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OpenSpa 1.0 for VU+ Duo
« Первое сообщение: 25 ноября | 2012г. | 23:27:02 »
OpenSpa 1.0 for VU+ Duo
First image OpenSPA team for VU + receivers
Спойлер   :

OpenSPA based System 1.0 (based on OpenPLi 2.1)
Latest drivers available (25/10/2012).
Kernel 3.1.1
Enigma2 (16/11/2012)

Skin by Mpiero Blackmodern v4.

New main menu replacing classic Enigma2 where everything is at hand.

MOD OpenSPA MyTube Player.

InfoMeteo: To find our climatological time or the nearest city (for now Google does not work use Foreca)

RSSReader: RSS news reader to read from the decoder.

TVWeb: hybrid application online to watch movies and series, programs, etc ... of some TV channels.

MHW2 by OpenSPA EPG: EPG download the 7 days of the week of D + on Astra provider.

DeviceManager: Manage, format or mount/unmount your external storage drives.

SWAP Manager: Create and activate a swap partition for your decoder.

MOD Multiquickbutton OpenSPA: Set your command keys to your home with this utility.

MediaCenter: Plays videos, music or photos from this module.

Movies: This allows us to see the videos that we recorded with our receiver.
OpenSPA Panel:

Downloads: Panel plugins downloads, picons, channel list, etc ... OpenSPA the Team (to add plugins)

Copy/Restore: Create custom backups than you think necessary, or restauralos.

CAMD Manager: Download and manages readers, camds, scripts, configuration files you need.

File Manager: The name says it is a file browser from which we can make different arrangements like estubieramos on a PC.

Info panel from which you can view details of the hardware, active processes, operating system information, network, etc ...

ZapHistory: Allows you to quickly switch between channels recent viewings.

AddIPTV: We can add channels to our IPTV receiver.

TimeSleep: forward or rewind videos in different ways but in a very simple way.

Timeshift: Timeshift is an advanced and Multi-Shot with the added option if the receiver supports it.

CrondManager: Program actions you want to perform the firm at the time you indicate.
Mosaic: Option ChannelSelection incorporating new that we have introduced in the firm which displays a mosaic of different TV channels.

IMDB: Check movie information from IMDB and MediaCenter module to your videos you can download the cover art and synopsis of the movie which will appear in MediaCenter situes whenever the cursor over it.

ScriptExecuter: Run scripts from /usr/script in a simple way through this GUI.
New ChannelSelection

This firm has been thanks to all team members, beta testers, and Don Cable.


  • VU+ duo     мультифид LNB3(75E)-LNB4(85E)-LNB5(90E);    diseqc 1.2 -LNB1( 9-53E); LNB2 ( 36E)


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