HD Glass 16 ver. 10.30- download menu: added 75.0E, 14.0W in all option with "Select"
- added new channel selection type: G16 events, G16 events 2
- added new option: ChannelSel. show satellite picon (work if Channelsel. %, picon
is enabled - in some images not in all!!!)
- updated pl, sk, cz, en, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt
- help updated in download menu
- added new option in download menu: piconSat 50x30
- some fix-es in deb version (OE2.2)
- added new set of picon Weather (6,7) - if type 6,7 is selected weather will be
will be autoswitched to new skin type, after update you have to download a new
sets of weather icons again
- setup: chanded from static to dynamic list (auto show/hide un/usable cfg items)
- setup: autocreate fullpath to icons if some dir in path not exists
important: option ChannelSel. show satellite picon is working not at all images (more images/hw maybe supported later I hope ...), tested and working: dm(OE 1.6), vu+ (BH images) this option enable group picon displaying
group picon detection - autorecognize with priority :
1. group refernce (renderer - picon only)
2. satellite definition in groupname (xx./,E/W), for example: "some_text(13.0E)some_text", "(0.8W)some_text", etc. - picon is searching in dir "piconSat" (renderer only) and "sat50" dir (service list)
3. whole groupname, for example: "Music", "Skylink", "NTV+",etc. - picon is searching in dir "piconProv" (renderer only) and "sat50" dir (service list)