Open Black Hole 0.1 update 06-06-2015Whats New:
Open Black Hole now includes OpenMultiBoot patched by Meo.
Main Features:
Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
Black Hole:
Blue panel
Green Panel
Extra Settings
Addons panel
Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins
*** WARNING *** If you have used Open Multiboot previously, you must remove all folders and files from your Usb and Hdd devices before you use this patched version.
What is Open Multiboot ?
OpenMultiBoot is a newer and more advanced version of Meoboot.
It does not mix drivers and kernels so you can run any Vu+ image, and even use the online update function for that image, without the risk of corrupting the multiboot image or the main image in flash.
With OpenMultiBoot you can have Open Black Hole in flash and classic Black Hole in multiboot.
OpenMultiboot has been tested and is working with the following images:
- Open Black Hole
- Black Hole
- OpenPli
- OpenAtv
- OpenVix
- Vti
- Vu+ original
What is Open Black Hole ?
It is an exciting new project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.
This new project is based on the PLi git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all PLi plugins, feeds and skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.
This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the Black Hole addons panel and included Full HD skin support, OpenGLes Animations and of course included Xbmc .
As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any Open Black Hole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).
Do I have to upgrade to this new Open Black Hole image ?
No you don't have to upgrade to the new Open Black Hole image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply a new image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new Open Black Hole image then you can do so.
What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?
For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new Open Black Hole image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.
Where can I find the Open Black Hole git ?
The Open Black Hole git is located here:
https://git.vuplus-community.netOpen Black Hole 0.1 update 06-06-2015 Vu+ Duo