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АвторТема: VTI Gi S9895 / Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)  (Прочитано 212604 раз)

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VTI Gi S9895 / Vu+ Duo (без обсуждения)
« Ответ #15: 26 августа | 2012г. | 18:01:38 »


* dvbapp2: 25.08.2012
* drivers: 24.08.2012
* plugins: 24.08.2012
--> changes from Vu+ : https://code.vuplus.com


* removed from image
- dvbapp2 softwaremanager
- Vu HD skin
- VuplusEvent plugin
- openvpn

* added to image
- 3GModemManager plugin
- RemoteChannelStreamConverter plugin
- StreamTV plugin
- DLNAServer plugin
- DLNABrowser plugin
- HbbTV support (beta) [Duo, Uno, Ultimo]
- new DeviceManager2 plugin
- WirelessAccessPoint plugin
- ZappingMode plugin

* added to download feed
- clamz - console util to download mp3 files from Amazon)
- OpenAirPlay plugin

* updated packages
- dosfstools (ver. 3.0.12)
- gstreamer(-plugins) ver. 2012-02-21
- hdparm (ver. 9.39)
- iptable (ver.
- libdvdnav, libdvdread (ver. 4.2.0)
- ntfs-3g (ver. 2012.1.15)
- openvpn ver. (2.1.3)
- python (ver. 2.7.2)
- smartmontools (ver. 5.39.1)

* modified packages
- update wlan driver r8182cu, add basic support for AP mode (only open WLAN)
- read support for audio compact discs

* kernel
- add netfilter (iptables) support
- build more kernel-modules for keyboard/mouse devices

* dvbapp2
- add option to use default skin as fallback at skin failures
- add option to show progress in % at channel selection
- add option to keep old epg data (up to 24 h)
- add option for possible EPG data time span
- add options to sort menu and plugin list in alphabetically order
- add option to configure tuner priority
- add some movielist options (progressbar, icons, folder in movielist)
- add new movielist style
- add option to leave MoviePlayer with EXIT button
- add option to leave DVDPlayer with STOP button
- add option to disable autostart of HbbTV browser
- set constant framebuffer size at dvbapp2 start
- update default favourites tv bouquet
- fix GSOD at upgrading packages with modified configuration files
- add option to save timeshift records at stopping timeshift
- add option to configure blinking rec symbol at VFD (ULTIMO)
- show service name at Ultimo VFD if no picon is availale (ULTIMO)

* VTiPanel
- remove function to delete skins at VTiPanel
- option to remove HbbTV browser and dependencies (VTi System Tools)


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