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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #30: 03 мая | 2016г. | 20:50:56 »
OpenSPA 6.0

- New OE-Alliance 3.4
- Changes in EPG download, now is Movistar+ instead of D+
- Fix weather info
- Improvements at confluence 1080. Added new screens and plugins.
- Improvements at spaqbutton (Remap keys) to add more remote buttons (fav, portal, etc)
- Kodi 16.1 (Wetekplay/VuDuo2/VuSolo2/VuSoloSE/VuSolo4k)
- GStreamer 1.8.1 Stable
- VuDuo2/VuSolo2/VuSoloSE/VuSolo4k/VuZero/GigaBlue support iptables
- Fixed error in DeviceManager when initialize device in ext3/ext4

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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #31: 17 мая | 2016г. | 12:47:34 »

Improvements at spaqbutton (Remap keys)
- Improvements at Full HD skins support.
- Support Unicable 2 (JESS)
- Some enigma changes

Обновление доступно онлайн

Lo primero es dar a menú/sistema y vamos a plugins.

Nos vamos hasta Administrar software.

Ahora nos colocamos en Actualizar Software y le damos a OK.

En el aviso lo pondremos en SI.

Entonces nos buscara actualizaciones, si no encuentra nos devolverá al menú anterior, si encuentra
alguna nos dirá si queremos actualizar, incluso podemos ver las actualizaciones antes de actualizar
una vez actualizado el dispositivo se reiniciara.

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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #32: 01 июня | 2016г. | 14:12:03 »

- New drivers for Zgemma, Formuler and VU+ Solo 4K
- New skin Full HD 1080p Metrix JR (thanks to the developers of GigabluePAX and Metrix skins for inspiring me)
- New plugin spaMetrixJR to customize color style and some background screens of new MetrixJR skin (accessible from Menu -> Customize -> Customize skin MetrixJR or from Extensions menu)
- Enigma2 changes to improve Full HD skins support.
- Fixes in autodeepsleep plugin (in certain contexts (restart at certain times) the sleep timer does not start).
- Fixes in EPG plugin (now the OK button only appears when needed and fixed bug in some channels equivalencies.)
- Changes in spazeMenu to support new plugin spaMetrix JR.
- Changes in TimeSleep plugin (now with support for Kodi, Dreamplex and HMStream)
- New feature to autoconvert screens and give support to skins 1080p (if you're using skins 1080, you have to answer yes when you are asked for)
- HDMI-CEC improvements (now screen is refreshing fine when you change Activate from No to Yes)
- FAQS update at Help menu (we advice newbies to read FAQS to know basic features about OpenSPA)
- Added some translations.
- Various fixes in E2.
- New bootlogo.

Так же теперь обновление доступно онлайн

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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #33: 16 июня | 2016г. | 11:29:11 »
Оpenspa-6.0.003- 2016.06.16

- New drivers for VU+ Solo 4K , Edision OS Mini , GI ET-7000 MINI
- Improvements skin MetrixJR :

    Added screens DLNA Server, OpenMultiboot and DLNA Browser
    Fixed color button in cccaminfo.
    Added event date in OpenSPA simple EPG
    Fixed transparencies around some icons.

- Add features to plugin MetrixJR
- Improvements at wifi connections : when you connect to a wifi, your data is saved, so if you use more than one wifi in your receiver, it's not necessary to enter password in each connection. After first connection, you can save data in your HDD to restore in future image updates. You can find backup files in /etc/wifi/name_AP.wifi
- Improvements in CCcamInfo : now you can access to your cccam.cfg from receiver and read its content.
- Improvements in OscamInfo : setting Yes in Settings, Read Userdata from oscam.conf , connection will be automatic and now it's no longer necessary to enter data manually.
- Fixed that flash is not showed in DeviceManager of VU+ Solo 4K receiver (prevent to format flash instead SD, pendrive or HDD)
- Added some translations.
- Various fixes in E2.

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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #34: 31 августа | 2016г. | 14:57:41 »
OpenSPA 6.0.004 31.08.2016

Спойлер   :

- New brand with OpenSPA support : Mut@nt
- New support for Formuler F4
- New drivers for VU+ Solo 4K and Edision OS Mini
- Fix Movistar+ EPG 7 days
- Spazemenu changes :

    Significant improvement in horizontal spazemenu performance.
    Possibility to use your own icons in submenus and with your prefered dimension (ask in forum if you are interested in this feature)
    Choice between horizontal OpenSPA menu and enigma2 OpenSPA menu

- Improvements in password changer plugin
- Improvement in manual channels searching (you can search various transponders without exit to main TV screen).
-New features in spaMetrixJR. Added new infobar and channelselection for zzpicons (picons 420x240)
- New OpenSPA zzpicons (available to download from SPA Panel)
- Fixes in skin confluence (FlashOnline, CutListEditor, etc.)
- Fixes for RTL28xxU in kernel 4.0.1 (Zgemma, Gigablue, Formuler, Mutant)

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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #35: 16 сентября | 2016г. | 19:20:05 »
OpenSPA 6.0.005

- OpenSPA installation images using Flash Online. It is a completely online method without PC. Notice : if you install any previous release to 6.0.005, when image starts FlashOnline will not be available.

- Improvements in spanewfirm (Installation Wizard OpenSPA), now it's compatible with FlashOnline.

- Improvements in spaMetrixJR, now you can also configure/change OpenSPA menu icons.

- Added secondinfobar screen with extended information in MetrixJR.

- Improved EPG Movistar +.

- Improvements in spzImdb, to make finding films information easier and faster

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  • Сообщений: 17080
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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #36: 01 октября | 2016г. | 13:16:50 »
OpenSPA 6.0.006

- New kernel for Mut@nt receivers.

- New zgemma drivers.

- FlashOnline improvements to use every mounted device (pendrive, hdd, microSD, etc.). Network mounts can't be used

- Improvements in spanewfirm (Installation Wizard OpenSPA), now it's also compatible with multidevices.

- Changes in Confluence and MetrixJR skins.

- Improved EPG Movistar +.

- Added stream port settings and stream authentication for more security in spzremotechannels

- Added new M+ equivalences

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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #37: 17 октября | 2016г. | 15:15:40 »
OpenSPA 6.0.007

- Subssupport update. Thx m3xl

- Some changes in MetrixJR skin

- New kernel for Edision OS Mini and Formuler

- New drivers for Edision OS Mini, Formuler and Mut@nt HD51

- Added new translations.

- Minor fixes

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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #38: 01 ноября | 2016г. | 20:08:36 »
OpenSPA 6.0.008

- Added wake box from deep standby when EPG is downloaded.
- Added scheduled searchs of EPG (you program a text and if you activate it, when you wake box every day, system search these text in EPG and show a list of channels and events with this text, then you can program recordings, automatic zap when event starts or zap to this channel)
- Fixes in HDMI-CEC
- Some fixes skin MetrixJR.
- Drivers VU+ Solo4k (Fix FCC problem y Add new FBC frontend proc interface).
- Drivers [hd51] fix S5 (deepsleep)
- Fixes MultibootStartup [hd51]
- Added new translations.

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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #39: 16 ноября | 2016г. | 21:50:30 »
OpenSPA 6.0.009

- Fixed OpenSPA update wizard, which don't let you to restore backup when two devices were connected to box
- Fix TimeSleep to use with HMStream.
- Fix wakeup when EPG autodownloading is activated.
- New driver for VU+ Solo 4K
- New drivers Mut@nt HD51
- New drivers Edision OS Mini
- Fix all vuplus models, which enable audio pip workaround
- New OpenWebIf
- Minor bug fixes.

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OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #40: 01 декабря | 2016г. | 21:09:33 »
OpenSPA 6.0.010

- New drivers Mut@nt HD51
- New drivers Vuplus Solo 4K, Solo2, Duo2 and Solo SE
- Fix standby to stop tuners when box goes to standby.
- Improvement in series TV recordings.
- SpaNewFirms: Added option to leave skin you have in previous release
- New Panel Extra OpenSPA, where you can do :

    Download channel lists uploaded to our forum.
    Download updated mhw_EQUIV.epg file.
    Download satellites.xml, port.list, cccam.channelinfo,...
    Look at hardware and software info

- Added new options for skin MetrixJR

    Added turquoise color
    Added new infobar with information about transponder and bitrate in same infobar
    Added new infobar to use with transparent zzpicons.

- Minor fixes.

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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #41: 23 декабря | 2016г. | 12:34:12 »
OpenSPA 6.0.011

- Added Formuler F4 Turbo support
- New Formuler drivers for F1 :

    Fixed dual lnb control (rec and zap issue)
    Fix deep standby issue.
    Update ci and add simple transcoding

- New drivers VU+ Solo 4K
- Edision OS Mini switch to kernel 4.9.
- Zgemma : update drivers fix snr
- OpenWebIf fixes and improvements.
- GStreamer 1.11.0
- Fixes and improvements at EPG search and PanelExtra.
- Kodi Direct mod OpenSPA available from Download Panel.
- Minor fixes.

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  • Сообщений: 17080
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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #42: 16 января | 2017г. | 13:59:40 »
OpenSPA 6.0.012

What is new
- Added Octagon SF8, SF98, SF108, SF128, SF138, SF208, SF228 y SF3038 support.
- Added Edision OS Mega support and OS Mini+.
- New drivers Formuler
- New drivers Zgemma
- New drivers Mut@nt
- New drivers GI-ET7000 Mini (fix issue with A/V output)
- New drivers VU+ Solo 4K
- Kodi 17 for Vuplus and Edision OS Mega
- Updated enigma2 OpenSPA
- Small changes skin MetrixJR
- Updated timesleep for KodiDirect support.
- Spanewfirm improvements

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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #43: 02 февраля | 2017г. | 08:36:27 »
OpenSPA 7.0.001

What is new
OE-Core Build:
Update from Jetro to Morty
GCC 5.30 -> GCC 6.20
Glibc 2.23 - > 2.24
Python 2.7.11 -> 2.7.12
Bitbake 1.29 -> 1.32
Multiple compilation environment optimized
Bugs checking, optimize cache memory and much more

Gstreamer 1.11.0 -> Gstreamer 1.11.1
New Media Codec support
Optimize streams HLS
Fix bugs and optimize memory for embedded systems

- New drivers for Vuplus Solo 4k, Edision OS Mega and Formuler
- Fix switching aspect ratio
- ffmpeg update
- Optimize Full HD skin for third-party plugins
- Fix green screen when switch from OpenSPA homemenu to standard enigma2 menu
- Fix bug with newchannelselection and OpenSPA options in some receivers
- Kodi 17.0 RC4 for WeTek Play & Vuplus
- More spanish translations added
- Fix bug with minus temperatures in spzweather.
- Fix bug in TV series record plugin
- Add option to write search time about TV series chapters
- Add option to get date at compatible VFD's
- Youtube implemented new system for obtain video url
- Minor fixes

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  • Сообщений: 17080
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  • Уважение: +1332
OpenSpa VU+ Solo2
« Ответ #44: 16 февраля | 2017г. | 18:59:51 »
OPENSPA 7.0.002​

- New Formuler drivers
- New drivers Octagon
- New drivers Edision
- New drivers Mut@nt
- Added MultiStream support
- Remove media-build from vuplus
- Kodi 17.0 Final Vuplus / Wetekplay / OS Mega
- Improvements in GST 1.x
- Improvements plugin series recording
- New mhw2 equivalence editor, with online download option (the one of extra panel) and synchronization with existing file, user input protection option
- Synchronization of the user equivalence file with the last file posted in extra panel when using spanewfirms
- Latest updates info on skin confluence sd main menu
- HbbTv fixed on Octagon SF3038
- Minor fixes


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