how "
"another tuner is already configured."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select the tuner that controls the motorised dish."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select the tuner that this loopthrough depends on."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the satellite you want to configure. Once that satellite is "
"configured you can select and configure other satellites that will be "
"accessed using this same tuner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Selecting this option allows you to configure a group of satellites in one "
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Your receiver can use tone amplitude. Consult your receiver's manual for "
"more information."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Your receiver can use SCPC optimized search range. Consult your receiver's "
"manual for more information."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "T2MI RAW Mode"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"With T2MI RAW mode disabled (default) we can use single T2MI PLP de-"
"encapsulation. With T2MI RAW mode enabled we can use astra-sm to analyze T2MI"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'enabled' if this tuner has a signal cable connected, otherwise "
"select 'nothing connected'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"This setting depends on your cable provider and location. If you don't know "
"the correct setting refer to the menu in the official cable receiver, or get "
"it from your cable provider, or seek help via internet forum."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'provider' to scan from the predefined list of cable multiplexes. "
"Select 'bands' to only scan certain parts of the spectrum. Select 'steps' to "
"scan in steps of a particular frequency bandwidth."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select your country. If not available select 'all'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select your provider and region. If not present in this list you will need "
"to select one of the other 'service scan types'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select 'yes' to include the %s band in your search."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter the frequency step size for the tuner to use when searching for cable "
"multiplexes. For more information consult your cable provider's documentation"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select 'yes' to include %s multiplexes in your search."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "This field allows you to search an additional symbol rate up to %s."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select your region. If not available change 'Country' to 'all' and select "
"one of the default alternatives."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Enable this setting if your aerial system needs power"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select your ATSC provider."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Force Legacy Signal stats"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"If set to 'yes' signal values (SNR, etc) will be calculated from API V3. "
"This is an old API version that has now been superseded."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Allocate a number to the physical LNB you are configuring. You will be able "
"to select this LNB again for other satellites (e.g. motorised dishes) to "
"save setting up the same LNB multiple times."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"This setting is for special setups only. It gives this LNB higher priority "
"over other LNBs with lower values. The free LNB with the highest priority "
"will be the first LNB selected for tuning services."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the type of LNB/device being used (normally 'Universal'). If your LNB "
"type is not available select 'user defined'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter your low band local oscillator frequency. For more information consult "
"the spec sheet of your LNB."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter your high band local oscillator frequency. For more information "
"consult the spec sheet of your LNB."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter the frequency at which you LNB switches between low band and high "
"band. For more information consult the spec sheet of your LNB."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select the type of Single Cable Reception device you are using."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the protocol used by your SCR device. Choices are 'SCR "
"Unicable' (Unicable), or 'SCR JESS' (JESS, also known as Unicable II)."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the Unicable channel to be assigned to this tuner. This is a unique "
"value. Be certain that no other device connected to this same Unicable "
"system is allocated to the same Unicable channel."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the User Band frequency to be assigned to this tuner. This is the "
"frequency the SCR switch or SCR LNB uses to pass the requested transponder "
"to the tuner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Consult your SCR device spec sheet for this information."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid "LNB/Switch Bootup time [ms]"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the manufacturer of your SCR device. If the manufacturer is not "
"listed, set 'SCR' to 'user defined' and enter the device parameters manually "
"according to its spec sheet."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the model number of your Unicable device. If the model number is not "
"listed, set 'SCR' to 'user defined' and enter the device parameters manually "
"according to its spec sheet."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the User Band channel to be assigned to this tuner. This is an index "
"into the table of frequencies the SCR switch uses to pass the requested "
"transponder to the tuner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the User Band frequency to be assigned to this tuner. This is the "
"frequency the SCR switch uses to pass the requested transponder to the tuner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the User Band channel to be assigned to this tuner. This is an index "
"into the table of frequencies the SCR LNB uses to pass the requested "
"transponder to the tuner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the User Band frequency to be assigned to this tuner. This is the "
"frequency the SCR LNB uses to pass the requested transponder to the tuner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"SCR timing adjustment, in conjunction with SCR socket and operation of "
"several SCR devices with one cable."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'yes' if this tuner is connected to the SCR device through another "
"tuner, otherwise select 'no'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select the tuner to which the signal cable of the SCR device is connected."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'polarisation' if using a 'universal' LNB, otherwise consult your LNB "
"spec sheet."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"use increased voltage '14/18V' if there are problems when switching the lnb"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'band' if using a 'universal' LNB, otherwise consult your LNB spec "
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select '1.0' for standard committed switches, '1.1' for uncommitted "
"switches, and '1.2' for systems using a positioner."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select Fast DiSEqC if your aerial system supports this. If you are unsure "
"select 'no'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Select 'A' or 'B' if your aerial system requires this, otherwise select "
"'none'. If you are unsure select 'none'."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"If you are using a DiSEqC committed switch enter the port letter required to "
"access the LNB used for this satellite."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"This is the order in which DiSEqC commands are sent to the aerial system. "
"The order must correspond exactly with the order the physical devices are "
"arranged along the signal cable (starting from the receiver end)."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"If you are using a DiSEqC uncommitted switch enter the port number required "
"to access the LNB used for this satellite."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"If using multiple uncommitted switches the DiSEqC commands must be sent "
"multiple times. Set to the number of uncommitted switches in the chain minus "
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Set sequence repeats if your aerial system requires this. Normally if the "
"aerial system has been configured correctly sequence repeats will not be "
"necessary. If yours does, recheck you have command order set correctly."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"USALS automatically moves a motorised dish to the correct satellite based on "
"the coordinates entered by the user. Without USALS each satellite will need "
"to be setup and saved individually."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter your current longitude. This is the number of degrees you are from "
"zero meridian as a decimal."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Enter the number stored in the positioner that corresponds to this satellite."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Additional motor options allow you to enter details from your motor's spec "
"sheet so enigma can work out how long it will take to move to another "
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Consult your motor's spec sheet for this information, or leave the default "
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"The unicable connection setting is wrong.\n"
" Maybe recursive connection of tuners."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzzzz"
Плюс к этому надо переводить плагин FileCommander. Он своей локали не имеет, поэтому надо вносить в общую. Там тоже солидно строк.

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 12328
  • Поблагодарили: 29879
  • Уважение: +122
Новые строки для перевода и добавления в общую локализацию OpenATV 6.3:
Спойлер   :
msgid "Your %s %s will Restart..."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Please wait while your skin setting is restoring..."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Restore MetrixHD Settings"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Unknown Error creating Skin.\n"
"Please check after reboot MyMetrixLite-Plugin and apply your settings."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Error creating HD-Skin. Not enough flash memory free."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Error creating FullHD-Skin. Not enough flash memory free.\n"
"Using HD-Skin!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Error creating FullHD-Skin. Icon package download not available.\n"
"Using HD-Skin!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Error creating FullHD-Skin.\n"
"Using HD-Skin!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Some FullHD-Icons are missing.\n"
"Using HD-Icons!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Error, unknown Result!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Error creating MetrixHD-Skin.\n"
"Please check after reboot MyMetrixLite-Plugin and apply your settings."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Retrieving image list - Please wait..."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Image Version %s"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Cannot find images - please try later"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Cannot delete downloaded image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Delete image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Compress"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Expand"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Flash Image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Save settings and EPG data"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Do you want to flash image\n"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Yes, with backup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Yes, without backup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s (current image) with, backup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s, with backup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s (current image), without backup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s, without backup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "No, do not flash image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Can only find a network drive to store the backup this means after the flash "
"the autorestore will not work. Alternativaly you can mount the network drive "
"after the flash and perform a manufacurer reset to autorestore"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Unable to create the required directories on the media (e.g. USB stick or "
"Harddisk) - Please verify media and try again!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Could not find suitable media - Please remove some downloaded images or "
"insert a media (e.g. USB stick) with sufficiant free space and try again!"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Downloading Image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Error during downloading image\n"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Unzipping Image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Error during unzipping image\n"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Flashing Image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Image to install is invalid\n"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Flashing image successful"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Press ok to close"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Flashing image was not successful\n"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Version %s %s"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Use the cursor keys to select an installed image and then Start button."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Retrieving image slots - Please wait..."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Empty slot"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s -%s - %s USB Recovery"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s -%s - %s (current image)"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s -%s- %s "
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Flash Image USB Recovery"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Please select a backup destination"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Backup to destination: %s"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "No, do not backup a image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Create:"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Create: Recovery Fullbackup %s"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Almost there... "
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Now building the Backup Image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Multiboot Image created on: %s/%s-%s-%s-backup-%s_usb.zip"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Please wait...almost ready! "
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "To restore the image:"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Use OnlineFlash in SoftwareManager"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Image created on: %s/%s-%s-%s-backup-%s_recovery.zip"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Image created on: %s/%s-%s-%s-backup-%s_mmc.zip"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Image created on: %s/%s-%s-%s-backup-%s_usb.zip"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Please check the manual of the receiver"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "on how to restore the image"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Image creation failed - "
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Probable causes could be"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "     wrong back-up destination "
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "     no space left on back-up device"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "     no writing permission on back-up device"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Time required for this process: %s"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Error reading bouquets.tv"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Error reading bouquets.radio"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "MultiBoot Image Manager"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Press Init to format SDcard."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Init SDcard"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Use the cursor keys to select an installed image and then Erase button."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Note: slot list does not show current image or empty slots."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Erase"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Removal of this slot will not show in %s Gui.  Are you sure you want to "
"delete image slot %s ?"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Remove confirmation"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete image slot %s ?"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Init SDCARD"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Multiboot manager - Cannot initialize SDcard when running image on SDcard."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Multiboot manager - The SDcard must be at least 8MB."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Multiboot manager - SDcard initialization run, please restart your Image."
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Multiboot Manager"
msgstr "zzzzzzzz"

msgid "Multiboot Image Selector"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Use the cursor keys to select an installed image and then Reboot button."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "SDcard is not initialised for multiboot - Exit and use MultiBoot Image Manager to initialise"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Mode 1 suppports Kodi, PiP may not work.\nMode 12 supports PiP, Kodi may not work."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s mode 1 (current image)"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s mode 1"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s mode 12 (current image)"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "slot%s - %s mode 12"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "No images found"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Do you want to reboot now the image in slot %s?"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Multiboot ERROR! - no %s in boot partition."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Softcam-Setup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Softcam setup"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select Softcam"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Select Card Server"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Restart softcam"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Restart cardserver"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Restart both"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "Ignore unexpectedly wakeup and stay in standby"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"This is a workaround for some devices there wakeup again after switching in "
"standby. The wak up command's from other devices will ignored for few "
msgstr ""

msgid "Show Script completed message"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Show message if a background script ends successefully. Has 'stout', then "
"this is displayed as additional info."
msgstr ""

msgid "Number of lines in script messages"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Set for 'stout' and 'sterr' the number of lines in script info or script "
"error messages."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid "CPU priority for script execution"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Default CPU priority (nice) for executed scripts. This can reduce the load "
"so that scripts do not interfere with the rest of the system. (higher values "
"= lower priority)"
msgstr ""

msgid "I/O priority for script execution"
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"

msgid ""
"Default I/O priority (ionice) for executed scripts. This can reduce the load "
"so that scripts do not interfere with the rest of the system. (higher values "
"= lower priority)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please wait, restarting softcam."
msgstr "zzzzzzzzz"
Дерзайте. ;)

Оффлайн kvinto

  • Рыцарь Джедай
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Сюда б еще строки, которые уже ненужны....
  • Zgemma H7S, Zgemma H9Combo, Samsung UE49NU7172

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Уважение: +122
Ну это уж сами, кому надо. Я не убираю, потому как ещё долго буду пользоваться версией 6.3, той что стоит.
Вообще у меня локалка универсальная, подходит под любой имидж альянса, плюс к этому много перевода плагинов и заголовков скинов.

Оффлайн Avrumba

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • Сообщений: 997
  • Поблагодарили: 2012
  • Уважение: 0
есть у меня такая проблема, это не критично ну я не могу понять в чем дело с локалью плагина EPGImport, не переводит дни недели и еще пару тройку слов, прилагаю файлы
Спойлер   :
[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]

Оффлайн zenon101

  • Друзья Джедаев
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  • DREAMBOX 920 UHD 4K MS FBC (2xDVB-S2X/ 1x C/T2), OpenATV 6.4;UCLAN USTUM 4K PRO,OpenATV 6,4; 4w,5e,13e,9e,36e,54.9e,75e,85e,90e - KY band. IPTV. SONY BRAVIA KD55XF9005

Оффлайн Avrumba

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 997
  • Поблагодарили: 2012
  • Уважение: 0

Оффлайн Ser6

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 12328
  • Поблагодарили: 29879
  • Уважение: +122
попробуй этот перевод.
В плане перевода дней недели, Ваш файл локализации плагина ничем не поможет.



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