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Скин Full HD Glass 17
« Ответ #30: 06 ноября | 2017г. | 11:09:00 »
Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.96

- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- restore cfg: changed to Dir browser with option to choose any .conf file
to restore cfg
- fix screen History
- changed skin of all setup screens
- DOWNLOAD MENU: new skin and the new method of download - you can select items
to downlad and selected items are downloaded all at once
- HDD: added option to enable displaying temperature, size, and free space
to the HDD in emc and movieplayer infobar
- fix renderers using font size
- FHDG SETTING: added current path displaying in directory browser

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