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АвторТема: Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme  (Прочитано 66794 раз)

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Оффлайн Egabite

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Enigma 2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Exreme
« Ответ #15: 01 ноября | 2010г. | 20:52:53 »
Вышла новая версия VIX имиджа v1.2

Based on Official 5.3 Image

Enigma: 04-10-2010-experimental.
Enigma Plugins: 04-10-2010.
GCC Version: 4.4.3.

Team VIX Enhancements

All the same Enhancements as the previous image, along with some extra enhancements, as listed below...

New Enhancements in v1.2

    * VIX Duo 1.2 Bootlogos, Radio Logos and Shutdown Logos.
    * Softcam Manager completely re-written to allow users to add any softcams that are not currently available in the plugins server. If a script is not necessary, then you can just copy the binary file over to /usr/softcam/. This will allow you to use the binary. If you need a script, then andy will explain how to do it . Also, with the new softcam manager, softcams will start in the order in which you add them to the autostart. So, if you want oscam and cccam to autostart, if you add cccam first, then oscam, cccam will always start before oscam (basically, pointless ). So, make sure you add them in the correct order!. Also, some users need mgcamd to update entitlements (and other similar cam usage might be required). So now, if you want to stop a cam, the autocam checker will not check for stopped cams. For example, if you stop any autostarted cams, then start mgcamd (or whichever cam is not autostarted) manually, this will stay running until you either manually stop it and start the required cams, or restart your box.
    * Added more softcams into feeds. (scam.3.59, gbox.2.25, sbox.
    * Added some softcam scripts into feeds (still requires testing further). mbox, mbox-sbox, mbox-sbox-cccam, cccam-mbox-sbox.
    * New device manager - completely re-wrote to work better in the image. Swap partitions are no longer handled by device manager.
    * New swap manager - completely re-wrote to work better in the image. Swap partitions are read and handled by swap manager. Also, to ensure stability in swap creation, swap files have been limited to 64mb.
    * New image manager - completely re-wrote to allow it to work on both the solo and duo.
    * New IPK Installer, just copy your .ipk fle into '/tmp' and go the menu option.
    * Crossepg now moved in to the VIX menu. Also, crossepg has been updated to the latest version (svn 113).
    * Updated CoolTVGuide to version 2.10, but with our own code rewrite, it now launches 3x quicker than the original. this will be the last version that vix will have built in to the image, as great as the plugin is it is just getting slow, ViX is going to start again at the beginning with GrphMultiEPG and build it back up with only the needed features that does not slow down the plugin. when this is done you will still be able to download CoolTVGuide from our feeds of you wish you use it.
    * Updated AutoTimer blue button, now creates the timer for you as well, no need to manually run AutoTimer update to get the timer added.
    * Updated AutoTimer background check, as default it now only checks for new timers whilst in Standby. you can turn this off in settings.
    * Updated VIX Team Vu_HD+ Skin.
    * Update SingleEPG you can scroll through the channels using Channel Up/Down buttons on your remote
    * Added Ghost HD skin.
    * Added Panic Button - Goes to channel number 1 in your channel list and clears browsing history
    * Many other enhancements under the hood to ensure a smoother image .

Bug Fixes in v1.2

    * Autotimer :- A modified version is used, with many bug fixes. The main bug fix is sometimes AutoTimer would sometimes not find events. ie. AutoTimer would find an event 'The Apprentice' on BBC1, but not find the same event on BBC HD.
    * Dmconcinnity-HD skin bug in Information About screen

Button Mappings

    * Short Red - Show current event info.
    * Long Red - Show current channel EPG info.
    * Short Green - Timers.
    * Long Green - AutoTimer Timers.
    * Short Yellow - EPG Search.
    * Long Yellow - IMDB Database. < --- Currently not working - read Known Bugs
    * Short Blue - Extensions.
    * Long Blue - Plugins Menu.
    * EPG - Opens the Cool TV EPG plugin

Known Bugs

    * IMDB Plugin not working correctly - This is a problem with the original plugin, and as soon as an update is posted which fixes this, it will be made available via an online update...
    * Motor moving image does not display - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.
    * Front VFD display showing the play button at the end of a video unless it is stopped manually - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.
    * ECM time on second info bar in skin is not currently shown - New version of CCcam needed for OE1.6. (libgcc_s.so fix is unstable).
    * Installing other skins may cause the box to get into an infinite loop. Only skins in the feed are tested and recommended by us. If you want to use other skins, you will need to use OE1.6 skins (i.e. those created for VTI 2.0 or later), and may need adapting for the image (espcially in terms of the CCcam info displaying on the second info bar)...

Special thanks for help in testing the softcam scripts:

Raikkok & Superplakis

Оффлайн VNikolaev

  • Друзья Джедаев
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Enigma 2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Exreme
« Ответ #17: 01 ноября | 2010г. | 22:58:30 »
Добрался до этого имиджа... Вполне прилично, правда поставил дополнительно на него VTI панель а то такое чувство что чего то не хватает..
Точно не хватает, и  через темп не видно.

Оффлайн 2boom

  • Рыцарь Джедай
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  • Уважение: +168
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #18: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 17:30:06 »
New VIX Image - v1.3
04/12/2010 - OE1.6

From VIX Team

Based on Official 5.4 Image

Enigma: 16-11-2010-experimental.
Enigma Plugins: 16-11-2010.
GCC Version: 4.4.3.

Спойлер   :
Sorry for all delays with this image, just wanted to ensure all working fine  Hopefully we've removed most problems

Also, due to the image differences in original 5.3 and 5.4, an online update to VIX 1.3 will not be possible. A full flash will be required. Sorry guys...

Team VIX Enhancements

All the same Enhancements as the previous image, along with some extra enhancements, as listed below...

New Enhancements in v1.3

VIX Duo 1.3 Bootlogos, Radio Logos and Shutdown Logos.
New VIX Spinner icon.
Softcam slightly rewritten - This was to remove the bug of ***** crashing when using the Autostart feature. This was due to the way the check to ensure ***** was running was working.
Major rewritten core code to help with stability and memory issues that were in previous v1.1 build.
Movie list has been re-written to allow threading - This is only used if you use more than one storage device/partition. Previously, if moving a file from one drive to another, the box would be frozen whilst the movie was moved. Now, the move happens in the background allowing you to carry on using your box. NB, only one move/delete will be allowed to happen at any one time. the button labels will go blank whilst the file action is in progress, moving through the movie list checks the progress, so you can then move another recording.
VIX Cron Manager Added - There is now a front-end in the VIX Menu to allow you to add cronjobs. This is only a basic add which will run a certain command at a certain time everyday. If you want a more advanced cronjob added, you will need to manually edit the root file in /etc/cron/crontabs
VIX-EPG - This is a simpler, faster version of CoolTVGuide, modified for the image. In our tests, this is faster than CoolTVGuide. If you still wish to use CoolTVGuide, you can install it from our feeds and you will need to edit the setting in the VIX Menu.
VIX QuickEPG - This is VIXs' version of QuickZap. You can see the full epg data for the channel, not just now and next. Picons work within QuickEPG. You can change channels using the left/right **** or by keying the channel number, zap to a channel using OK, use up/down to scroll through the epg list an event at a time, or use channel +/- to scroll 2 at a time. By default, QuickEPG is entered by left/right. This can be changed in the VIX Menu Settings.
NFS Server added to image and set to run automatically - To edit the folders you wish to share, you will need to edit file /etc/exports.
OpenVPN added to image - This will need to be configured to your need first then use the manager to setup to autostart. The team have never used this, so it still needs testing, if you find any bugs supply a config file that we can use to test it with.
Autosleep function added to VIX Menu - This allows you to automatically put the box to sleep at your chosen time. If for any reason you are still watching tv when box tries to go to sleep (e.g. you decided to stay up late to watch a film or something ), you can choose to cancel the sleep, and it will retry sleep at intervals set by you.
VIX Network Manager added to VIX Menu - This allows you to stop and start certain network features. The features you can stop/start are: FTP, NFS, VPN, Samba and Telnet.
Subserivice Option - This option allows you to assign the Subservice shortcut to a long green press. To change this option, go to VIX Menu -> VIX Setup.
Softcam Manager added to extensions menu (short blue).
VIX Menu added to extensions menu (short blue).
Crossepg updated to latest version (svn 152) - This version allows download of rytec sources, as well as XEPGDB (hosted by krkaddoni) sources. XEPGDB is a new epg format, and seems much faster in testing  See bug list below
***** 2.2.0 & 2.2.1 added to feeds - This will allow the ECM times to work correctly in the image

Bug Fixes in v1.3

Softcam manager crashed while checking to ensure ***** was running - An interim fix for this was to ensure a swap file was running. This is not now required due to modifications of Softcam Manager.
IMDB Plugin not working correctly - Plugin has been updated in new versions of enigma
ECM Timings in ***** - This is only fixed if you are using ***** 2.2.0. If you are using this version of *****, then the ECM timings will be shown. If you are using an earlier version of *****, then you will not get anything showing in regards to ECM times. See screenshots below of second infobar as to where it will be shown.

У нас в файлах

  • VU+ Duo 2 | Vu + Ultimo | DM800se (A8P) | MK-Digital xp1000
на подкуп резидента webmoney: R152988468288  yandex: 410011849574352  Приват24 (в личку)
Авторские работы (скины, пиконы, плагины) выкладывать на сторонних ресурсах запрещено, без согласования с автором

Оффлайн VNikolaev

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 267
  • Поблагодарили: 388
  • Уважение: +1
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #19: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 18:36:08 »
Русский прикрутили нормально, не надо шаманить.

Оффлайн Prekon

  • Джедай Куратор
  • **
  • Сообщений: 1204
  • Поблагодарили: 2367
  • Уважение: +8
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #20: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 19:48:11 »
Интересно получается,после смены скина или добавления нового Плугина,после перезагрузки,надо вновь перезагружать эммулятор 1.35А. ^-^

Оффлайн 2boom

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 15162
  • Поблагодарили: 23781
  • Уважение: +168
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #21: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 20:25:44 »
Prekon, ты имееш ввиду, каждый раз после определенного действия или после всей описаной цепочки действий???

VNikolaev, что означает нормально русский прикрутили??? можно подробней...
  • VU+ Duo 2 | Vu + Ultimo | DM800se (A8P) | MK-Digital xp1000
на подкуп резидента webmoney: R152988468288  yandex: 410011849574352  Приват24 (в личку)
Авторские работы (скины, пиконы, плагины) выкладывать на сторонних ресурсах запрещено, без согласования с автором

Оффлайн Prekon

  • Джедай Куратор
  • **
  • Сообщений: 1204
  • Поблагодарили: 2367
  • Уважение: +8
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #22: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 20:33:40 »
Это происходит  каждый раз после определенного действия таких как, смены скина,или добавления плагина. Там где нужна перезагрузка реса. ^-^

Оффлайн 2boom

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 15162
  • Поблагодарили: 23781
  • Уважение: +168
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #23: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 20:53:27 »
Prekon, еще уточни, при смене скина нужна перзагрузка gui, а не ресивера, то есть ты хочеш сказать, что при полной перезагрузке не страртует mgcamd....или он не стартует при перезагрузке gui и полной перезагрузке??

PS просто сейчас не могу поковырять, ресивер занят...
  • VU+ Duo 2 | Vu + Ultimo | DM800se (A8P) | MK-Digital xp1000
на подкуп резидента webmoney: R152988468288  yandex: 410011849574352  Приват24 (в личку)
Авторские работы (скины, пиконы, плагины) выкладывать на сторонних ресурсах запрещено, без согласования с автором

Оффлайн Prekon

  • Джедай Куратор
  • **
  • Сообщений: 1204
  • Поблагодарили: 2367
  • Уважение: +8
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #24: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 20:55:56 »
 Да,совершенно верно,так как ты сказал.

Оффлайн 2boom

  • Рыцарь Джедай
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 15162
  • Поблагодарили: 23781
  • Уважение: +168
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #25: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 21:06:15 »
Prekon, положи вот сюда /usr/script - файл скрипт запуска [права файла-755], сам скрипт гдето вначале ветки по mgcamd может поможет....
  • VU+ Duo 2 | Vu + Ultimo | DM800se (A8P) | MK-Digital xp1000
на подкуп резидента webmoney: R152988468288  yandex: 410011849574352  Приват24 (в личку)
Авторские работы (скины, пиконы, плагины) выкладывать на сторонних ресурсах запрещено, без согласования с автором

Оффлайн VNikolaev

  • Друзья Джедаев
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 267
  • Поблагодарили: 388
  • Уважение: +1
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #26: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 21:07:29 »
VNikolaev, что означает нормально русский прикрутили??? можно подробней...
НЕ надо  шрифты подставлять.

Оффлайн Prekon

  • Джедай Куратор
  • **
  • Сообщений: 1204
  • Поблагодарили: 2367
  • Уважение: +8
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #27: 05 декабря | 2010г. | 21:29:44 »
Prekon, положи вот сюда /usr/script - файл скрипт запуска [права файла-755], сам скрипт гдето вначале ветки по mgcamd может поможет....
Спасибо,почему то не оказалось скрипта,поставил и всё встало на место.  :bye:

Оффлайн homega

  • Джедай
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Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #28: 06 декабря | 2010г. | 15:04:25 »
Интересно получается,после смены скина или добавления нового Плугина,после перезагрузки,надо вновь перезагружать эммулятор 1.35А. ^-^

а это ?
  • VU+ duo     мультифид LNB3(75E)-LNB4(85E)-LNB5(90E);    diseqc 1.2 -LNB1( 9-53E); LNB2 ( 36E)

Оффлайн homega

  • Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 355
  • Поблагодарили: 484
  • Уважение: +4
Enigma2 • VIX Team • Vu+ Image Xreme
« Ответ #29: 06 декабря | 2010г. | 19:23:36 »
New VIX Image - v1.3
04/12/2010 - OE1.6

From VIX Team

Based on Official 5.4 Image

Enigma: 16-11-2010-experimental.
Enigma Plugins: 16-11-2010.
GCC Version: 4.4.3.

Спойлер   :
Sorry for all delays with this image, just wanted to ensure all working fine  Hopefully we've removed most problems

Also, due to the image differences in original 5.3 and 5.4, an online update to VIX 1.3 will not be possible. A full flash will be required. Sorry guys...

Team VIX Enhancements

All the same Enhancements as the previous image, along with some extra enhancements, as listed below...

New Enhancements in v1.3

VIX Duo 1.3 Bootlogos, Radio Logos and Shutdown Logos.
New VIX Spinner icon.
Softcam slightly rewritten - This was to remove the bug of ***** crashing when using the Autostart feature. This was due to the way the check to ensure ***** was running was working.
Major rewritten core code to help with stability and memory issues that were in previous v1.1 build.
Movie list has been re-written to allow threading - This is only used if you use more than one storage device/partition. Previously, if moving a file from one drive to another, the box would be frozen whilst the movie was moved. Now, the move happens in the background allowing you to carry on using your box. NB, only one move/delete will be allowed to happen at any one time. the button labels will go blank whilst the file action is in progress, moving through the movie list checks the progress, so you can then move another recording.
VIX Cron Manager Added - There is now a front-end in the VIX Menu to allow you to add cronjobs. This is only a basic add which will run a certain command at a certain time everyday. If you want a more advanced cronjob added, you will need to manually edit the root file in /etc/cron/crontabs
VIX-EPG - This is a simpler, faster version of CoolTVGuide, modified for the image. In our tests, this is faster than CoolTVGuide. If you still wish to use CoolTVGuide, you can install it from our feeds and you will need to edit the setting in the VIX Menu.
VIX QuickEPG - This is VIXs' version of QuickZap. You can see the full epg data for the channel, not just now and next. Picons work within QuickEPG. You can change channels using the left/right **** or by keying the channel number, zap to a channel using OK, use up/down to scroll through the epg list an event at a time, or use channel +/- to scroll 2 at a time. By default, QuickEPG is entered by left/right. This can be changed in the VIX Menu Settings.
NFS Server added to image and set to run automatically - To edit the folders you wish to share, you will need to edit file /etc/exports.
OpenVPN added to image - This will need to be configured to your need first then use the manager to setup to autostart. The team have never used this, so it still needs testing, if you find any bugs supply a config file that we can use to test it with.
Autosleep function added to VIX Menu - This allows you to automatically put the box to sleep at your chosen time. If for any reason you are still watching tv when box tries to go to sleep (e.g. you decided to stay up late to watch a film or something ), you can choose to cancel the sleep, and it will retry sleep at intervals set by you.
VIX Network Manager added to VIX Menu - This allows you to stop and start certain network features. The features you can stop/start are: FTP, NFS, VPN, Samba and Telnet.
Subserivice Option - This option allows you to assign the Subservice shortcut to a long green press. To change this option, go to VIX Menu -> VIX Setup.
Softcam Manager added to extensions menu (short blue).
VIX Menu added to extensions menu (short blue).
Crossepg updated to latest version (svn 152) - This version allows download of rytec sources, as well as XEPGDB (hosted by krkaddoni) sources. XEPGDB is a new epg format, and seems much faster in testing  See bug list below
***** 2.2.0 & 2.2.1 added to feeds - This will allow the ECM times to work correctly in the image

Bug Fixes in v1.3

Softcam manager crashed while checking to ensure ***** was running - An interim fix for this was to ensure a swap file was running. This is not now required due to modifications of Softcam Manager.
IMDB Plugin not working correctly - Plugin has been updated in new versions of enigma
ECM Timings in ***** - This is only fixed if you are using ***** 2.2.0. If you are using this version of *****, then the ECM timings will be shown. If you are using an earlier version of *****, then you will not get anything showing in regards to ECM times. See screenshots below of second infobar as to where it will be shown.

Спойлер   :
Button Mappings

* Short Red - Show current event info.
* Long Red - Show current channel EPG.
* Short Green - Timers.
* Long Green - AutoTimer Timers.
* Short Yellow - EPG Search.
* Long Yellow - IMDB Database.
* Short Blue - Extensions.
* Long Blue - Plugins Menu.
* EPG - Opens VIX EPG.
* Left/Right - Opens VIX QuickEPG.

Known Bugs

* Crossepg - There has been a bug that the team has found with this version, where the box does not necessarily listen to your requests (i.e. once a day at 4am for example), and randomly downloads data. To try overcome this a little, we have put a check in to ensure that it will only download randomly when the box is in standby.

* Motor moving image does not display - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.

* Front VFD display showing the play button at the end of a video unless it is stopped manually - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.

* Installing other skins may cause the box to get into an infinite loop. Only skins in the feed are tested and recommended by us. If you want to use other skins, you will need to use OE1.6 skins (i.e. those created for VTI 2.0 or later), and may need adapting for the image (espcially in terms of the CCcam info displaying on the second info bar)..

  • VU+ duo     мультифид LNB3(75E)-LNB4(85E)-LNB5(90E);    diseqc 1.2 -LNB1( 9-53E); LNB2 ( 36E)


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