OpenSpa Vu+ Duo2
Vu+ Duo 2 | OpenSpa (https://openspa.info/forums/vu-duo-2.34/)
OpenSPA 2.04 for Vuplus
- Modificaciones en MediaCenter que permiten ver en el listado de videos la posicion donde dejamos de verlo.
- TVweb 1.0.11 - Modulo atresmedia reescrito y añadido soporte IMDB
- Fijado bug en IMDB.
- Modificaciones varias en Enigma
- Nuevos drivers 20131106
- Modificaciones en la configuracion del kernel para que se añadan las dependencias de los modulos.
- Modificaciones en las configuraciones de los kernel para que se añadan las dependencias en los modulos
Las opciones Backup Image y Flash Online para VU+ y Xtrend las encontrarán en el Administrador de Software. Debido a que los AZBox no son compatibles con estas nuevas características hemos añadido un plugin para poder realizar backup completo a los AZBox.
Flash online : Ir a Plugins -> Administrar Software -> Flash online -> Online (botón verde) -> Flash (botón verde)
Después esperar unos minutos, se reiniciará solo y ya tendremos la nueva versión instalada.
Recomendado hacer por telnet/ssh un opkg update para sincronizar los repositorios para que instale los paquetes que dependen de otros de forma automática.
Sentimos no poder sacar versiones mas periódicas pero como es normal la mayoría de las personas que trabajan en la elaboración del firm tienen su trabajo diario y no se puede emplear tantas horas como se quisiera en desarrollarlo, esto es nuestro hobby y una manera de agradecer y ayudar a otras personas en este mundillo.
Queremos recordar a la gente que tenemos disponible un sistema de donación para costear los gastos de mantenimiento del foro, así como el servidor de feeds para el firm OpenSPA.
:download: openspa-2.04-vuduo2-20131109_usb.zip (https://downloads.openspa.info/images/2.0/vuduo2/openspa-2.04-vuduo2-20131109_usb.zip)
:download: openspa-3.00-vuduo2-20140228_usb.zip (https://openspa.info/resources/openspa.341/download?version=627)
Всем привет!
Нормальный имидж , идёт на всех языках, в том числе и Русский. Ради интереса, взял поставил его. Да на имидже русский - в пробеле - но эжто не проблема. Замени скин и всё в порядке . Я поставил скин от 2boom и русский пошёл как обычно. Нет ничего страшного. И Шурик летает здорово и ТК - халява идёт на Викарде.
OpenSpa 3.1
- Vuplus Drivers 18/03/14
- AZBox HD kernel 3.3.1
- AZBox HD Drivers 03/02/14
- EVO Enfinity Drivers 23/02/14
- AZBox HD corregida la sensibilidad de los botones del mando a distancia.
- spzMosaic liberado a todo el mundo.
- Nuevo skin openSPA_basic_Extra (por defecto viene activado el openSPA_basic). Este nuevo skin trae algunos detalles mas en la infobar entre otras cosas.
- Nuevo Bootlogo por MADOSS (Gracias).
- Nuevo spinner por mpiero.
- Plugin LCD4linux v4.0-r1 para Duo2
- Mediacenter mejorada navegación lista de archivos.
- MultiBoot corregido conflicto de montaje entre HDD interno y externo.
- MyTube corregida la reproducción de videos.
- TVWeb 1.0.13 (Actualizado modulo Pelis24, sustituido modulos seriesyonkis y peliculasyonkis por seriespepito y peliculaspepito, otras pequeñas correcciones).
- Fix displays en todos los decos.
- AudioSelection accesible mediante botón amarillo. (Falta corregir congelación imagen al cambiar pista de audio en AZBox HD).
- Fix GS al reinciar el deco o ponerlo en Standby. Debería funcionar ya bien tambien la opción Deep Standby.
- Actualizado skin BlackModernHD.
- Actualizado equivalencias de EPG (Gracias Kaspita).
- Pequeñas correcciones en skin Basic.
- Pequeñas correcciones plugin spzWeather.
- Pequeñas correcciones plugin vuuledbrightnesssetup (vu+ ultimo).
- OpenSpa Menú: menú horizontal con acceso a todas las funciones del receptor
- TVWeb: Televisión a la carta de canales españoles
- Panel Info: plugin con información avanzada del receptor (red, almacenamiento, tuners, camds, etc)
- EPG MHW2: descarga automatica de EPG de 7 días MHW2 (C+)
- Panel de Descargas: plugin para descarga de plugins, skins, picons, camds, etc desde el receptor.
- Explorador de archivos: plugin para explorar, mover, copiar, etc los archivos del receptor y tambien permite la instalación de IPKs y mucho más.
- Gestor USBs TDT: plugin para la instalación automatica de los USB TDTs
- Camd Manager: gestor de Camds/Emus
- OpenSpa Meteo: plugin de información meteorologica integrado en el skin
- Mediacenter + IMDB: reproducción de video, audio e imagenes con IMDB integrado.
- Selector de Plugins Instalados: para seleccionar que plugins queremos instalar de serie en el receptor. Especialmente indicado para receptores con poca memoria como AZbox.
- Teclado Virtual
- Copias de Seguridad
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Remapear Teclas
- Historico de Zapeo
- Añadir Canales IP
- Flash Online
- Y mucho más...
Скачать openspa-3.1-vuduo2-20140329_usb.zip (https://openspa.info/resources/openspa.385/download?version=717)
OpenSpa 3.2 VU+ Duo2
OpenSpa 3.2
Vuplus drivers:
uno, ultimo y duo2 - 20140808
duo, solo - 20140715
solo2 - 20140829
Vuplus kernel:
uno, duo, solo, ultimo - 3.9.6
solo2, duo2 - 3.13.5
- Nuevo receptor VisionNet Marvel 1
- Mejora en el soporte para TDT-Usb, ahora basado en el Media Build. Si el tuner USB es compatible lo instalara automaticamente y saldra en el menú de configuración de sintonizadores al iniciar el firm.
- Se añade una selección de estilos de botones del mando en el menú de configuración del receptor para no tener que instalar el spaqbutton. Se podrán escoger diferentes estilos que incluirán una combinación ya predefinida de cursores y botones (neutrino, openspa, etc.).
- Nuevo versión del enigma.po con traducciones al español
- Multiboot en los Azbox HD.
- Nuevo TVWeb 1.0.15
- Nuevo InfoSignal
- Actualización del spzWeather y nuevo AudioSelection.
- Reparados algunos errores en Mytube y HbbTV.
- Pequeñas mejoras en el spzCAMD.
- Añadido OpenVPN
- Añadido FanControl2
- Añadido en menú Extensiones "Montar de nuevo" recursos de red
- Arreglado pantallazo verde al inicializar HDD.
- Arreglada configuración de pantalla mediante el menú en el MC
- Nuevo Bootlogo (Gracias a Edu1971)
- Correcciones varias AzInfo
- Arreglada configuración de pantalla de spzTimeshift
- Arreglado SpzMosaic
- Nuevo AudioSelection
- Arreglado ajuste de skins para el nuevo audioSelection y otras correccioens menores (basic,basic_extra,blackmodern)
- Arreglado spzWheater no mostraba bien el icono del tiempo actual
- Arreglado cambio involuntario de lista de favoritos al cambiar de canal por programación
- Arreglado cambio de audio en los Azbox
- Cambios en spzCAMD. Ahora permite configurar el inicio de la CAM cuando arranque el sistema y es posible habilitar reinicio de la CAM cuando esta caiga
- Añadido soporte upnp en MC
- OpenSpa Menú: menú horizontal con acceso a todas las funciones del receptor
- TVWeb: Televisión a la carta de canales españoles
- Panel Info: plugin con información avanzada del receptor (red, almacenamiento, tuners, camds, etc)
- EPG MHW2: descarga automatica de EPG de 7 días MHW2 (C+)
- Panel de Descargas: plugin para descarga de plugins, skins, picons, camds, etc desde el receptor.
- Explorador de archivos: plugin para explorar, mover, copiar, etc los archivos del receptor y tambien permite la instalación de IPKs y mucho más.
- Gestor USBs TDT: plugin para la instalación automatica de los USB TDTs
- Camd Manager: gestor de Camds/Emus
- OpenSpa Meteo: plugin de información meteorologica integrado en el skin
- Mediacenter + IMDB: reproducción de video, audio e imagenes con IMDB integrado.
- Selector de Plugins Instalados: para seleccionar que plugins queremos instalar de serie en el receptor. Especialmente indicado para receptores con poca memoria como AZbox.
- Teclado Virtual
- Copias de Seguridad
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Remapear Teclas
- Historico de Zapeo
- Añadir Canales IP
- Flash Online
- Y mucho más...
Скачать (https://openspa.info/resources/openspa-3-2-vu-duo2.479/download?version=1011)
OpenSpa VU+ Duo2 3.2.1
- Kernel 3.3.8 y ultimos driver para dicho kernel. ( Soluciona problemas de camds, PIP, grabaciones y visionado simultaneos, lector de tarjetas ).
- Fixbug bloqueo usbtdt.
- Fixbug transcoding.
- Fixbug dlnaserver.
- Fixbug al reiniciar durante grabacion.
- Fixbug tvweb. ( duo2 )
- Fixbug señal tdtusb by morser.
- Eliminado plugin dlnabrowser.
- Añadido modulo i2c-mux.
- Añadida Nueva configuracion LCD. (duo2)
- Activado y configurado Fancontrol2.
- Actualizado idioma español by pe.tardo.
- New bootlogo by Yersi.
OpenSpa VU+ Duo2 3.2.1 (https://openspa.info/resources/openspa-vu-duo2.492/download?version=1047)
OpenSPA v4.0.001 BETA 1
Receptor: VU+ DUO 2
OpenEmbedded: OE-Alliance 2.4 (16-12-2014)
Enigma2: OpenSPA (16-12-2014)
Kernel: 3.13.5
Drivers: 29-10-2014
GCC: 4.9.1
GStreamer: 1.4.4
- Actualizamos a GStreamer 1.x (no está operativo al 100%).
Esta es una versión BETA de lo que será la 4.0 de OpenSPA y es muy probable que se encuentren bugs.
Cualquier pantallazo verde que tengáis o bug que encontréis reportadlo para poder solventar el problema.
Por favor, cuando se reporten fallos de pantallazos verdes adjuntar el crashlog que se genera en /home/root/logs/ sino no sirve de nada el reporte.
En cambio si encontráis algún bug, a ser posible describir como habéis reproducido ese bug. O sea los pasos a seguir para ver si podemos reproducir nosotros ese fallo y así confirmarlo.
OpenSPA 4.0.001 BETA 1 (https://openspa.info/resources/openspa.518/download?version=1136)
OpenSPA 4.0.002 for VU+ Duo2 XBMC Edition
GCC: 4.9.2
GLibc: 2.21
BusyBox: 1.23.1
Bitbake: 1.25
Python: 2.7.9
OpenEmbedded: OE-A 3.0 (03-04-2015)
Enigma2 (01-04-2015)
GStreamer 1.4.5
Drivers: dvbproxy (03-04-2015)
Kernel: dvbproxy 3.13.5
[spa-modules] Drivers 03-03-2015
Agregados 2 nuevos DVB-T Tuners [RTL28XXU]:
- Agregado Zaapa USB DVB-T Tuner (0xd398)
- Agregado TURBO-X Pure TV Tuner DTT-2000 (0xd3a4)
- Arreglado bug en AudioSelection (ahora se muestran las pistas MPEG).
- Arreglado bug en PiP.
- Arreglado bug en Editor de Reservas de Grabación.
- Implementado nuevo IPK Uninstall.
- Pequeñas correcciones en skin Basic y Basic Extra.
- Actualizado MyTube para compatibilidad con Python 2.7.9
- Pequeñas correcciones en spzTimeshift.
- Pequeñas correcciones en spaQButton.
- Corregido bug en EPG Sencillo OpenSPA.
- Actualizado archivo equivalencias EPG.
- Parcheado kernel para funcionar con todas las versiones de CCcam.
- Corregida detección de vusolo2 y vuduo2 en el Panel Descargas.
- Añadido en spazeMenu lanzador XBMC (se mostrará cuando se tenga instalado XBMC en el deco).
- [NECESITA ACTUALIZACIÓN VUPLUS] HbbTV no funciona con el nuevo GStreamer 1.x, necesita de actualización de Vuplus.
openspa-4.0.002-vuduo2-20150403_usb.zip (https://mega.co.nz/#!9Apk0KTQ!j1wX56rEQ5XzLOMQV2KZcrDW4NZyLOYUrtsKz1hnGrw)
OpenSPA 4.0.003
Podeis consultar la información tecnica de la imagen en la propia imagen (Menu-Sistema-Información).
Cambios y mejoras:
-Nuevo Skin OpenSPA_JRLG
- Primera version de mytube con el nuevo API v.3 (aun no es posible el logueo de usuario)
- Nuevo plugin spzRemoteChannels para copiar a tu lista los favoritos de otro deco de tu casa, verlos en streaming y descargar su epg desde el deco remoto
- Modificaciones en el plugin de descarga de epg (Ahora permite añadir descargas desde varios canales para descargar de otras plataformas)
- Algunas modificaciones en la descarga del epg del plus. Ahora ademas, si se eligen 3 dias de descarga o menos, los descargara de las tablas antiguas que parece ser que no dan problemas de que a veces descarga y otras no. Si se eligen mas de 3 dias lo hara de las tablas nuevas como lo teniamos hasta ahora.
- Añadidas rutas para XPicons en el render.
- Correcciones y mejoras en Multiboot
- Mejora en la visualización de los tiempos ecm en Oscam y soporte para visualización tiempos mbox.
- Añadido bitrate de video y audio en secondinfobar.
- Añadido soporte a uso indiferente de picon 100x60 (carpeta /picon) o XPicon 220x132 (carpeta /XPicons/picon/). Nota : los picons se reescalarán a 220x132 perdiendo calidad.
- HbbTV operativo en VU+
- Implementado movimiento de texto en VDF del Vu+ Solo2 y otros modelos.
- Sustituidos drivers USB-TDT en VU+ Solo2 que evita bloqueo del receptor al reiniciar, de momento los drivers se instalan solo de forma manual desde Menu-Plugins-Descarga de Plugins (Boton Verde)-Drivers.
- Y otras muchas mejoras varias.
Contraseña FTP/Telnet: openspa
openspa-4.0.003-vuduo2-20150703_usb.zip (https://mega.co.nz/#!NQBFSbIC!v69U-068u0BclXTkMC2x1dfot4NQ3CGbssPiDksOl0E)
openspa-4.0.003-vuduo2-20150703_usb.zip (https://yadi.sk/d/xVfVuobahgQGn)
OpenSPA 4.0.004 2015-08-06
Changelog version 4.0.004
- Fixes en el skin
- Añadido plugin personalización skin JRLG
- Fijado exceso de consumo en E2
- Fijado bug en EPGSimple con las grabaciones
- Fijado problema con el fancontrol2 y el lcd4linux en el openwebif
- Implementación de detección de canales 3D ( para marcar un canal como canal 3D )
- Mejoras en el spzusbdevices
- Añadido nuevo kernel ( 3.18.18 ) y drivers en Axas e3hd y Opticum Ax-Odin
- Algunas mejoras mas
- Soporte a los decos zgemma-star
[attach=1] [attach=2]
[attach=3] [attach=4]
openspa-4.0.004-vuduo2-20150804_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-4.0.004-vuduo2-20150804_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 5.0.001 2015-10-07
- OpenEmbedded OE-A 3.2
- Enigma2 06-10-15
- GCC 4.9.2
- GStreamer 1.5.x (Excepto Wetek GStreamer 0.10)
- Fijado problemas con FTP
- Fijado problemas con montajes en red CIFS y NFS
- Fijado varios bugs en spzBackups.
- Fix y mejoras varias.
OpenSPA 5.0.001 (https://yadi.sk/d/Mz5dhZ4qjeixU)
сергей 999s пишет OpenSpa - Error
Bear , сейчас на яндекс залью , залил
OpenSPA 5.0.002 2015-11-22
- Improvements at spzPIPMenu
- Fix spzTimeShift
- Improvements at OpenSPA information screen
- Fix MyTube
- Fixes at spaqbutton (Keys Remap)
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
- New skin Full HD openSPA_JRLG1080 (by the moment, the only skin Full HD 100x100 compatible with OpenSPA). Not necessary OSD setting.
- Updated French language - Thanks Pr2
- Last Kernel
- Gstreamer 1.6.1
- Last Drivers (Except Solo2 y Duo2)
FTP/Telnet: openspa
OpenSPA 5.0.002 (https://yadi.sk/d/aliOyOp_kenxq)
OpenSPA 5.0.003 2015-12-04
- New series recording functionallity.
- New functionallity to hide channels at bouquet lists.
- Mytube improvements and new features. Now you can log in, see your subscriptions, favourites, videos you like, add and erase subscriptions and favourites, video voting,...
- Info panel improvement, now you can see more than 4 tuners.
- New drivers for vuplus.
- Fix AutoTimer (not tested because we can't get the issue)
- Fixes and changes at openSPA_JRLG1080
- Changes at openSPA_JR plugin (now is also supporting new openSPA_JRLG1080)
- Fix number input at some screens on vuplus.
- Fix led intensity regulation in VU+ Zero
- Minor fixes
openspa-5.0.003-vuduo2-20151204_usb (https://yadi.sk/d/ATWiXVzvkz6Yw)
OpenSPA 5.0.004 2015-12-30
- OpenEmbedded OE-A 3.2
- Enigma2 28-12-15
- GCC 4.9.2
- GStreamer 1.6.x (Except Wetek/GigaBlue/ZGemma/GI ET-7000 MINI GStreamer 0.10)
- WeTek Play : Kernel 3.10.93 and Drivers 07-12-15
- Vuplus: Updated HbbTV to 20151213
- Formuler F1: Added Kodi 15.2 ready to install
- New Confluence skin: based in xbmc/kodi confluence skin by Jezz_X, Team Kodi
- DeviceManager: Added SD cards support
- Fixes full HD skins support
- Info Panel : Fixed problem with SWAP (now it's shown)
- DeviceManager: Fix to create and format devices partitions
- Fixes MyTube : now you can play VEVO videos.
- Translate improvements.
- Other minor fixes
openspa-5.0.004-vuduo2-20151228_usb.zip (https://yadi.sk/d/UaP-Hlm9mc7f6)
OpenSPA 5.0.005 2016-02-16
- WeTek Play :
Kernel 3.10.93 and Drivers 2016-01-29
Improvements and fixes Enigma2
New plugin Selection Remote Contorl with support in the Wizard
- Gigablue:
Kernel 4.0.1
New drivers
GStreamer 1.7.1
- Zgemma:
New drivers 2016-01-21
- Kodi 15.2 for Vuplus Solo2, Solo SE, Duo2 and Solo 4K (thanks mx3l)
- New OpenSPA updates wizard (Allows install new firmware keeping settings and data)
- New skin Confluence 1080: based in Confluence_openspa
- Updated skin OpenSPA_JRLG1080 (more screens included)
- Updated plugin openSPA_JR (added new infobars, channel selection and chance to choose dark or light style)
- Updated GStreamer 1.6.x to 1.7.1
- Fixed issue with ecm line in infobars, because it was always shown in some skins.
- Translate improvements.
- Other minor fixes.
Password FTP/Telnet : openspa
BASIC POST RULES : This thread is reserved to firmware post and next greetings or feelings. Post any technical request, bug or ask for help is forbidden. In these cases, you must open new trhead or post in a opened one where people are talking about same topic. It's recommended to use forum search to find trhreads with same topics.
Each answer in this thread talking about something different than feelings or greetings is going to be erased.
openspa-5.0.005-vuduo2-20160215_usb.zip (https://yadi.sk/d/YqiYQ6YVovjPS)
OpenSPA 5.0.005 2016-02-20
Online update or normal install
- Updated ScriptExecuter
- Fixed Blue Button with Kodi Installed
- Updated Enigma2
Password FTP/Telnet : openspa
BASIC POST RULES : This thread is reserved to firmware post and next greetings or feelings. Post any technical request, bug or ask for help is forbidden. In these cases, you must open new trhead or post in a opened one where people are talking about same topic. It's recommended to use forum search to find trhreads with same topics.
Each answer in this thread talking about something different than feelings or greetings is going to be erased.
openspa-5.0.005-vuduo2-20160220_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-5.0.005-vuduo2-20160220_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 5.0.006 2016-03-18
- Kodi 16 "Jarvis" for Vuplus Solo2, Duo2, Solo SE and Solo 4K
- Kodi 16 "Jarvis" for WeTek Play
- Changes in WeTek Play kernel.
- Fixes in EPG plugin to assign what screen you want to EPG button.
- Added new wget to improve safety.
- Fixes in OpenSPA updates wizard.
- Fixes in spaqbutton (remap keys).
- Added new renderer for best XPicons performance.
- New Edision OS Mini drivers.
Password FTP/Telnet : openspa
openspa-5.0.006-vuduo2-20160318_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-5.0.006-vuduo2-20160318_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0
- New OE-Alliance 3.4
- Changes in EPG download, now is Movistar+ instead of D+
- Fix weather info
- Improvements at confluence 1080. Added new screens and plugins.
- Improvements at spaqbutton (Remap keys) to add more remote buttons (fav, portal, etc)
- Kodi 16.1 (Wetekplay/VuDuo2/VuSolo2/VuSoloSE/VuSolo4k)
- GStreamer 1.8.1 Stable
- VuDuo2/VuSolo2/VuSoloSE/VuSolo4k/VuZero/GigaBlue support iptables
- Fixed error in DeviceManager when initialize device in ext3/ext4
openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160503_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160503_usb.zip)
Improvements at spaqbutton (Remap keys)
- Improvements at Full HD skins support.
- Support Unicable 2 (JESS)
- Some enigma changes
Обновление доступно онлайн
Lo primero es dar a menú/sistema y vamos a plugins.
Nos vamos hasta Administrar software.
Ahora nos colocamos en Actualizar Software y le damos a OK.
En el aviso lo pondremos en SI.
Entonces nos buscara actualizaciones, si no encuentra nos devolverá al menú anterior, si encuentra
alguna nos dirá si queremos actualizar, incluso podemos ver las actualizaciones antes de actualizar
una vez actualizado el dispositivo se reiniciara.
openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160516_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160516_usb.zip)
- New drivers for Zgemma, Formuler and VU+ Solo 4K
- New skin Full HD 1080p Metrix JR (thanks to the developers of GigabluePAX and Metrix skins for inspiring me)
- New plugin spaMetrixJR to customize color style and some background screens of new MetrixJR skin (accessible from Menu -> Customize -> Customize skin MetrixJR or from Extensions menu)
- Enigma2 changes to improve Full HD skins support.
- Fixes in autodeepsleep plugin (in certain contexts (restart at certain times) the sleep timer does not start).
- Fixes in EPG plugin (now the OK button only appears when needed and fixed bug in some channels equivalencies.)
- Changes in spazeMenu to support new plugin spaMetrix JR.
- Changes in TimeSleep plugin (now with support for Kodi, Dreamplex and HMStream)
- New feature to autoconvert screens and give support to skins 1080p (if you're using skins 1080, you have to answer yes when you are asked for)
- HDMI-CEC improvements (now screen is refreshing fine when you change Activate from No to Yes)
- FAQS update at Help menu (we advice newbies to read FAQS to know basic features about OpenSPA)
- Added some translations.
- Various fixes in E2.
- New bootlogo.
Так же теперь обновление доступно онлайн
openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160601_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160601_usb.zip)
Оpenspa-6.0.003- 2016.06.16
- New drivers for VU+ Solo 4K , Edision OS Mini , GI ET-7000 MINI
- Improvements skin MetrixJR :
Added screens DLNA Server, OpenMultiboot and DLNA Browser
Fixed color button in cccaminfo.
Added event date in OpenSPA simple EPG
Fixed transparencies around some icons.
- Add features to plugin MetrixJR
- Improvements at wifi connections : when you connect to a wifi, your data is saved, so if you use more than one wifi in your receiver, it's not necessary to enter password in each connection. After first connection, you can save data in your HDD to restore in future image updates. You can find backup files in /etc/wifi/name_AP.wifi
- Improvements in CCcamInfo : now you can access to your cccam.cfg from receiver and read its content.
- Improvements in OscamInfo : setting Yes in Settings, Read Userdata from oscam.conf , connection will be automatic and now it's no longer necessary to enter data manually.
- Fixed that flash is not showed in DeviceManager of VU+ Solo 4K receiver (prevent to format flash instead SD, pendrive or HDD)
- Added some translations.
- Various fixes in E2.
openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160616_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160616_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.004 31.08.2016
- New brand with OpenSPA support : Mut@nt
- New support for Formuler F4
- New drivers for VU+ Solo 4K and Edision OS Mini
- Fix Movistar+ EPG 7 days
- Spazemenu changes :
Significant improvement in horizontal spazemenu performance.
Possibility to use your own icons in submenus and with your prefered dimension (ask in forum if you are interested in this feature)
Choice between horizontal OpenSPA menu and enigma2 OpenSPA menu
- Improvements in password changer plugin
- Improvement in manual channels searching (you can search various transponders without exit to main TV screen).
-New features in spaMetrixJR. Added new infobar and channelselection for zzpicons (picons 420x240)
- New OpenSPA zzpicons (available to download from SPA Panel)
- Fixes in skin confluence (FlashOnline, CutListEditor, etc.)
- Fixes for RTL28xxU in kernel 4.0.1 (Zgemma, Gigablue, Formuler, Mutant)
openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160831_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0-vuduo2-20160831_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.005
- OpenSPA installation images using Flash Online. It is a completely online method without PC. Notice : if you install any previous release to 6.0.005, when image starts FlashOnline will not be available.
- Improvements in spanewfirm (Installation Wizard OpenSPA), now it's compatible with FlashOnline.
- Improvements in spaMetrixJR, now you can also configure/change OpenSPA menu icons.
- Added secondinfobar screen with extended information in MetrixJR.
- Improved EPG Movistar +.
- Improvements in spzImdb, to make finding films information easier and faster
openspa-6.0.005-vuduo2-20160916_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.005-vuduo2-20160916_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.006
- New kernel for Mut@nt receivers.
- New zgemma drivers.
- FlashOnline improvements to use every mounted device (pendrive, hdd, microSD, etc.). Network mounts can't be used
- Improvements in spanewfirm (Installation Wizard OpenSPA), now it's also compatible with multidevices.
- Changes in Confluence and MetrixJR skins.
- Improved EPG Movistar +.
- Added stream port settings and stream authentication for more security in spzremotechannels
- Added new M+ equivalences
openspa-6.0.006-vuduo2-20161001_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.006-vuduo2-20161001_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.007
- Subssupport update. Thx m3xl
- Some changes in MetrixJR skin
- New kernel for Edision OS Mini and Formuler
- New drivers for Edision OS Mini, Formuler and Mut@nt HD51
- Added new translations.
- Minor fixes
openspa-6.0.007-vuduo2-20161016_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.007-vuduo2-20161016_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.008
- Added wake box from deep standby when EPG is downloaded.
- Added scheduled searchs of EPG (you program a text and if you activate it, when you wake box every day, system search these text in EPG and show a list of channels and events with this text, then you can program recordings, automatic zap when event starts or zap to this channel)
- Fixes in HDMI-CEC
- Some fixes skin MetrixJR.
- Drivers VU+ Solo4k (Fix FCC problem y Add new FBC frontend proc interface).
- Drivers [hd51] fix S5 (deepsleep)
- Fixes MultibootStartup [hd51]
- Added new translations.
openspa-6.0.008-vuduo2-20161101_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.008-vuduo2-20161101_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.009
- Fixed OpenSPA update wizard, which don't let you to restore backup when two devices were connected to box
- Fix TimeSleep to use with HMStream.
- Fix wakeup when EPG autodownloading is activated.
- New driver for VU+ Solo 4K
- New drivers Mut@nt HD51
- New drivers Edision OS Mini
- Fix all vuplus models, which enable audio pip workaround
- New OpenWebIf
- Minor bug fixes.
openspa-6.0.009-vuduo2-20161116_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.009-vuduo2-20161116_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.010
- New drivers Mut@nt HD51
- New drivers Vuplus Solo 4K, Solo2, Duo2 and Solo SE
- Fix standby to stop tuners when box goes to standby.
- Improvement in series TV recordings.
- SpaNewFirms: Added option to leave skin you have in previous release
- New Panel Extra OpenSPA, where you can do :
Download channel lists uploaded to our forum.
Download updated mhw_EQUIV.epg file.
Download satellites.xml, port.list, cccam.channelinfo,...
Look at hardware and software info
- Added new options for skin MetrixJR
Added turquoise color
Added new infobar with information about transponder and bitrate in same infobar
Added new infobar to use with transparent zzpicons.
- Minor fixes.
openspa-6.0.010-vuduo2-20161201_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.010-vuduo2-20161201_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.011
- Added Formuler F4 Turbo support
- New Formuler drivers for F1 :
Fixed dual lnb control (rec and zap issue)
Fix deep standby issue.
Update ci and add simple transcoding
- New drivers VU+ Solo 4K
- Edision OS Mini switch to kernel 4.9.
- Zgemma : update drivers fix snr
- OpenWebIf fixes and improvements.
- GStreamer 1.11.0
- Fixes and improvements at EPG search and PanelExtra.
- Kodi Direct mod OpenSPA available from Download Panel.
- Minor fixes.
openspa-6.0.011-vuduo2-20161223_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.011-vuduo2-20161223_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 6.0.012
What is new
- Added Octagon SF8, SF98, SF108, SF128, SF138, SF208, SF228 y SF3038 support.
- Added Edision OS Mega support and OS Mini+.
- New drivers Formuler
- New drivers Zgemma
- New drivers Mut@nt
- New drivers GI-ET7000 Mini (fix issue with A/V output)
- New drivers VU+ Solo 4K
- Kodi 17 for Vuplus and Edision OS Mega
- Updated enigma2 OpenSPA
- Small changes skin MetrixJR
- Updated timesleep for KodiDirect support.
- Spanewfirm improvements
openspa-6.0.012-vuduo2-20170116_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-6.0.012-vuduo2-20170116_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.0.001
What is new
OE-Core Build:
Update from Jetro to Morty
GCC 5.30 -> GCC 6.20
Glibc 2.23 - > 2.24
Python 2.7.11 -> 2.7.12
Bitbake 1.29 -> 1.32
Multiple compilation environment optimized
Bugs checking, optimize cache memory and much more
Gstreamer 1.11.0 -> Gstreamer 1.11.1
New Media Codec support
Optimize streams HLS
Fix bugs and optimize memory for embedded systems
- New drivers for Vuplus Solo 4k, Edision OS Mega and Formuler
- Fix switching aspect ratio
- ffmpeg update
- Optimize Full HD skin for third-party plugins
- Fix green screen when switch from OpenSPA homemenu to standard enigma2 menu
- Fix bug with newchannelselection and OpenSPA options in some receivers
- Kodi 17.0 RC4 for WeTek Play & Vuplus
- More spanish translations added
- Fix bug with minus temperatures in spzweather.
- Fix bug in TV series record plugin
- Add option to write search time about TV series chapters
- Add option to get date at compatible VFD's
- Youtube implemented new system for obtain video url
- Minor fixes
openspa-7.0.001-vuduo2-20170202_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.0.001-vuduo2-20170202_usb.zip)
OPENSPA 7.0.002
- New Formuler drivers
- New drivers Octagon
- New drivers Edision
- New drivers Mut@nt
- Added MultiStream support
- Remove media-build from vuplus
- Kodi 17.0 Final Vuplus / Wetekplay / OS Mega
- Improvements in GST 1.x
- Improvements plugin series recording
- New mhw2 equivalence editor, with online download option (the one of extra panel) and synchronization with existing file, user input protection option
- Synchronization of the user equivalence file with the last file posted in extra panel when using spanewfirms
- Latest updates info on skin confluence sd main menu
- HbbTv fixed on Octagon SF3038
- Minor fixes
openspa-7.0.002-vuduo2-20170216_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.0.002-vuduo2-20170216_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.0.003
- New drivers Mutant HD51
- New drivers Octagon SF3038/SF4008
- Kernel 4.10 OSMega/Osmini/Osmini+
- Fix AutoBouquetsMaker. Now can be used with OpenSPA.
- Added skin MetrixJRSD (720p). By default on Wetek and single core boxes
- Fixes on skins 1080.
- Enabled spanewfirm on WetekPlay. On Wetek Play, you can only make backup and restore it when new image starts. Image installation must be done by usual method.
- Added more scripts on backup from spanewfirm.
- Improvements on series recording plugin.
- Added multistream on Octagon SF4008.
- Fix bug on Octagon SF208 and SF228 images.
- New enigma2 debug.
- GStreamer
- Update Vuplus HbbTv
- Update translations.
- Minor fixes
openspa-7.0.003-vuduo2-20170301_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.0.003-vuduo2-20170301_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.0.004
- New support for Zgemma H5.2TC and Zgemma H3.2TC
- New support for Mut@nt HD11
- New kernel 4.10 Mutant, Edision, Zgemma
- New Drivers Mutant, Edision, Zgemma, Octagon
- Kodi 17.1 Final Vuplus/OS Mega/Wetek Play/Mutant HD51
- Implemented HbbTV for Edision, Formuler, Octagon, Zgemma, etc...
- Series recording plugin : Changes to consider IPTV channels
- New Notifications plugin to make a log and show on screen incoming connections to our receiver.
- Added new option to show screen notifications when an event from scheduled searchs starts.
- Added channel lists from thunder at Extra/Alternative Panel.
- Plugin subssupport available for all boxes.
- Added KodiLite mod OpenSPA at Download Panel
- Update Dreamplex from Download Panel (skin 1080 improvement and fix green screen when uninstall)
- Minor fixes
openspa-7.0.004-vuduo2-20170401_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.0.004-vuduo2-20170401_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.1.001
- [zgemma] Switch to kernel 4.10.6
- [formuler] Switch kernel 4.10.6
- [Octagon] Update drivers SF128, SF138, SF208, SF228, SF3038 and SF4008
- [ET-7000 Mini] Update drivers
- [Gigablue] Update drivers
- Fixed EPG 7 days
- Fixed MyTube, thanks to yan12125
- Fixed channel list issue, where channels appeared as N/A
- Fixed PanelExtra to solve N/A issue in channel lists
- Improvements at Notifications plugin. Now you can receive notifications in your smartphone.
- Kodi 17.1 for Formuler F1
- MediaCenter improvements :
Added new Kodi style
Added backdrop picture at media list screen.
Now, movie name is the real movie name, not file name (is essential to have movie info downloaded with spzImdb)
Added choice to open on last used folder or always on folder /media.
Fixed hang when entry in MC and try to access to a network mount wich is not available at this moment.
1. Go to Mediacenter - Play Videos
2. First time, list will appear with classic style.
3. If you want to switch to Kodi style, press Menu and select Kodi style. Restart GUI (if you want to switch to classic style Kodi style is set, you must do the same but selecting classic style).
4. Enter again and video list is appearing with kodi style.
5. To see button options, press CH+ or CH-
6. To download film cover, backdrop and info, press green button (it's necessary to have spzImdb installed)
- Improvements at spzImdb. Now you can download a backdrop along with the info and film cover.
- Improvement at Plugin Browser. Now you are able to sort plugins in list.
- Fix aspect ratio on MoviePlayer at Vuplus (until now, movies played with MediaCenter, Dreamplex, KodiLite, etc. were played stretched without black bars) .We need your tests and reports)
- New layout for enigma2 menus.
- Updated italian language, thanks to @hall9000
openspa-7.1.001-vuduo2-20170501_usb.zip (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.1.001-vuduo2-20170501_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.1.002
- [Edision] New kernel 4.11 and drivers
- [Mutant] New kernel 4.10.12 and drivers
- [Zgemma] New drivers
- [Octagon] New drivers SF4008, SF108, SF128 y SF3038
- [Gigablue] New drivers
- [VU+] New drivers
- Added Zgemma H5.2s+ and H7 support.
- Fixed green screen at Gigablue when select rate multi.
- Kodi 17.3 Final (for boxes that support kodi)
- Added streamproxy
- Fix Standby in some boxes
- Added possibility to sort setting menus as user likes
- Check SD in Kodi to use it as user folder if it does not exist /media/hdd
- Added Telegram notifications and commands
- Added phone notification when programming a TV series recording
- Added phone notification when event start for search entries
- Added access to streaming clients info screen (menu-information-red key in tuners section)
- Access to streaming clients info screen from stream notification with Ok button.
- Fix streaming notification when streamproxy is installed
Загрузить :link: (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.1.002-vuduo2-20170601_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.2.002
- [vuplus] Updated drivers(duo2, solo2, solose, zero).
- [Edision] Updated drivers.
- [Mutant] Updated drivers (hd51).
- [Zgemma] Updated drivers (all mipsel boxes).
- Optimized image for boxes with few resources.
- Added IPSec & iptables on almost all boxes.
- Switched busybox-cron by cronie.
- KRACK vulnerability patched at wpa_supplicant and hostapd.
- Re-build DVB module to try improve DTT-Usb behaviour.
- Fix service searching issues.
- Fix openvpn.
- Fix udpxy.
- Fix Parental Control.
- Fix yellow button text on Cron Manager screen.
- Fix crash on TimerEntry.
- Fix OscamInfo.
- Fix crash on spzBackups when you save profile.
- Fix Weather Info.
- Fixes at spzqbutton.
- Fixes at spaNewfirm.
- Updated kodi to 17.5 Final.
- Updated panel extra.
New menu distribution and new display way.
Added spanish terrestrial.xml.
Fix channelinfo generation.
Update channels lists.
- Updated Spanotificacions main code. Now just showing the message at screen and smartphone when a login to the box is done.
- Updated Youtube TV.
- Updated skin MetrixJR Customization Plugin, adding font customization.
- Skins MetrixJR y MetrixJRSD performance optimization.
- Skin confluence_openspa, fix screens without text.
- Skin Estuary, fixes on several screens.
- Skin MetrixJR, fix centered of subtitles.
- New watches for LCD400 Skins.
Загрузить :link: (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.2.002-vuduo2-20171110_usb.zip)
openspa-7.2.004 (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.2.004-vuduo2-20180115_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.2.005 15.02.2018
- [Gigablue] New Kernel 4.1.20 and Updated drivers (Models 4k). IMPORTANT: update only by usb (NO flashonline)
- [vuplus] Updated drivers (Models 4k).
- [Octagon] Updated drivers (SF128, SF138, SF4008).
- [Dinobot] Updated drivers.
- Added new module at Panel Extra to install and update oscam from official page.
- Added display skins for VU+ Ultimo 4k display, Uno 4k SE and Gigablue Quad 4k..
- Added support at VU+ Ultimo 4k display for clocks in standby.
- Updated OpenSPA update wizard (spanewfirm).
- Fixed spzaddiptv dependencies in ARM.
- Fixed mark bouquets import at spzremotechannels
- Allowed info button configuration in channel list
- Added simple EPG and OpenSPA electronic guide to select by default at info and epg buttons in channel list.
- Fixed errors when try to modify scheduled event with repetition from epg.
- Added button to make opkg update in OpenSPA plugins panel.
- New skin Spa24HD available to download and install from Install openSPA plugins.
Загрузить :link: (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.2.005-vuduo2-20180215_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.2.007 15.04.2018
- [vuplus] Drivers updates (all models).
- [Gigablue] Drivers updated (all models).
- [Zgemma] Drivers updated (all models).
- [Octagon] Drivers updated (sf4008, sf128,sf138, sf3038).
- [Edision] Drivers updated (osnino, osnino+)
- [Dinobot4K] Drivers updated
- New OpenSPA support for new Zgemma H9S and H9T
- New OpenSPA support for Edision Os Nino+.
- Added Online TV module at Extra Panel to watch free spanish IPTV channels.
- Removed Oscam Updater module fromExtra Panel because official oscam website went down.
- Added command to stop camd with telegram bot.
- Device Manager improvements for more compatibility with devices with defective table GPT or devices that don't return format type.
- vQuadMenu improvements to get all enigma2 menu options.
- Fixed bug with epg download when you set a restart and later standby after a download (sometimes box was blocked).
- Changed dvb-usb autoinstall script to prevent issues with drivers loading on some boxes when devices was connected at box starting.
- Fixed fast unmount screen, some models were not in the list.
Загрузить :link: (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.2.007-vuduo2-20180415_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 7.3.001 18.09.2018
- New Core OE-Alliance 4.2, basado en OpenEmbedded: Roko de Diciembre de 2017. More important changes :
Libc6 2.2.5 -> 2.2.6
Openssh 7.4 -> 7.6
Busybox 1.24 -> 1.27
Samba 4.4.16 -> 4.6.7
Openssl 1.02k -> 1.0.2m
Nfs Util 1.28 -> 2.1.1
Dropbear 2016.74 -> 2017.75
Bitbake 1.33 -> 1.37
Gcc 6.3.0 Memleak fixe
- New drivers Gigablue 4k
Update drivers to new BCM SDK
add opengl Support
add Kodi Support
add Chrome-WEB Browser
add Youtube.TV
add Bluetooth Audio Support (need optional BCM Bluetooth USB Adpater)
add QT HBBTV Support
add Support for new Gigablue DVB-S2X Single and Dualtuner with Multistream
update LCD modes to only support regular modes (no more pip in lcd)
Info: Quadpip at the moment only supports 1080i and 2160p as video resolution (the fix to support 720p and 1080p is coming later)
remove support of 480 and 576 video resolution - new BCM SDK dropped that
Gigablue fix AC3+ passthrough and add new ac3plus-modes
- New drivers Zgemma H9
fix pcm audio issue
- New drivers Zgemma (all models)
add si2166b tuner support
- New drivers Edision OS Nino
fix jump keys
- New drivers Dinobot 4k
fix iptv
fix osd double buffer
fix usb key
fix teletext fhd paintion to slow
update DVB-C fix issue for Portugal users
fix issue openwebif grab only OSD with service picture
fix issue, remotechannelstreamconverter
- New drivers Qviart Lunix3 4k
fix tuner b ci issue
update 7252 driver image for tsmux
- New support to Amiko A5 Combo and Amiko Viper Combo boxes.
- New skin LCD for VU+ Ultimo 4k. Thanks to elduque
- Added adam59 picon to Panel Extra.
- Added openSPA updates wizard to spaPANEL menu.
- Fix transparency issue in File Explorer.
- Add german translation of our plugins. Thanks to ardilla99
- New bootlogo y new OpenSPA logo design. Thanks to tsnm.
- Update HDMI CEC
- Fix MyTube issue with some videos
Загрузить :link: (https://openspa.webhop.info/Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes/Vuplus/vuduo2/openspa-7.3.001-vuduo2-20180917_usb.zip)
OpenSPA 8.0.003
What is new
- New drivers :
Zgemma H8
add skins1080 support
rename usb image to recovery_usb
Mut@nt HD60
update recovery to version 359
hisi update recovery fastboot and bootargs to the last version for Android
Maxytec Multibox
avl blindscan detection fix
hisi update recovery fastboot and bootargs to the last version for Android
Qviart Dual
No. 1 : Time Jumps with key 9 takes 10 seconds for the picture and sound to be in sync.
No. 49 : WHEN PLAYING A RECORDING: Jumps in time are no longer possible at all
No. 65 : PLAYING A RECORDING FILE WITH E2PLAYER: if you have rewound in a recording or jumped in time, the sound and the picture are out of sync for a very long time (6-10 seconds, longer than other HISI boxes)
update dvb-s snr info
Uclan Ustym 4K pro
add new demod avl6261 driver
fixed a multistream channel unlock issue on AVL62X1
linux update module space fix and new emmc
Octagon SF8008 y SF8008m
linux update module space fix and new emmc
Fix Crash issue
Fix Reboot issue
Fix for FULL HD skin issues
Fix Low Symbolrate unlock issue
Fix for no Video after first boot
Change PAGE+/- to CH+/- for rcu 03/05
Change PAGE+/- to CH+/- buttons on RCU (SF and SX RCU)
Gigablue Trio 4k
linux update module space fix and new emmc
fix reboot issue
- New support for Octagon SFX6008, SFX6018 and SX988 4K.
- Add Tailscale stable v. 1.34.1.
- Update zerotier to 1.10.2.
- Update rclone to 1.60.1.
- Add customization plugin for skin OpenSPA_JRLG.
- Add kodi for Qviart Dual.
- Fix full backup for Zgemma H8.
- Add setting date and time options for displays VFD such as Mut@nt HD51 one.
- Fix TimeSleep for Youtube plugin
- Improve and add screens for BlackSPA, OpenStarHD, OpenPlusHD and OpenSPA_JRLG skins.
- Add Basic_retro HD Skin.
- SinriConnect startup improvements
- Update multiboot and flashonline.
- New Bootlogo, thanks to EL_LARA
User : root
Pass : openspa
https://openspa.webhop.info/#Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes%2FVuplus%2Fvuduo2 (https://openspa.webhop.info/#Descarga%20de%20Im%C3%A1genes%2FVuplus%2Fvuduo2)