Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.74- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- Setup of FHDG17: removed numbering of chapters
- fix all Extra Screens: displaying 16APSK, 32APSK modulation
- WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- DOWNLOAD MENU: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- added extra screen 87
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphocs, icon sets and previews
- SETTINGS OF FHDG: changed layout, removed function of blue and yellow button,
splitted function of green and OK button, button OK aktivates function of some
items, press green button to save cfg only