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АвторТема: MediaSat-PME-VU+ SoloSE  (Прочитано 2778 раз)

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Онлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

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MediaSat-PME-VU+ SoloSE
« Первое сообщение: 05 мая | 2015г. | 11:42:51 »
VU+ MediaSat ME 7.1

20150403(vu+ solo2, vu+ duo2, vu+ solose)
•New Skin skin_default-HD-mod Homer Simpson (dmm and xpeedlx)
•New Skin ME7.1_mb65 by mamba65(Vu+)
•New Bootlogo by mamba65
•New multiboot Muzossboot v.1.0 (xpeedlx, vu+solo2 and vu+solose)
•ME Full Backup update.
•MediaSat WebInterface.
•WirelessLanSetup: add quote to wpa_passphrase for password.
•Enable ME Autocam
•Enigma2 20150501


-Update GST mediaplayer Version 1.4.5* IPTV streams compounds more stable
* IPTV streams and other streams are now with new enhancements and bug fixes functioning
* AVI / Divx playback Optimized setting creates no more stuttering as in 0.10
* M4a Audio High Bitrate now possible
* Improved playback MKV
more info found on GStreamer: open source multimedia framework

Update Version 2.7.9

-GCC und glibc:

GCC update Version 4.9.2
more info found on https://gcc.gnu.org/
glibc update Version 2.2.1
more info found on The GNU C Library

WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot. The image MUST be installed in flash
MediaSat does not support images not installed in flash.​​​

​​This latest version of the MediaSat muzoss edition series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance.

Please note that of all images MediaSat-ME now has the best epg system:​

- Integrated OpenEpg​
- Rytec dedicated epg.dat​
- New system epg.dat outside.​
​Increase download speed of EPG​
Download EPG from any channel​

Main functions of the buttons on the remote​
OK button = Skin with simple information​
OK button x 2 = Extra Info Skin​
Blue button = ME Blue Panel​
Blue button and then Red button = ME Epg Panel​
Blue button and then Yellow button = ME System Monitor Panel​
Yellow button = Audio menu​
Green button = ME Green Panel​
Green button and then Red button = Me Panel Setup​
Green button x 2 = ME Fast Plugin​
Green button and then Yellow button = Me Addons

Infobar / OSD​
Analog Clock Gui​
Channel orbital location​
Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec​
Signal SNR, BER​
Infobar picons​

Characteristics of ME Panels​

Blue Panel​
Extra Settings​
Mediasat Cron Manager (Manage schedules)​
OSD Settings (OSD configuration)​
Devices Manager​
Usb Format Wizard​
Kernel Modules Manager(Kernel module operator)​
Inadyn Settings (Configure Inadyn)​
Swap File Settings (Configure File Swap)​
Hard Disk Settings (Configure Hard Drive)​
OpenVPN Panel ( OpenVPN Panel)​
Samba / CIFS Panel ( Samba Panel)​
NFS Server Panel ( NFS server Panel)​
Telnet Panel ( Telnet Panel)​
FTP Panel ( FTP Panel)​
Pcsc Panel​
Tuner Server​
Network Browse & Mountpoints​

Info Panel​
1 - Gui Setting (Gui configurations)​
2 - Service Information (information system) ​
3 - About (info) ​
Memory (Memory) ​
Space (capacity) ​
CPU (processor) ​
Process (process)​
Dreiver (data)
4 - MediaSat About

EPG Panel​
Global settings (global settings EPG)​
Setting Provider (ISP settings)​

Green Panel​
Fast Plugin Setup (Configure quick access to your favourite plugin)​
Fast Plugin (Access your favourite plugin)​
Addons (added)​
Addons Download Manager (Manager for package downloading)​
Online Feeds Settings update​
Manual Install IPK packages (Manual installation of IPK packages)​
Addons Uninstall Panel (Uninstalled packages)​​[/size][/spoiler]

Спойлер   :


Онлайн сергей 999sАвтор темы

  • Мастер Джедай
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 17673
  • Поблагодарили: 97094
  • Уважение: +1596
MediaSat-PME-VU+ SoloSE
« Ответ #1: 05 января | 2016г. | 13:29:33 »
MediaSat ME 7.2

Спойлер   :
- Happy New Year with MediaSat ME 7.2 -

What is new in MediaSat-ME 7.2

20151124(Vu+ solo2,Vu+ duo2,Vu+ zero,Vu+ solose)
20150612( xpeedlx1, xpeedlx2)
20150112 r7.0(DM7020hd, dm800se)
•New Skin skin_default-HD-mod Homer Simpson (dmm and xpeedlx)
•New Bootlogo by Homer Simpson
•New multiboot Muzossboot v.3.0 (dmm7020,dmm800se,xpeedlx,Vu+ solo2,Vu+ duo2,Vu+ zero,Vu+ solose)
•ME Full Backup update.
•WirelessLanSetup: add quote to wpa_passphrase for password.
•Enigma2 20151228

WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot. The image MUST be installed in flash
MediaSat does not support images not installed in flash.

This latest version of the MediaSat muzoss edition series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance.

Please note that of all images MediaSat-ME now has the best epg system:

- Integrated OpenEpg
- Rytec dedicated epg.dat
- New system epg.dat outside.
Increase download speed of EPG
Download EPG from any channel

Main functions of the buttons on the remote
OK button = Skin with simple information
OK button x 2 = Extra Info Skin
Blue button = ME Blue Panel
Blue button and then Red button = ME Epg Panel
Blue button and then Yellow button = ME System Monitor Panel
Yellow button = Audio menu
Green button = ME Green Panel
Green button and then Red button = fast Plug.Setup
Green button x 2 = ME Fast Plugin
Green button and then Yellow button = Me Addons

Infobar / OSD
current temperature
Channel orbital location
Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec
Signal SNR, BER
Infobar picons

Characteristics of ME Panels

Blue Panel
Extra Settings
Mediasat Cron Manager (Manage schedules)
OSD Settings (OSD configuration)
Devices Manager
Usb Format Wizard
Kernel Modules Manager(Kernel module operator)
Inadyn Settings (Configure Inadyn)
Swap File Settings (Configure File Swap)
Hard Disk Settings (Configure Hard Drive)
OpenVPN Panel ( OpenVPN Panel)
Samba / CIFS Panel ( Samba Panel)
NFS Server Panel ( NFS server Panel)
Telnet Panel ( Telnet Panel)
FTP Panel ( FTP Panel)
Pcsc Panel
Tuner Server
Network Browse & Mountpoints

Info Panel
1 - Gui Setting (Gui configurations)
2 - Service Information (information system)
3 - About (info)
Memory (Memory)
Space (capacity)
CPU (processor)
Process (process)
Dreiver (data)
4.- MediaSat About

EPG Panel
Global settings (global settings EPG)
Setting Provider (ISP settings)

Green Panel
Fast Plugin Setup (Configure quick access to your favourite plugin)
Fast Plugin (Access your favourite plugin)
Addons (added)
Addons Download Manager (Manager for package downloading)
Online Feeds Settings update
Manual Install IPK packages (Manual installation of IPK packages)
Addons Uninstall Panel (Uninstalled packages)



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