22 декабря | 2024г. | 22:16:24

АвторТема: Скин XTAforME-HD_VTi 8.x.x  (Прочитано 6999 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость смотрят эту тему.

Оффлайн МарчеллаАвтор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 4009
  • Поблагодарили: 12635
  • Уважение: +55
Скин XTAforME-HD_VTi 8.x.x
« Первое сообщение: 20 декабря | 2014г. | 18:19:07 »
XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)

вот пожалуйста ещё один хороший скин адаптированный мной, заберайте.

Спойлер   :
[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ][ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]

скин и компаненты в архиве раскидать строго по иерархии.
LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Дуо Макс & Zgemma H7 S 4K UHD
Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Макс & Zgemma H9 Twin 4K UHD <> LCD4linux met Samsung SPF 87H

Оффлайн Lock

  • Младший Джедай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 119
  • Поблагодарили: 32
  • Уважение: -2
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #1: 01 марта | 2015г. | 12:56:50 »
Попробовал установить данный скин, при переходе на него выкинуло зелёнку.
Прошу подсказать чего не хватает, вроде все компоненты в имидже есть.

Оффлайн МарчеллаАвтор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 4009
  • Поблагодарили: 12635
  • Уважение: +55
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #2: 01 марта | 2015г. | 13:23:11 »
не хватает риндера...
Вам не разрешен просмотр кода. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь для просмотра.
 :download:[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Дуо Макс & Zgemma H7 S 4K UHD
Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Макс & Zgemma H9 Twin 4K UHD <> LCD4linux met Samsung SPF 87H

Оффлайн Lock

  • Младший Джедай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 119
  • Поблагодарили: 32
  • Уважение: -2
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #3: 01 марта | 2015г. | 14:19:25 »
Скин запустился, но при попытке сменить его через
Меню-настройка-система-сменить скин
при входе в "сменить скин" получаю зелёнку.
Прошу помочь с решением..

Оффлайн МарчеллаАвтор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 4009
  • Поблагодарили: 12635
  • Уважение: +55
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #4: 01 марта | 2015г. | 14:30:45 »
Скин запустился, но при попытке сменить его через
Меню-настройка-система-сменить скин
при входе в "сменить скин" получаю зелёнку.
Прошу помочь с решением..
исправил замени прицеп..
Вам не разрешен просмотр кода. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь для просмотра.

 :download:[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Дуо Макс & Zgemma H7 S 4K UHD
Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Макс & Zgemma H9 Twin 4K UHD <> LCD4linux met Samsung SPF 87H

Оффлайн Sedoi49

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 289
  • Поблагодарили: 384
  • Уважение: +2
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #5: 01 марта | 2015г. | 18:30:17 »
Ещё одна бяка:
меню-VTI-диспетчер устройств--сирень!
Спойлер   :
[   </gstreamersoftware>
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unicode U+ 44b not present
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unicode U+ 43e not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
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unicode U+ 435 not present
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unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 447 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 43e not present/spoiler]

Оффлайн МарчеллаАвтор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 4009
  • Поблагодарили: 12635
  • Уважение: +55
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #6: 01 марта | 2015г. | 19:09:39 »
Ещё одна бяка:
меню-VTI-диспетчер устройств--сирень!
Спойлер   :
[   </gstreamersoftware>
U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
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unicode U+ 435 not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
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unicode U+ 435 not present
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unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
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unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
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unicode U+ 43d not present
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unicode U+ 435 not present
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unicode U+ 421 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 436 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 414 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44f not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 44f not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 448 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 41f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44e not present
unicode U+ 447 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44c not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 44b not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44e not present
unicode U+ 447 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44e not present
unicode U+ 447 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 44b not present
unicode U+ 439 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 44e not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 431 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 439 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 437 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 439 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 421 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 439 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 446 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 44f not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 444 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44c not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 433 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 44e not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 41f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 436 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 439 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 436 not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 447 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 433 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 432 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 412 not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 44f not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 431 not present
unicode U+ 445 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 434 not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 44f not present
unicode U+ 44d not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 433 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 440 not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 446 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 441 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43c not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 443 not present
unicode U+ 442 not present
unicode U+ 44b not present
unicode U+ 412 not present
unicode U+ 44b not present
unicode U+ 43f not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43b not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 438 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 437 not present
unicode U+ 430 not present
unicode U+ 43a not present
unicode U+ 43e not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 447 not present
unicode U+ 435 not present
unicode U+ 43d not present
unicode U+ 43e not present/spoiler]
Sedoi49 это огрызок креша не поможет, всё исправил установив скин у себя держи прицеп .. :drinks:
 :download:[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Дуо Макс & Zgemma H7 S 4K UHD
Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Макс & Zgemma H9 Twin 4K UHD <> LCD4linux met Samsung SPF 87H

Оффлайн Sedoi49

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 289
  • Поблагодарили: 384
  • Уважение: +2
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #7: 01 марта | 2015г. | 20:01:38 »
всё исправил установив скин у себя держи прицеп .
Теперь всё отлично! :good: :dance4:
Отличный скин!
 :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

Оффлайн gavd

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 735
  • Поблагодарили: 727
  • Уважение: +4
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #8: 02 марта | 2015г. | 20:29:37 »
На gm990  имидж тестовый Taapat2 standart  скин  не  стартует .....

Оффлайн тихон

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 2390
  • Поблагодарили: 9272
  • Уважение: +7
Скин XTAforME-HD (VTI 8-0-0)
« Ответ #9: 02 марта | 2015г. | 20:40:56 »
На gm990  имидж тестовый Taapat2 standart  скин  не  стартует .....
Дак скин для VTI.
  • VU+ Ultimo 4K(VTI 15.0.0-ATV-7.1), VU+Duo2(PLI 8.1), VU+ Ultimo(Open ATV 7.1)

Оффлайн МарчеллаАвтор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 4009
  • Поблагодарили: 12635
  • Уважение: +55
Скин XTAforME-HD_VTi-8.x.x
« Ответ #10: 03 марта | 2015г. | 04:11:09 »
На gm990  имидж тестовый Taapat2 standart  скин  не  стартует .....
пробуй этот :drinks:
LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Дуо Макс & Zgemma H7 S 4K UHD
Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Макс & Zgemma H9 Twin 4K UHD <> LCD4linux met Samsung SPF 87H

Оффлайн Sedoi49

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 289
  • Поблагодарили: 384
  • Уважение: +2
Скин XTAforME-HD_VTi 8.x.x
« Ответ #11: 03 марта | 2015г. | 19:14:26 »
Ув. Марчелла Ещё: меню-настройки-система-сеть-Б-я сетьWLAN-выбрать(зе-я кн)-сирень.
Спойлер   :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <crashdate>Tue Mar  3 20:26:19 2015</crashdate>
      <compiledate>Feb 16 2015</compiledate>
      <kernelcmdline>bmem=118M ubi.mtd=0 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw rootflags=sync</kernelcmdline>
      <nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets>
creator=VTi <info@vuplus-support.org>
enigma2 - vti-8.0.0-20150216-r0
enigma2-data-enigma2 - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
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enigma2-data-xml - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
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enigma2-locale-da - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
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enigma2-locale-fr - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-fy - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-hr - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-hu - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-is - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-it - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
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enigma2-locale-lv - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
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enigma2-locale-ru - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-sk - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-sl - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-sr - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-sv - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-tr - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-locale-uk - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-atilehd - 2.5-r1
enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuitehdd - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamexplorer - experimental-git20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-flashexpander - experimental-git20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-foreca - 3.0.9-e2openpluginsgit20131214-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-gisclub-lib - 6.0-r3
enigma2-plugin-extensions-graphmultiepg - vti-8.0.0-20141130-r2
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaplayer - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediascanner - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-multiquickbutton-vu - 2.7.14-r2
enigma2-plugin-extensions-pictureplayer - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-quickecminfo - 2.2-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-remotechannelstreamconverter - 1.0-e2openpluginsgit20140106-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-secondinfobar - 2.8-r1
enigma2-plugin-extensions-sherlock-vuplus - 5.0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-showclock - experimental-git20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin-lib - 7.3-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-transmission - 1.93-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-3gmodemmanager - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoframerate - 0.2-r1
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoresolution - experimental-git20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoshutdown - 0.6-r9
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-commoninterfaceassignment - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-devicemanager2 - 1.4-r7
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-fancontrol - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hdmicec - 1.2-r9
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hmp-usb-dvb-c-t2 - 1.0-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hotplug - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-myenigmatranslation_for_vti - 2.2
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-networkbrowser - experimental-git20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-networkwizard - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-positionersetup - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-simplesatscan - 0.8
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-skinselector - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-ui3dsetup - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-uipositionsetup - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videoenhancement - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videomode - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videotune - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslan - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslansetup - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-zappingmodeselection - vti-8.0.0-20141121-r0
enigma2-plugins-meta - experimental-git20141121-r0
enigma2-python - vti-8.0.0-20150216-r0
enigma2-skin-classplus_hd-for-vti-7.0 - 1.1
enigma2-skins-meta - vti-8.0.0-20140504-r1
enigma2-streamproxy - 1.0+git15+37a3f19-r5
task-vuplus-enigma2 - 1.0-r20.8-vti13
gst-ffmpeg - 0.10.13-r4-vti1
gst-plugin-dvbmediasink - 0.10+git130+9173821-r11-vti0
gst-plugins-bad -
gst-plugins-bad-cdxaparse -
gst-plugins-bad-faad -
gst-plugins-bad-fragmented -
gst-plugins-bad-mms -
gst-plugins-bad-mpegdemux -
gst-plugins-bad-rtmp -
gst-plugins-bad-vcdsrc -
gst-plugins-base -
gst-plugins-base-alsa -
gst-plugins-base-app -
gst-plugins-base-audioconvert -
gst-plugins-base-audioresample -
gst-plugins-base-decodebin -
gst-plugins-base-decodebin2 -
gst-plugins-base-ogg -
gst-plugins-base-playbin -
gst-plugins-base-subparse -
gst-plugins-base-typefindfunctions -
gst-plugins-base-vorbis -
gst-plugins-good -
gst-plugins-good-apetag -
gst-plugins-good-audioparsers -
gst-plugins-good-autodetect -
gst-plugins-good-avi -
gst-plugins-good-flac -
gst-plugins-good-flv -
gst-plugins-good-icydemux -
gst-plugins-good-id3demux -
gst-plugins-good-isomp4 -
gst-plugins-good-matroska -
gst-plugins-good-rtp -
gst-plugins-good-rtpmanager -
gst-plugins-good-rtsp -
gst-plugins-good-souphttpsrc -
gst-plugins-good-udp -
gst-plugins-good-wavparse -
gst-plugins-ugly -
gst-plugins-ugly-asf -
gst-plugins-ugly-cdio -
gst-plugins-ugly-dvdsub -
gst-plugins-ugly-mad -
gst-plugins-ugly-mpegaudioparse -
gst-plugins-ugly-mpegstream -
gstreamer -
libgstapp-0.10-0 -
libgstaudio-0.10-0 -
libgstcdda-0.10-0 -
libgstinterfaces-0.10-0 -
libgstnetbuffer-0.10-0 -
libgstpbutils-0.10-0 -
libgstriff-0.10-0 -
libgstrtp-0.10-0 -
libgstrtsp-0.10-0 -
libgstsdp-0.10-0 -
libgsttag-0.10-0 -
libgstvideo-0.10-0 -
etvolume: 100 100 (raw)
Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
Setvolume: 40 40 (raw)
Setvolume: 38 38 (-1db)
warning, skin is missing element etitle in <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
[EPGC] 37312 events read from /hdd/epg.dat
[EPGC] create real epg.dat backup
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
playing service..
not pauseable.
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
allocate channel.. 0015:00fd
opening frontend 0
[eDVBCAService] new channel 0x730b7c20!
RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
prepare_sat System 1 Freq 12111000 Pol 2 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 360 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 2
tuning to 1361 mhz
OURSTATE: tuning
allocate Channel: res 0
[eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:83A:15:FD:1680000:0:0:0:
allocate demux
resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
[SEC] set static current limiting
set sequence pos 3
set sequence pos 4
[SEC] setVoltage 2
[SEC] sleep 200ms
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
[SEC] invalidate current switch params
[SEC] sendDiseqc: e00000(DiSEqC reset)
[SEC] sleep 50ms
ci inserted in slot 1
slot: 0x73d218
91 04 00 01 00 41
new session nb 1 0x731fed70
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
nameservers: [[192, 168, 1, 1]]
read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'wlan0': {'dhcp': True}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': True}}
self.ifaces after loading: {'wlan0': {'preup': '\tpre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf -B -dd -Dnl80211 || true\n', 'predown': '\tpre-down wpa_cli -iwlan0 terminate || true\n', 'ip': [192, 168, 1, 8], 'up': True, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '48:5b:39:09:8f:7c', 'dhcp': True, 'bcast': [192, 168, 1, 255], 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 1, 1]}, 'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up': False, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '00:1d:ec:01:5c:91', 'dhcp': True, 'netmask': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0]}}
[SEC] sendDiseqc: e00003(DiSEqC peripherial power on)
[SEC] sleep 150ms
[SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f7
[SEC] sleep 50ms
set sequence pos 3
[SEC] setTone 1
[SEC] sleep 10ms
[SEC] update current switch params
[SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
[SEC] setFrontend 1
setting frontend 0
[SEC] sleep 500ms
(0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
(0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
[eDVBCAService] channel 0x730b7c20 running
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x730b7c20 running
no version filtering
0014:  70 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  fc 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
[eEPGCache] channel 0x730b7c20 running
[EPGC] next update in 2 sec
stop release channel timer
no version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
ok ... now we start!!
no version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (03fd), and 1 audio stream(s) (03fe), and the pcr pid is 03fd, and the text pid is ffffffff
allocate demux
disable teletext subtitles
PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument
decoder state: play, vpid=1021, apid=1022
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x3fd) - pcr - ok
DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x3fe) - audio - ok
DEMUX_START - audio - ok
Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x3fd) - video - ok
DEMUX_START - video - ok
not pauseable.
[AutoRes] service changed
[SEC] set dynamic current limiting
slot: 0x73d218
90 02 00 01 9f 80 11 00
SESSION(1) 9f 80 11:
mein cam kann: nichts
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
+ 1/1 TID 00
use pmtpid 03fc for service_id 083a
no version filtering
03fc:  02 08 3a 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
doing version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 19 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
+ 1/1 TID 02
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (03fd), and 1 audio stream(s) (03fe), and the pcr pid is 03fd, and the text pid is ffffffff
PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument
decoder state: play, vpid=1021, apid=1022
[eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:83A:15:FD:1680000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:83A:15:FD:1680000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
[eDVBCAService] send 103 bytes
9f 80 32 63 03 08 3a 23 00 53 01 81 08 01 68 00 00 00 15 00 fd 82 02 01 00 84 02 03 fc 09 08 4a e1 e0 c8 02 00 11 01 09 0a 4a e1 e0 c8 02 00 11 01 00 03 09 08 27 10 e0 ca 19 00 11 01 09 08 27 10 e0 cb 18 00 11 01 09 08 4a e1 e0 c9 11 00 11 01 09 0a 4a e1 e0 c9 11 00 11 01 00 02 1b 03 fd 00 00 04 03 fe 00 00
doing version filtering
03fc:  02 08 3a 23 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
sdt update done!
slot: 0x73d218
90 02 00 01 9f 80 10 00
SESSION(1) 9f 80 10:
cam fragt was ich kann.
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 0b 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[AutoRes] determineContent
[EPGC] start caching events(1425402131)
slot: 0x73d218
91 04 00 02 00 41
new session nb 2 0x19341b8
slot: 0x73d218
90 02 00 02 9f 80 21 0d 01 4a 60 00 01 07 44 52 45 20 4e 4b 45
SESSION(2)/APP 9f 80 21: 01 4a 60 00 01 07 44 52 45 20 4e 4b 45
application info:
  len: 13
  application_type: 1
  application_manufacturer: 60 4a
  manufacturer_code: 01 00
  menu string: DRE NKE
in final state.
slot: 0x73d218
91 04 00 03 00 41
new session nb 3 0x199d588
slot: 0x73d218
90 02 00 03 9f 80 31 0a 7b e1 7b e0 4a e5 4a e1 4a e0
SESSION(3)/CA 9f 80 31: 7b e1 7b e0 4a e5 4a e1 4a e0
ca info:
7be1 7be0 4ae5 4ae1 4ae0
Slot 1 plugged
The CI in Slot 1 has said it can handle caid 4ae1... so use it
(1)CISlot 1, usecount now 1
eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 5)
CI Slot 1 setSource(0)
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
[AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
[AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
[AutoRes] determineContent
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading
[EPGC] abort non avail mhw reading
[EPGC] nownext finished(1425402138)
action ->  SIBActions ok_but
action ->  SIBActions ok_but
no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
action ->  SIBActions ok_but
action ->  SIBActions ok_but
action ->  ChannelSelectBaseActions nextBouquet
[EPGC] schedule finished(1425402163)
[EPGC] stop caching events(1425402163)
[EPGC] next update in 60 min
action ->  OkCancelActions cancel
action ->  SetupActions cancel
child has terminated
pipes closed
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 0d 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
action ->  InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
loading mainmenu XML...
Subtitles Subtitles
TimerEdit TimerEditList
PluginBrowser PluginBrowser
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
Ci CiSelection
ParentalControlSetup ParentalControlSetup
action ->  OkCancelActions cancel
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
Ci CiSelection
ParentalControlSetup ParentalControlSetup
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
LanguageSelection LanguageSelection
NetworkSetup NetworkAdapterSelection
RecordPaths RecordPathsSettings
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 0f 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 11 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 13 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
action ->  OkCancelActions cancel
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
Looking for embedded skin
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
nameservers: [[192, 168, 1, 1]]
read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'wlan0': {'dhcp': True}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': True}}
self.ifaces after loading: {'wlan0': {'preup': '\tpre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf -B -dd -Dnl80211 || true\n', 'predown': '\tpre-down wpa_cli -iwlan0 terminate || true\n', 'ip': [192, 168, 1, 8], 'up': True, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '48:5b:39:09:8f:7c', 'dhcp': True, 'bcast': [192, 168, 1, 255], 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 1, 1]}, 'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up': False, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '00:1d:ec:01:5c:91', 'dhcp': True, 'netmask': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0]}}
action ->  ColorActions green
Looking for embedded skin
action ->  WizardActions ok
Looking for embedded skin
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
halign must be either left, center, right or block!
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
nameservers: [[192, 168, 1, 1]]
read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'wlan0': {'dhcp': True}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': True}}
self.ifaces after loading: {'wlan0': {'preup': '\tpre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf -B -dd -Dnl80211 || true\n', 'predown': '\tpre-down wpa_cli -iwlan0 terminate || true\n', 'ip': [192, 168, 1, 8], 'up': True, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '48:5b:39:09:8f:7c', 'dhcp': True, 'bcast': [192, 168, 1, 255], 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 1, 1]}, 'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up': False, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '00:1d:ec:01:5c:91', 'dhcp': True, 'netmask': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0]}}
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 15 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
child has terminated
pipes closed
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 08 3a 17 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
action ->  SetupActions ok
action ->  MsgBoxActions ok
setting for adapter wlan0 attribute up  to value True
setting for adapter wlan0 attribute dhcp  to value True
setting for adapter wlan0 attribute dns-nameservers  to value False
setting for adapter wlan0 attribute configStrings  to value    pre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf.wlan0 -B -Dnl80211
   post-down wpa_cli terminate

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=9, data:
 * Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon
[ ok ]

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=8, data:
Selected interface 'wlan0'

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=7, data:

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=6, data:
ifdown: interface eth0 not configured

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=5, data:

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=4, data:
Deconfiguring network interfaces... smbd: no process found
nmbd: no process found
ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=1, cmds left=3, data:
udhcpc: no process found

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=1, cmds left=2, data:
rm: can't remove '/var/run/udhcpc*': No such file or directory

child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=1, data:
Configuring network interfaces... udhcpc (v1.19.4) started
No resolv.conf for interface wlan0.udhcpc
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
No lease, forking to background

child has terminated
pipes closed
[eBatch] retval=0, cmds left=0, data:
 * Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon
[ ok ]

child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
child has terminated
pipes closed
nameservers: []
read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'wlan0': {'dhcp': True}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': True}}
self.ifaces after loading: {'wlan0': {'preup': '\tpre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf.wlan0 -B -Dnl80211\n', 'predown': '\tpost-down wpa_cli terminate\n', 'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up': True, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '48:5b:39:09:8f:7c', 'dhcp': True, 'netmask': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up': False, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '00:1d:ec:01:5c:91', 'dhcp': True, 'netmask': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0]}}
action ->  WizardActions back
action ->  OkCancelActions cancel
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares...
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage your network shares...
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares...
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage your network shares...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 46, in action
    res = self.actions[action]()
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/NetworkSetup.py", line 174, in okbuttonClick
    self.session.openWithCallback(self.AdapterSetupClosed, AdapterSetupConfiguration, selection[0])
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 302, in openWithCallback
    dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 312, in open
    dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 247, in instantiateDialog
    return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 278, in doInstantiateDialog
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/GUISkin.py", line 112, in applySkin
    self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/GUISkin.py", line 30, in createGUIScreen
    if val.applySkin(desktop, self):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/GUIComponent.py", line 39, in applySkin
    skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/skin.py", line 395, in applyAllAttributes
    applySingleAttribute(guiObject, desktop, attrib, value, scale)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/skin.py", line 264, in applySingleAttribute
    guiObject.setFont(parseFont(value, scale))
AttributeError: 'eListbox' object has no attribute 'setFont'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0x1206f58>>,('OkCancelActions', 'ok')) failed)

Оффлайн МарчеллаАвтор темы

  • Совет Джедаев
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 4009
  • Поблагодарили: 12635
  • Уважение: +55
Скин XTAforME-HD_VTi 8.x.x
« Ответ #12: 04 марта | 2015г. | 04:14:22 »
Ув. Марчелла Ещё: меню-настройки-система-сеть-Б-я сетьWLAN-выбрать(зе-я кн)-сирень.
Sedoi49 исправил забирай прицеп..  :drinks:

 :download:[ Гостям не разрешен просмотр вложений ]
LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Дуо Макс & Zgemma H7 S 4K UHD
Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD > Яндекс Станция Макс & Zgemma H9 Twin 4K UHD <> LCD4linux met Samsung SPF 87H

Оффлайн Sedoi49

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 289
  • Поблагодарили: 384
  • Уважение: +2


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