Full HD Glass 17 ver. 2.08- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- dir browser: added path autocutting in title
- DOWNLOAD MENU: changed results layout after files download
- fix line hight auto settings in Channel selection
- fix ECM PID displaying (deb version)
- WEATHER: removed option "Find a city" (in extensions, in menu), added option
"Find a city" activated immediately press OK button
- added screen definitions: change root password, filebrowser generic, mediacenter
mediadatabase, PIP setup, Subtitle quick config
- EXTRA INFOBAR: second picon type additional options: "only weather", "sat and
weather", "provider and weather", "sat, provider and weather", shows current
temperature and icon according to the setting in chapter WEATHER(city, provider)
- DOWNLOAD MENU: added piconWeather white, piconWeather black
- fix "Find a city" Yahoo type searching
- fix infobar type: simple
- TP INFO: extended support of HEVC codec
- ANIMATION: added options: enable animations, infobar - picon, second picon, ECM
line, TPinfo and type, menu - icons (not icon type), channel selection - picon,
prov, sat (not picon in list of channels - services list)
(available-autodetection on HW and images which supports single object animation)
press OK in the setup displaying animation preview again
- added extra screen 57,59
- added Multistream (MS) detection in TP info - appears only if it is in
the chapter: EXTRA INFOBAR enabled option: Show Satellite position in Tp info
- added channel selection type: PIG + PIP 3, G17 events 4
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated satellites table
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