OpenSPA 5.0.005 2016-02-16
- WeTek Play :
Kernel 3.10.93 and Drivers 2016-01-29
Improvements and fixes Enigma2
New plugin Selection Remote Contorl with support in the Wizard
- Gigablue:
Kernel 4.0.1
New drivers
GStreamer 1.7.1
- Zgemma:
New drivers 2016-01-21
- Kodi 15.2 for Vuplus Solo2, Solo SE, Duo2 and Solo 4K (thanks mx3l)
- New OpenSPA updates wizard (Allows install new firmware keeping settings and data)
- New skin Confluence 1080: based in Confluence_openspa
- Updated skin OpenSPA_JRLG1080 (more screens included)
- Updated plugin openSPA_JR (added new infobars, channel selection and chance to choose dark or light style)
- Updated GStreamer 1.6.x to 1.7.1
- Fixed issue with ecm line in infobars, because it was always shown in some skins.
- Translate improvements.
- Other minor fixes.
Password FTP/Telnet : openspa
BASIC POST RULES : This thread is reserved to firmware post and next greetings or feelings. Post any technical request, bug or ask for help is forbidden. In these cases, you must open new trhead or post in a opened one where people are talking about same topic. It's recommended to use forum search to find trhreads with same topics.
Each answer in this thread talking about something different than feelings or greetings is going to be erased.