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АвторТема: Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)  (Прочитано 16196 раз)

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Open Black Hole 0.1

Main Features:

    Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
    Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)

Black Hole:

    Blue panel
    Green Panel
    Extra Settings
    Addons panel
    Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins

What is Open Black Hole ?

It is an exciting new project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This new project is based on the PLi git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all PLi plugins, feeds and skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the Black Hole addons panel and included Full HD skin support, OpenGLes Animations and of course included Xbmc .

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any Open Black Hole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new Open Black Hole image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new Open Black Hole image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply a new image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new Open Black Hole image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new Open Black Hole image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

Where can I find the Open Black Hole git ?

The Open Black Hole git is located here: https://git.vuplus-community.net

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Open Black Hole 0.1 update 06-06-2015

Whats New:

    Open Black Hole now includes OpenMultiBoot patched by Meo.

Main Features:

    Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
    Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)

Black Hole:

    Blue panel
    Green Panel
    Extra Settings
    Addons panel
    Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins

*** WARNING *** If you have used Open Multiboot previously, you must remove all folders and files from your Usb and Hdd devices before you use this patched version.​

What is Open Multiboot ?​

OpenMultiBoot is a newer and more advanced version of Meoboot.

It does not mix drivers and kernels so you can run any Vu+ image, and even use the online update function for that image, without the risk of corrupting the multiboot image or the main image in flash.

With OpenMultiBoot you can have Open Black Hole in flash and classic Black Hole in multiboot.

OpenMultiboot has been tested and is working with the following images:
- Open Black Hole
- Black Hole
- OpenPli
- OpenAtv
- OpenVix
- Vti
- Vu+ original

What is Open Black Hole ?

It is an exciting new project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This new project is based on the PLi git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all PLi plugins, feeds and skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the Black Hole addons panel and included Full HD skin support, OpenGLes Animations and of course included Xbmc .

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any Open Black Hole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new Open Black Hole image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new Open Black Hole image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply a new image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new Open Black Hole image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new Open Black Hole image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

Where can I find the Open Black Hole git ?

The Open Black Hole git is located here: https://git.vuplus-community.net

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Open Black Hole 0.1 update 06-06-2015 Vu+ Duo

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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Open Black Hole 0.1 update 18-06-2015

Whats New:

    OpenMultiboot 1.0A modded by Meo
    3rd Party plugins

Main Features:

    Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
    Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)

Black Hole:

    Blue panel
    Green Panel
    Extra Settings
    Addons panel
    Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins

To add the 3rd Party plugin feeds to your image you will need to do the following:

1) Goto Green panel -> Addons and click on Online Black Hole image update as normal.

Then you will need to:

2) Telnet into your box and digit commands:

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*** WARNING *** If you have used Open Multiboot previously, you must remove all folders and files from your Usb and Hdd devices before you use this patched version.​

What is Open Multiboot 1.0A modded by Meo?

OpenMultiboot by Skaman is a newer and more advanced version of the popular Meoboot plugin that has been used in BH images for a long time now. We previously included a patched version of OpenMultiboot in the OpenBlackHole 0.1 image update 06-06-2015, however there were some limitations in this earlier version.

This latest patched version of OpenMultiboot has had large parts of the code re-written by Meo to allow it to work correctly with all Vu+ boxes, and more importantly most of the popular images out there.

The main advantage of OpenMultiboot over Meoboot is that it will swap the kernel and drivers when you swap images. This means that no image drivers or kernels get mixed up, which stops images from becoming corrupt, and therefore it means that any online updates can be applied to to any image(s) that are used in multiboot, as well as the image in flash, again without the risk of corrupting the images.

You can now use multiple versions of OpenBlackHole in multiboot, you can also use the classic BlackHole images and VTi, as well as OpenPLi and any of your favourite OE-A images.

Meo has also been able to find a way to allow the bootmenu to show up 8 images per page, even with the latest OpenGL based images, however having the bootmenu enabled does slow down the boot time slightly, because it needs to load the video drivers before the menu is displayed. Because of this an option to turn off the bootmenu has been included, to speedup the boot time.

If you disable the bootmenu you just need to go into the image plugins menu to access the OpenMultiboot plugin and select the image you want to boot next.

This version of OpenMultiboot works with most of the popular images out there, however we can not guarantee it will work with all images on all Vu+ boxes.

We also recommend that if you install the Classic BlackHole image into OpenMultiboot that you disable Meoboot in the SpeedUp panel, to avoid conflicts and confusion.

3rd Party Plugins

We have added a selection of 3rd Party plugins to the OpenBlackHole feeds. A full list of the available plugins can be found here:
List of 3rd Party Plugins available​

What is Open Black Hole ?

It is an exciting new project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This new project is based on the PLi git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all PLi plugins, feeds and skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the Black Hole addons panel and included Full HD skin support, OpenGLes Animations and of course included Xbmc .

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any Open Black Hole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new Open Black Hole image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new Open Black Hole image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply a new image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new Open Black Hole image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new Open Black Hole image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

Where can I find the Open Black Hole git ?

The Open Black Hole git is located here: https://git.vuplus-community.net

Open Black Hole 0.1 update 18-06-2015 Vu+ Duo

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Сообщений: 17938
  • Поблагодарили: 99671
  • Уважение: +1687
Open Black Hole 0.1 update 19-06-2015 Vu+ Duo2

Whats New:

    OpenMultiboot 1.0A modded by Meo
    3rd Party plugins
    Epg Panel with XMLTV import, EPGimportfilter and EPGsearch

Main Features:

    Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
    Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)

Black Hole:

    Blue panel
    Green Panel
    Extra Settings
    Addons panel
    Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins

Open Black Hole 0.1 update 19-06-2015 Vu+ Duo

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Сообщений: 17938
  • Поблагодарили: 99671
  • Уважение: +1687
OpenBH 0.6  28.06.2016

Whats New:

    Completely new image, now much more compact and lightweight than ever before
    Switched to new Engima2 base
    Added BH SpeedUp panel (so you can add or remove some features)
    Updated to Inadyn-mt
    Updated OpenMultiboot (now shows image names on front panel display)
    Updated to Gstreamer 1.9.0 (GIT)
    Updated to OE3.4 core
    Updated to Python 2.7.11

Main Features:

    MX HQ9W Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Kodi and Youtube Tv (for those models that support it)
    Chromium OS or Opera (for those models that support it)
    HbbTv (for those models that support it)
    OpenMultiboot (all Vu+ models supported)
    OE-A Plugins

Black Hole:

    Blue panel
    Green Panel
    Extra Settings
    Addons panel
    SpeedUp panel
    OpenSSL patched for backwards compatibility with some plugins
    Compatible with OE-A and PLi plugins and Skins
What is OpenBH ?

It is an exciting project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This latest project is now based on the OE-Alliance git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all OE-A and PLi plugins, feeds, skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the previous Open BlackHole and the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the BlackHole addons panel and included Full HD skin support..

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any openBH, Open BlackHole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new OpenBH image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new OpenBH image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply an alternative image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new openBH image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new OpenBH image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

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Where can I find the OpenBH git ?

The OpenBH git is located here: https://github.com/BlackHole




Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Сообщений: 17938
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  • Уважение: +1687
Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #5: 11 декабря | 2016г. | 20:14:28 »
OpenBH 0.6  11.12.2016

Due to recent changes in the OE-A git, we recommend you do not online update OBH 0.6, as it is likely to stop your box from booting.

If you wish to update, please make a backup of your image first, and then use the new full flash update files in the OpenBH section. You will then be able to online update in future.

Please also remember to make periodic full backups of your image, just incase there are any future issue's, as it is outside of our control what other developers commit to the OE-A git and the build process is automated, therefore we can only fix issues when they arise but we are unable to predict them.

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #6: 28 декабря | 2016г. | 17:39:13 »
OpenBH 0.6  28.12.2016


    Due to some users, reporting to us, that they have still had issue's with online updates.

    We have released new OpenBH 0.6 full flash files today (see 1st post of this thread).

    There should be no more issue's with online updating now (we hope).

    Please remember to do a full backup, before you try to update, just incase you do have issue's.

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Уважение: +1687
Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #7: 01 апреля | 2017г. | 13:18:31 »
OpenBH 1.0

Whats New:

    Updated to OE4.0 core
    Updated to Python 2.7.12
    Updated to Gstreamer 1.11.2 (GIT)
    Automatic backup before online update
    Option to view changes before online updating

Main Features:

    MX Titanium_C Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Kodi 17.1 (for those models that support it)
    Fallback - Fallback tuner settings moved to Service searching menu into its own menu
    Fallback - Remote bouquets copier (Channel Importer). For receivers used as clients, copies and loads the channel list from the server box.
    Fallback - ability for client to not write EPG data back to server box. Means epg.dat can be shared over a network mount without fear of corruption.
    Various OE-A Core updates.
    Updated Service Info screen
    Updated Streaming Clients screen (skin dependant)

​What is OpenBH ?

It is an exciting project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This latest project is now based on the OE-Alliance git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all OE-A and PLi plugins, feeds, skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the previous Open BlackHole and the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the BlackHole addons panel and included Full HD skin support..

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any openBH, Open BlackHole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new OpenBH image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new OpenBH image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply an alternative image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new openBH image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new OpenBH image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Сообщений: 17938
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Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #8: 12 апреля | 2017г. | 16:06:19 »

It seems there was a bug in OBH 1.0.001 (the first release) that was not present during testing with full backup.

It has been fixed in 1.0.002 however it seems the fix does not come through via online update for some reason.

Therefore the only option to fix, is to download the new file (attached to release post) and reflash the box (you can use a settings backup to make it quicker to setup the box again).

Оффлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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  • Сообщений: 17938
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  • Уважение: +1687
Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #9: 21 ноября | 2017г. | 12:03:53 »
OpenBH 4.1 21.11.2017

    Updated to OE4.1 core
    Updated to Python 2.7.13
    Updated to Gstreamer 1.13.0
    Glibc 2.2.5
    GCC bug fixes
    openSSL Security fixes
    Basis for new 64 bit environment Support for multi libs 32/64 Bit
    Stability updates
    Based on OE-Core Morty
    MX BlackShaddow_P Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
    Kodi 17.6 (for those models that support it)
    Various OE-A Core updates

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Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #10: 27 октября | 2020г. | 23:10:48 »
OpenBH 4.4 Vu+ Duo
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Whats New:
•Updated to OE4.4 core
•The main packages and utilities have been updated
•Factory reset procedure was overhauled
•Action controls changed. Use OBH 4.3 if your plugins don't work properly for you
•EPG buttons customisable. Long press EPG button to change defaults

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Evg77734 Ведешь себя как 20 летнее .....

Оффлайн Storm

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Open Black Hole Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #12: 23 октября | 2023г. | 13:49:27 »
OpenBH 5.0.013 Vu+ Duo

Спойлер   :
Whats New:
OE-A 5.0
Python 3.9
Extensive changes to meet Python3 requirements.
Some plugins may no longer may no longer work, so you will need to contact the plugin authors to ask them to update their plugins for Python3.

Что нового:
OE-A 5.0
Python 3.9
Обширные изменения в соответствии с требованиями Python3.
Некоторые плагины могут больше не работать, поэтому вам нужно будет связаться с авторами плагинов и попросить их обновить свои плагины для Python3.

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