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CuBiC e² Image for Vu+ Uno
« Первое сообщение: 19 сентября | 2011г. | 16:09:58 »
CuBiC e² Image for Vu+ Uno

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CuBiC experimental Image 1.0 svn18 oe1.6 Vu+ Uno
 Git Checkout 15.07.2011
 Enigma2/dvbapp 15.07.2011
 Enigma2/dvbapp Plugins 15.07.2011
 Enigma2/dvbapp Skins 15.07.2011
 Enigma2/dvbapp Streamproxy 15.07.2011
 AIO Grab 15.07.2011
 libdreamdvd 15.07.2011
Driver (VU) from 08.07.2011
Driver (Dream) from 06.05.2011

From CuBiC Team:

 New: Add RT73 Driver
 New: Image Update over CuBiC Center (First Test)
 New: CuBiC Device/Mount Manager "Thanks to openee for Base code"
 New: Swapfile on /media/usb over Device/Mount Manager
 New: Bootlogo
 New: CuBiC Newsfeed Reader
 New: Backup and Restore - Settings
 New: Multilang Support for the CuBiC Center - (EN , DE)
 New: Infobarfading (THX to gutemine for Infobarhide)
 New: CuBiC Center supports now XD and HD Skins
 Fixed: CuBiC Skin Fixes
 Update: Streamproxy
 Update: AIO Grab
 Update: libdreamdvd
 Update: Crashlogremover (removes now enigma2-crashlog files from /media/hdd and media/usb)
 Change: CuBiC Skin has new Font (Essai.ttf)
 Removed: fstab Editor
 Various patches in the settings
 Picons under /media/usb/
 Cubic Cam Feed
 Emu scripts are now in /usr /camscript and the emus we put in /usr /bin/
 Cubic Tools menu (backup settings, offline installer, system info, Addon Manager, Cam menu, change the root password, delete all CrashLogs)
 Cubic Conveter and renderer
 gbox Support
 Encryption indicator (CO I S N V …)
 Share Info Display (hops, ECM …)
 Cam display (CCcam 2.2.1 or scam3.59 etc.)
 Gui Restart the Image menu
 Fix umlauts in some menus
 Smargo / USB Mouse Support
 IPK Installation from /media/usb /media/hdd oder /tmp

Integrated Addons:


Info from DaCube Dev Team:

 We would like to collect Bugs and fill the online Feed in the next weeks.
 In September we will take up the development for the Next Release.
 A BugTracker is soon available. There can her announce wishes, mistakes!

1. cubic_experimental_1.0_svn18_oe1.6_VUUNO_usb.zip
2. cubic_experimental_1.0_svn18_oe1.6_VUUNO_NFI.zip (39.97 MB)[/quote]

CuBiC experimental Image 1.0.1 oe1.6

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CuBiC Image for DM500hd, DM800, DM800se, DM8000, VUDuo, VUUno, VUSolo

Changelog 1.0.1:

Secondstageloader 84 (DM500hd, DM800, DM800se, DM8000)
Driver Updated
ImageUpdate function removed - with the 1.2.0 comes a new function and we will make the Updates over our Server
little Fixes
little Changes to make Performance better
New Bootlogo - THX Nase

This is an Mini Update!
We will start directly a new Development for the new Version 1.2.0

Info over CuBiC 1.2.0:
more skins - We will make some skins from original feed compatible for CuBiC
more stability - We will show and fix the most issues
own DistUpdate server - We will use an own Dist update Server
own Settings Server and many more....

1. cubic_experimental_1.0.1_oe1.6_VUUNO_NFI
2. cubic_experimental_1.0.1_oe1.6_VUUNO_USB
  • Vu+ Duo | Vu+ Uno | Kathrein UFS 910 | GI 2138 HD | GI M100 Xtremer
Vu+ Duo HD Twin Linux, Vu+ Uno, Kathrein UFS 910

Оффлайн medvss

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CuBiC e² Image for Vu+ Uno
« Ответ #1: 02 сентября | 2012г. | 12:10:30 »
CuBiC 2.0 Public Beta Build 010

 enigma2 Base OpenPli 3
 CuBIC Core - based on openPli 3.0
 Linux Kernel - Vu+ 3.1.1, Dreambox 3.2.25, Xtrend 3.4.3
 DLNA Server
 UPNP Browser
 Online Update
 CuBiC HD Skin
 Share Bar with gBox Support
 YAMP Music Player
 Multi Language Support in our Panel (Ungarian, German, (Russian with Build 011) (We search for translators)
 Online Feed

 Here is the public release from CuBiC 2.0 build 010.
 The Image use Online Updates and you can if we release an new Build make an Update over our Panel.
 Should an update failures, which can happen from time to time, so you can use the flash image that we deposit at any online update in our ULC.
 With the Online Update feature will we give Long Time Support for our Images and we will make it with every Update an little bit better.

 If you find Bugs, so can you use our Bugtracker.

 For Hardware:
 DM500 HD
 DM7020 HD
 DM800 SE
 VU+ Solo
 Xtrend et5x00
 Xtrend et6x00
 Xtrend et9x00


 Build 010:

 From openPLI Team:
 All PLi Updates incl. Wed, 29 Aug 2012 21:16:30

From DaCube Team:
 Change: Addon Manager to seperate Call Menü
 Fix: epg.dat HDD Spin problem
 Fix: Startproblem scam, gbox, mgcamd (Install from our Feed or use our offline Cam Package)
 Fix: BackupSuite was not working
 Fix: CronManager
 Change: OnlineUpdate shows now installable Packages before an upgrade runs
 New: YAMP integrated
 Remove: MediaPlayer


Оффлайн nikronom-7

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CuBiC e² Image for Vu+ Uno
« Ответ #2: 07 сентября | 2012г. | 08:29:58 »
Кто ставил себе это? Как работает?

Оффлайн vam1964

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CuBiC e² Image for Vu+ Uno
« Ответ #3: 07 сентября | 2012г. | 09:05:56 »
Я ставил ничего ненашел для себя уж лучше чистый PLI


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