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АвторТема: Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo  (Прочитано 33371 раз)

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Оффлайн rolexАвтор темы

  • Лорд Джедай
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Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo 01/05/2010



Meoboot 0.96 for Gigant Image

Материал предоставил kladovchk

P.S. С кириллицей не дружит, требуется замена fonts в моде.
Based Image of VTI


* Image: 5/1/2010 mod to Webkurier
* Headset: 04/29/2010
* Polish language mod that Webkurier 05/01/2010
* Polish text to mod Webkurier
* Satellites.xml official official 29/04/2010
* Channel List - Vhannibal Motor 75E> <45W PL 01.05.2010 mod to Webkurier
* Meoboot 0.96
* Skin: Elgato-HD + incl SecondInfoBar RollerCharLCD mod to Webkurier (added VTI panel)
* Online Addons Server:
- VTI default (/ etc / iPKG)
- OpenPLi (etc/ipkg1)
- Oficial (etc/ipkg2)
- DM (software manager)


# Apple Movie Trailers to Newnigma2 - movie trailers in HD format and SD (configuration menu)
# VTI Panel - SOFC manager and scripts VTI
# Open Panel - User scripts
# Dream Explorer - file manager
# DMNapi - Polish subtitles downloads, converts them to a format. Srt and displays on the films (with Dream Explorer)
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle retrieves from the database and displays the movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
# Import EPG - EPG charge for Polish and foreign channels max. 10 days
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Wetterinformation - the weather from the portal wetter.de
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio is such on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Cccam Info 1.3 - manager cccam
# Cccam Prio Maker - Automatic creation of channels broadcast cccam.prio in simulcrypt

and others ...

Color Settings button (the possibility of another programmable):

Short Blue - Extensions
Long Blue - VTI Panel

Short Yellow - Timeshift
Long Yellow - RSS Reader

Short green - List subkanałуw
Long Green - List of plugins

Short red - Recording
Long red - Open Panel

In case of problems with the receiver running the deep standby mode (for older models vu + duo) should be amended by ftp or via a remote control plug filebrowser file name / lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra/dvb-bcm7335.ko the 0dvb- bcm7335.ko and 1dvb-bcm7335.ko the dvb-bcm7335.ko, then start the receiver again.

Image also has a recent rudders, which, without jams replenish dvd files, labeled as 2dvb-bcm7335.ko

================================================== ============

Attention! Image does not include keys or emulators!

================================================== ============

  • Vu+ Duo | Vu+ Uno | Kathrein UFS 910 | GI 2138 HD | GI M100 Xtremer
Vu+ Duo HD Twin Linux, Vu+ Uno, Kathrein UFS 910

Оффлайн rolexАвтор темы

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 1325
  • Поблагодарили: 2246
  • Уважение: +17
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #1: 09 июня | 2010г. | 05:07:01 »
Очередной свой шедевр от поляков, мод от Webkurier

Giant Multiboot Image for VU + Duo to Webkurier 07/06/2010

Based of Official Image 4.8


* Enigma: 07.06.2010
* Headset: 06/03/2010
* Polish language 07/06/2010
* Polish text
* Channel List - Vhannibal Motor 75E> <45W PL 07.06.2010 mod to Webkurier
* Inkl Skins. SecondInfoBar + RollerCharLCD:
- Elgato-HD
- Elgato Red-HD
- Blue Shadow
- BrushedAlu-HD
- DMConcinnity-HD
- DMConcinnity-HD Alu
- DTV-HD-Reloaded
- Infinity-HD
- Kerni-HD1R2
- LT6-HD
- Ru-Infinity-HD
- Skin-essential72
- Vu-HD

* Online Addons Server:
- VTI default (/ etc / iPKG)
- OpenPLi (etc/1ipkg)
- Official (etc/2ipkg)


# Apple Movie Trailers - movie trailers in HD format and SD (configuration menu)
# VTI Panel - SOFC manager and scripts VTI
# Open Panel - scripts (eg Minicat k * y-Updater)
# Dream Explorer - file manager
# DMNapi - Polish subtitles downloads, converts them to a format. Srt and displays the MKV and AVI movies (with Dream Explorer)
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle gets to the base web and displays them in movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
# Import EPG - EPG charge for Polish and foreign channels max. 10 days
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results, incl Mundial 2010
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Wetterinformation - the weather from the portal wetter.de
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio is such on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Cccam Info 1.3 - cccam manager
# Cccam Prio Maker - Automatic creation of channels broadcast cccam.prio in simulcrypt
# My Tube - playing videos from youtube
Player # VLC - playback of PC
# FontMagnifier - editing fonts in skins
# Auto Backup - a daily backup generator
# Barry Allen

and others ...

Color Settings button (another possibility to program):

Short Blue - Extensions
Long Blue - VTI Panel

Short Yellow - Timeshift
Long Yellow - RSS Reader

Short green - List subkanałуw
Long Green - List of plugins

Short red - Recording
Long red - Open Panel

================================================== =========================
Attention! Image does not include keys or emulators!
Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of image.
Original entries of their authorship, and modifications have been preserved.
================================================== =========================

You can either upload the image into Flash, as well as on the multiboot pendrive.
Due to the limited amount of space in flash, picony recommended to install on a pendrive.
To do this you must create the ftp directory / media / usb / Picon and copy all its picons.
In order to correct a smooth playback, you can create a pendrive and activate the swap file.

gigant-image-vuplus-20100607-usb.zip Size: 52.93MB

gigant-image-vuplus-20100607-nfi.zip Size: 52.93MB

barryallen_5.1.17_vu+duo.zip Size: 6.96MB

чет мы отстаем братцы :), а вот тут появляется прикольная вещь, как было у Катрейн - RollerCharLCD (и о которой тут кстати вспоминали и спрашивали бывшие владельцы  кати - прокрутка текста на VFD) - надо его выкопать и посадить в свой мод. Так же неплохой набор плагинов и скинов. Прикручено 3 фида поддержки - я давно об этом кстати думал, чтобы можно было переключатся и "пошарить" по соседним.

Ставить посмотреть обязательно для любознательных!
  • Vu+ Duo | Vu+ Uno | Kathrein UFS 910 | GI 2138 HD | GI M100 Xtremer
Vu+ Duo HD Twin Linux, Vu+ Uno, Kathrein UFS 910

Оффлайн CHERTS

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 151
  • Поблагодарили: 196
  • Уважение: 0
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #2: 09 июня | 2010г. | 06:03:16 »
Очередная подделка под имадж VTI.

Вот народу делать то нефиг, клепать свои чудо-подделки, лучше бы сдружились с разработчиками VTI и помогли им довести прошивку до ума.

Оффлайн Wolf

  • Лорд Джедай
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  • Уважение: +69
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #3: 10 июня | 2010г. | 20:26:00 »
Очередная подделка под имадж VTI.
Поделка под PLi, так как имидж собран на его основе. Но народ очень умелый прикрутил VTI панель и все утилиты от VTI. PLi примбомбасы присутствуют. С USB Fi-Wi таже проблема, плагин установлен, все файлы присутствуют, но USB свисток не видет. Очень понравился скин blue/shadow чейто редакции, сейчас сижу пытаюсь прикрутить его на VTI 1.2 :)
  • Gi-S9895 VTI 11|Vu+ Solo2 Sunray VTI 11|Vu+Duo2 VTI 11
Vu+ Duo2 + HDD320Gb + DM2100 96E-30W 1,2m
Vu+ Solo2 Sunray + HDD80Gb + DRE4020
Gi S9895 ( Vu+ Duo ) + HDD120Gb + DRE4020 Всё что ни делается всё к лучшему, но иногда все  получается очень хреново.

Оффлайн kladovchk

  • Младший Джедай
  • **
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 74
  • Поблагодарили: 133
  • Уважение: 0
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #4: 12 июня | 2010г. | 07:34:37 »
Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo to Webkurier 11/06/2010

Best of Dream Elite, VTI, OpenPLi, Newnigma2

Image based on BH Dream Elite 1.3.3


* Enigma: 10.06.2010
* Headset: 06/11/2010
* Polish language 06/10/2010
* Polish text
* Channel list: 10/06/2010
* Inkl Skins. SecondInfoBar + RollerCharLCD:
- Elgato-HD
- Elgato Red-HD
- Blue Shadow
- BrushedAlu-HD
- DMConcinnity-HD
- DMConcinnity-HD Alu
- DTV-HD-Reloaded
- Infinity-HD
- Kerni-HD1R2
- LT6-HD
- Ru-Infinity-HD
- Skin-essential72
- Default Skin

* Online Addons Server:
- Dream Elite
- OpenPLi
- Official


# Apple Movie Trailers - movie trailers in HD format and SD (configuration menu)
# DE Blue Panel - SOFC manager tools + DE
# DE Green Panel - Plugins + Scripts DE
# VTI Panel - SOFC manager + scripts VTI
# Open Panel - User scripts (eg Minicat k * y-Updater)
# Merlin II, Program Guide - EPG by Vali
# Dream Explorer - file manager
# DMNapi - Polish subtitles downloads, converts them to a format. Srt and displays the MKV and AVI movies (with Dream Explorer)
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle gets to the base web and displays them in movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results, incl Mundial 2010
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Wetterinformation - the weather from the portal wetter.de
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio is such on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Cccam Prio Maker - Automatic creation of channels broadcast cccam.prio in simulcrypt
# My Tube - playing videos from youtube
# FontMagnifier - editing fonts in skins (eg, subtitles for movies)
# Auto Backup - a daily backup generator
# Barry Allen

and others ...

Settings button (the possibility of another programmable):

Short Blue - Blue Panel DE
Long Blue - Extensions

Short Yellow - Timeshift
Long Yellow - RSS Reader

Short green - Green Panel DE
Long green - Plugins & Addons List Server VTI
2 x green - Favorite freely programmable connector such as weather

Short red - Recording
Long Red - Panel VTI

Help - switching 4:3 / 16:9

================================================== ========== ===============
Attention! Image does not include keys or emulators!
Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of image.
Entries regarding their authorship, and modifications were originally preserved.
================================================== ========== ===============


* Full operation image only guarantees its installation in flash.
* Wireless works 100% with the adapter usb: TP-Link TL-WN321G 54Mbps Ralink chip
* The third tuner works 100% with your dvb-t usb: Hauppauge WinTV-Nova-T-Stick Value (FTA + crypted)
* Due to limited space in flash, picony recommended to install on your memory stick - to create an FTP directory / media / usb / Picon
* Due to limited space in flash does not install more than two - three skins. Catalogs with selected skins copy via FTP to / usr/share/enigma2.
* For video playback provide liquidity and stability of enigma can create a swap file swap on a pendrive (by VTI Panel)
* When installing multiboot image in the flash memory stick is to download the latest reins vuplus duo, available at the manufacturer: ht tp://archive.vuplus.com/download/drivers/

Gracias a Webkurier




Оффлайн spirit

  • Джедай Ветеран
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 337
  • Поблагодарили: 156
  • Уважение: +1
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #5: 12 июня | 2010г. | 08:16:22 »
Best of Dream Elite, VTI, OpenPLi, Newnigma2
Я правильно понял перевод? - " лучший из перечисленных"

Satuser1972,  а понял, он типа в себе собрал всё лучшее из имиджей Dream Elite, VTI, OpenPLi, Newnigma2

Оффлайн Satuser1972

  • Джедай Ветеран
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 247
  • Поблагодарили: 498
  • Уважение: +6
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #6: 12 июня | 2010г. | 08:37:44 »
Best of Dream Elite, VTI, OpenPLi, Newnigma2
Я правильно понял перевод? - " лучший из перечисленных"
"Лучшее из"

Оффлайн rolexАвтор темы

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 1325
  • Поблагодарили: 2246
  • Уважение: +17
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #7: 26 июля | 2010г. | 12:34:11 »
Gigant OE1.6 Multiboot Image for VU + Duo to Webkurier 25/07/2010

Image based on Image Official-5.0


* Enigma: 25.06.2010
* Headset: 23/07/2010
* Polish language 06/25/2010
* Polish text

* Skins:
- HD-Glass13
- Elgato Red-HD
- Default Skin

* Online Addons Server:
- OpenPLi
- Official


# SoftCam Panel to PLI - Menu / Settings / SoftCam - CI
# Fancontrol - management of the standby fan
# Graphic Multi EPG with the menu - now positioning parameters
# Open Panel - User scripts (such as k * y-Updater)
# Merlin II, Program Guide - EPG by Vali
# Dream Explorer - file manager
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle gets to the base web and displays them in movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# Rytec EPG - EPG for all channels, both Polish and foreign for 10 days in advance (intern)
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
# Glass System Info - System Information
# Sherlock - EPG and system info
# Weather Plugin - weather for all cities in Poland and Europe
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio is such on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Cccam info
# My Tube - playing videos from youtube
# Multi Quickbutton - programming the remote control
# FontMagnifier - editing fonts in skins (eg, subtitles for movies)
# VCal - Calendar
# Barry Allen

and others ...

Settings button (the possibility of another programmable):

Short Blue - Extensions
Long Blue - Open Panel

Short Yellow - RSS Reader
Long Yellow - Weather

Short green - List of plugins
Long green - EPG Import

Short red - cccam Info
Long red - Shoutcast Webradio

Help - switching 4:3 / 16:9

================================================== =========================
Attention! Image does not include keys or emulators!
Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of image.
Entries regarding their authorship, and modifications have been preserved in the original.
================================================== =========================


* Image is suitable for both the Flash and the USB multiboot. In the latter case, it must be in flash image with the current controls, and compatible with the kernel OE1.6

* Due to limited space in flash, picony recommended to install on your flash drive - should be set up FTP directories:
/ Media / usb / Picon
/ Media / usb / piconProv
/ Media / usb / piconSat

Known issues: wifi not working, and DVB-T (maybe in the next version)

Download  gigant-image-oe16-vuplus-20100725-usb.zip
Download  gigant-image-oe16-vuplus-20100725-nfi.zip
Download Picons
Download barryallen_5.1.17_vu+duo.zip

ЗЫ. Поляки впереди планеты всей )) налепили свой мод на новом офф 5.0 OE 1.6
  • Vu+ Duo | Vu+ Uno | Kathrein UFS 910 | GI 2138 HD | GI M100 Xtremer
Vu+ Duo HD Twin Linux, Vu+ Uno, Kathrein UFS 910

Оффлайн CHERTS

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 151
  • Поблагодарили: 196
  • Уважение: 0
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #8: 26 июля | 2010г. | 14:44:20 »
Ну клепать полуфабрикаты и я могу со страшной силой, дома вон уже собирается прошивка на 5.0...

Оффлайн anatoly

  • Лорд Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 1254
  • Поблагодарили: 1613
  • Уважение: +9
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #9: 26 июля | 2010г. | 14:48:26 »
  Кто-нибудь пробовал сие чудо. После IPBox что-то у меня пропало желание ставишь их имиджи. Может c этими ресиверами дела обстоят лучше.
  • GI S9895 HD, Sezam 9100HD, Topfield 7700HSCI, Openbox X810, Prof 7301 DVB-S2

Оффлайн igorus10

  • Падаван
  • *
  • Сообщений: 38
  • Поблагодарили: 11
  • Уважение: 0
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #10: 26 июля | 2010г. | 19:09:01 »
  Кто-нибудь пробовал сие чудо. После IPBox что-то у меня пропало желание ставишь их имиджи. Может c этими ресиверами дела обстоят лучше.

Не не обстоят! Топорная работа!

Оффлайн pashaa

  • Падаван
  • *
  • Сообщений: 19
  • Поблагодарили: 11
  • Уважение: 0
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #11: 11 августа | 2010г. | 23:35:04 »
Gigant image OE1.6 Multiboot for VU + Duo to Webkurier 10/08/2010

Based on Official-,-VTI, OpenPLi-Elite and Dream - Images


* Enigma: 10.08.2010
* Headset: 23/07/2010
* Polish language: 8/10/2010
* Polish text

* Skins:
- Glass14 HD-
- Elgato Red-HD
- Blue Shadow
- Infinity-hd
- Default Skin

* Online Addons Server:
- OpenPLi
- Official


PLI # SoftCam Panel - Menu / Settings / SoftCam - CI
# VTI Panel
# Fancontrol - management of the standby fan
# Graphic Multi EPG with the menu - now positioning parameters
# Open Panel - User scripts (such as k * y-Updater)
# Programm Guide Merlin II - Graphical EPG
# Merlin Music Player - Music Player
# Dream Explorer - file manager
# DMNapi - gets online subtitles in txt format and converts them to src
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle gets to the base web and displays them in movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# EPG Import - External EPG for all channels of Polish and foreign for 10 days in advance
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
Glass # System Info - System Information
# Weather Plugin - Weather forecast for all cities in Poland and Europe
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio such as on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Cccam info - manager cccam
# CCPrioMaker - creates a file CCcam.prio - necessary for the channels broadcast in simulcrypt
# My Tube - playback and download videos from youtube (fix)
# Multi Quickbutton - programming the remote control
# FontMagnifier - editing fonts in skins (eg, subtitles for movies)
# VCal - Calendar
# Barry Allen - the testing of other images on the flash drive in a multiboot

and others ...

Settings button (the possibility of another programmable):

Short Blue - Extensions
Long Blue - VTI Panel

Short Yellow - RSS Reader
Long Yellow - Weather

Short green - List of plugins
Long green - EPG Import

Short red - cccam Info
Long red - Shoutcast Webradio

Help - switching 4:3 / 16:9

================================================== =========================
Attention! Image does not include keys or emulators!
Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of image.
================================================== =========================


* The standard location for picons: / media / usb / Picon. If you wish otherwise, please change the address in / etc / piconPaths-def.conf /

* If you use other than HD-Skin Glass14, you must copy the ftp location in accordance with the contents of the directory for standard Infobar Skin

* Depending on the needs, you can install by ftp compatible with a giant oe 1.6 plugin, which can be found in the directory "Plugins for the giant-oe1.6 image"

* Feeds: In order to use another server, rename the folder with the 1xxx-opkg opkg: 1official_opkg = official, 1pli_opkg = pli, 1vti_opkg = VTI. VTI is installed as standard feed.

Oe 1.6 * plugin, you can also download the server DMM (manager software, blue)

WARNING! Some plug-ins from the server PLI are not compatible with OE1.6 and their installation may damage the image.
Therefore, before downloading them to perform backup of your settings using the open panel (long blue

  • Vu+ duo4k
Vu Duo4k
Tuxbox TX-990
1.2M 13.0Е + 0.9м 36E

Оффлайн kladovchk

  • Младший Джедай
  • **
  • Забанен!
  • Сообщений: 74
  • Поблагодарили: 133
  • Уважение: 0
Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #12: 20 августа | 2010г. | 07:15:01 »
Gigant OE1.6 Multiboot Image for VU + Duo to Webkurier 19/08/2010

Based on Official-,-VTI, OpenPLi-Elite and Dream - Images


* Enigma: 19.08.2010
* Headset: 08/19/2010 (Support detection EOS driver Others playback, MP3 playback fix the problem, fix "the problem of late sound" in recording playback)
* Polish language: 8/19/2010
* Polish text

* Skins:
- HD-Glass14
- Elgato Red-HD
- Blue Shadow
- Infinity-hd
- Default Skin

* Online Addons Server:

- OpenPLi
- Official


PLI # SoftCam Panel - Menu / Settings / SoftCam - CI
# VTI Panel
# Fancontrol - management of the standby fan
# PowerControl - Power Management receiver
# Graphic Multi EPG with the menu - now positioning parameters (blue)
# Open Panel - User scripts (such as k * y-Updater)
# Programm Guide Merlin II - Graphical EPG
# Merlin Music Player - Music Player
# Dream Explorer - file manager
# DMNapi - gets online subtitles in txt format and converts them to src
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle gets to the base web and displays them in movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# EPG Import - External EPG for all channels of Polish and foreign for 10 days in advance
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
# Glass System Info - System Information
# Weather Plugin - Weather forecast for all cities in Poland and Europe
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio is such on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Cccam info - manager cccam
# CCPrioMaker - creates a file CCcam.prio - necessary for the channels broadcast in simulcrypt
# My Tube - playback and download videos from youtube (fix 08/19/1910)
# DMvidsDirect - playback of Dailymotion's website (if no image is run mytube then restart ENIGMA)
# MetacafeDirect - play movies from the site Metacafe
# Multi Quickbutton - programming the remote control
# FontMagnifier - editing fonts in skins (eg, subtitles for movies)
# VCal - Calendar
# Volume adjust - adjust the volume control on each channel
# Barry Allen - the testing of other images on the flash drive in a multiboot

and others ...

Settings button (the possibility of another programmable):

Short Blue - Extensions
Long Blue - VTI Panel

Short Yellow - RSS Reader
Long Yellow - Weather

Short green - List of plugins
Long green - EPG Import

Short red - cccam Info
Long red - Shoutcast Webradio

Help - switching 4:3 / 16:9

================================================== ==========
Attention! Image does not include keys or emulators!
Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of image.
================================================== ==========


* The standard location for picons: / media / usb / Picon.
If you want otherwise you must change the location of the file / etc / piconPaths-def.conf /

* If you use the HD-Glass14 Skin should be in / usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens 2InfoBarGenerics.py.hd16 rename the InfoBarGenerics.py, and for version "infobar extended
only" to remove extra directory / usr / lib / enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/2IB

* Feeds: In order to use another server, rename the folder with
the 1xxx-opkg opkg: 1official_opkg = official, 1pli_opkg = pli. Installed as standard feeds VTI + Official.

* You can download the plug oe1.6 the DMM from the server
(manager software, blue)



Оффлайн sp34

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Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #13: 21 августа | 2010г. | 00:24:19 »
Ребята кто попробовал данный имидж отпишитесь, поделитесь впечатлениями , хочется уйти на новое ядро.

Оффлайн kladovchk

  • Младший Джедай
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Enigma2 • Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo
« Ответ #14: 20 сентября | 2010г. | 23:59:40 »
Giant Update 19/09/2010

Giant update to be done in two phases:

1st Update the amendments prepared by the team VTI
- VTI-panel run (long blue) and choose: Image Tools, Update Image and click OK
- After the update, which can take depending on the speed of the Internet, even a few minutes, reboot the ENIGMA

2nd Update the amendments prepared by me - it must be carried out each time after the update described in item 1)

- Update_gigant_xxxx.tar.gz file copy via FTP to / tmp
- VTI-run panel (blue), the installer package, the installer tar.gz file and click OK. After the run again ENIGMA

Giant Update 09/19/2010:

- Multiquickbutton 2.7.3 for VU + Duo - a new version entirely in Polish
- RSS feeds - Polish version - added the live football
- Amendments from the previous update

Attention! Before installing, remove the FTP directory / etc / MultiQuickButton /


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