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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Первое сообщение: 19 сентября | 2011г. | 16:21:44 »
ViX Team VU+ Uno Image

ViX Team VU+ Uno Image v2.2.100 - 21/07/2011

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New VIX Image VU+ Uno - v2.2.100
 21/07/2011 - Open ViX 2.2.100
 Based on Open PLi 2.0

 From VIX Team

 Enigma: 21-07-2011.
 Enigma Plugins: 21-07-2011.
 GCC Version: 4.4.4.
 Kernel Version: 2.6.18.
 Drivers: 20110708.

After months of waiting, the Vu+ Uno has finally been released, and the ViX Team are happy to release their image for the Vu+ Uno. If you have previously used a ViX image, then you will know many of the features available, so just skip to the latest features section under the "Team ViX Enhancements" below to find out the newest additions to the ViX team image. If this is your first venture to the ViX team, then be sure to read all we have to offer below...

 Team ViX Enchancements

 Latest Additions to ViX Team Image

 BackupManager - Lets you create scheduled backups of your system files (not full Image like Image Manager).
 RestoreWizard - This a wizard that detects and restores you backup (created with BackupManager), with option to restore your extra plugins.
 ImageManager - Major code rewrite, now handled by Job task, view progress of image creation in extension list (blue button)
 ViX Menu - Added PackageManagement & Software Update, so SoftwareManager is now not needed. It is also now translatable into different languages.
 NetworkInadyn - Add new network setup screen Inadyn.
 OScam/CCam Info - Added options to show in Extension List. (the Menu item will now only show IF the softcam is installed).
 OnlineVersionCheck - Added option to disable online check by setting check value to '0' and set a maximun timer to 48 hours.
 Recording List - Added a new option in MovieList Settings to use a "Slim" list like the "Slim" Channel slection screen.
 EPG Graphical - This is now in core, no longer a plugin (was ViXEPG), added the option to show Bouquets on launch.
 EPG Menu - Add Load/Save item, this allow you reload/save the EPG cache.

 All previous ViX Enhancements

 ViX Bootlogos, Radio Logo.
 ViX Team Spinner.
 ViX Team ViX_HD Skin.
 ViX Team softcam manager - You can now choose whether you want to check whether your cams are running by pressing menu in the softcam screen. You can also check the status of your cam checks by pressing the info button.
 ViX Team Image Manager - This enables you to backup and restore your image (nb, we are talking the whole image, not just settings). This can be found in Menu -> Setup -> ViX -> Image Manager. You can choose where to store your backups to, either HDD or USB (setup by pressing menu, whilst your in Image Manager). There is also the option of creating a schedule to do daily, weekly or every 30 days backups for you.
 ViX Team Cron Manager - Allows you to create cron jobs from scrips in /usr/scripts/ and set them to run at pre-defined times by you.
 ViX Team Power Manager - This allows you to enable standby at a specific time, enable deep standby at specific times, do a GUI restart at specific times, or do a full reboot at specific times. If standby is set after deep standby, then it will wake the box up and return the box to the state it was before deepsleep was initiated... For more info, look at the screenshots below.
 ViX Team Mount Manager - This enables you to choose where you want to mount USB Sticks, USB HDDs, etc. This can be found in Menu -> Setup -> VIX -> Mount Manager. Please also note that USB / ESATA devices NEED there mount points setup in Mount Manager (green button whilst in Mount Manager) in order for them to work correctly.
 ViX Team Overscan fix - This is the fix to remedy any overscan people had in the previous release. To use this, go to Menu -> Setup -> System -> VIX and alter the "Menu Overscan amount" to suit your display.
 ViX Team Swap Manager - Allows you to create/use swap files on usb/hdd, and also allows you to use swap partitions.
 ViX-EPG - This is a simpler, faster version of CoolTVGuide, modified for the image.
 ViX QuickEPG - This is VIXs' version of QuickZap. You can see the full epg data for the channel, not just now and next. Picons work within QuickEPG. Also includes channel preview.
 ViX Quick Event Info - This is the new way to receive the event info on the ViX image. Press OK button once to get the info bar up, press it once more (i.e. a second time) to receive the information about what is currently showing...
 ViX Single EPG (with channel preview) - The is new and unique to vix, after you open the ViX single EPG (short RED) you can view the 7 day epg for that channel, now to see another channels epg, either use the Channel up/down buttons on your remote or just key in the channel number. if you want to preview the channel your currently viewing the EPG for (ie you want to see what the current program is like) just press 'OK' on your remote, this will change to that channel showing you the program in the small video window. if you don't like it, go find another channel to preview by keying in new channel number (or up/down buttons). or if you do like it and want to go fullscreen on it, just press 'OK' again. but if you feel you want to return to the original channel you where watching (whilst still in ViX Single EPG) just press 'EXIT" button, this will return to where you where before you entered ViX Single EPG).
 ViX Network Manager - This allows you to stop and start certain network features. The features you can stop/start are: FTP, NFS, VPN, Samba and Telnet. You will find this in Menu -> Setup -> System.
 ViX Release notes - This is just a little screen within the Menu -> Information -> About, that appears when you press EPG/Info button, to tell you the latest updates for the image.
 ViX Update Checker - This is a feature that lets you know of any available online updates by a little globe symbol in the infobar. This is set to check every 12 hours whether there are any updates for the image (can be changed in settings). If so, the icon will change from inactive to active...
 ViX Logs Manager - This allows you to manager your crashlogs and system logs (if enabled). If you have a crash, you can email your bugs to us directly from the image. Go to Menu -> Setup -> System -> Logs. When in the Logs Manager, you can edit the configuration to show your forum username, and your email address by pressing the Menu button. Please ensure you do this before submitting logs!
 ViX Simple TV List - This is a simple selection to show your bouquet lists, just showing the channels and current event (if in EPG). To access the Simple TV List, do a long up/down arrow button press. You can customised it to be the default option instead of Full Screen Channel List, in which case, Up/Down buttons are reversed. It can also be set in the ViX Settings for the TV button.
 Always show Bouquets - This has now been coded in to always show the Bouquets when entering the channel selection screen.
 USB DTT - To install dvb-t, you just need to go to the plugins downloads, and select the stick you have. This will then install the drivers for your stick. You will then need to restart your receiver. Once restarted, go to Menu -> Setup -> Service Starting -> Tuner Config, and you should notice Tuner C as your USB DTT...
 IPK Installer - Just copy your .ipk fle into '/tmp' and go to the menu option.
 AutoTimer plugin integrated into image - Create an AutoTimer (Series Link), using Blue button in Current Channel EPG info. This has been updated to use threading, so that it will work in the background. No more spinning when checking for lots of timers. Default behaviour has been changed so that it does not check in standby only, and will check every 30 minutes.
 CCcamInfo - CCcamInfo plugin built directly in to image.
 OscamInfo - OscamInfo plugin built directly in to image.
 Blindscan Support Added - This allows you to access blindscan within the Service Scanning menu.
 XMLTV EPG Importer - Thanks to Rytec for his support on this Importer. This has been updated so that the Import automatically updates itself from the servers, so there is no need to download and install new source files. Thanks to Rytec for the idea and andyblac for coding it.
 CrossEPG included in image as default - Settings for this can be found in Menu -> Setup -> System -> EPG -> CrossEPG.
 EPG Download from transponders - This incorporates the EIT, MHW, FREESAT, NetMed & VIASAT downloads. To enable/disable, change your settings in the Menu -> Setup -> System -> Customise.
 EPG load patch - Image patched to allow EPG data to be loaded without the need for a restart.
 WebInterface and Help Screens - The Web Interface Remote Control correctly shows the ET5000 remote control, with all buttons mapped correctly. As well as this, in all Help screens, the remote control has been updated to the ET9000, and all references of Dreambox removed.
 Added option to disable the spinner (egg timer) - Change the setting of "Show Animation while busy" in Menu -> Setup -> System -> Customise.
 Added option to disable the channel numbers in Channel List - BMCC bouquet's have Channel Numbers in their channel name, so you get them twice in channel list.
 Panic Button - Added option to enable/disable panic button (goes direct to channel 1).
 Subserivice Option - This option allows you to assign the Subservice shortcut to a long green press. To change this option, go to Menu -> Setup -> System -> VIX.
 Option to disable ViX coloured buttons - This should ensure that if users want to use MultiQuick button plugin, it should work without issue.
 MultiQuickButton - This is now supported when installed directly from our feeds (it is a patched version of 2.77).
 Added Wireless Lan Support - This is automatically enabled in the image. To set up, use the Network manager on first boot, or from the Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network.
 NFS Server added to image and set to run automatically - To edit the folders you wish to share, you will need to edit file /etc/exports.
 Network Browser - Added Network Browser to help you setup share mounts.
 OpenVPN Support - This will need to be configured to your need first then use the manager to setup to autostart.
 Added Smargo Support - This is automatically enabled in image.
 Recorded Items - Recorded Items list modified to move item, browse directories, etc. Works similarly to suomipoeka plugin. Can be selected to load via the recorded items button, or from the tv button.
 Movie Player - Now, when playing a recorded item, you can search EPG and add Auto Timers for the particular recording. When watching your recording, press yellow to search the EPG, then press blue to add an AutoTimer.
 Permanent Timeshift Plugin integrated - Disabled by default, turn on via Timeshift settings.
 Integrated AutoTimer.
 Integrated EPG Search.
 Integrated IMDb Search.

 Button Mappings

 Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
 Long Red*** - Show current event.
 Short Green** & *** - Timers.
 Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
 Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
 Long Yellow*** - IMDB Database.
 Short Blue - Extensions.
 Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
 EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
 Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
 Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
 Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
 Long Up/Down** - Open Simple TV List.
 TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
 Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.

 ** Can be changed in ViX Menu
 *** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

 Known Bugs

 Second subtitles in AVI, MP4 etc often need a stepskip to enable them to show up.
 Shoutcast has no genrelists and menu is not working.

 Special Thanks

 rytec - for his continued support.
 PLi Team for their great base image and allowing us to use it.
 zoka.cc for his Picon sets
 Coolman and all other developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
 All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image and DTT working

ViX 2.2.100 vuuno usb.zip
Скачать с gisclub.tv:

[VU+ Uno] ViX Team VU+ Uno Image v2.2.100 - 21/07/2011

Так же доступно он-лайн обновление на новый имидж Vix 2.2.109: 

There are online updates for the Vix image to bring you up to version Vix 2.2.109
 after the update go to information/about/info to see release notes

  • Vu+ Duo | Vu+ Uno | Kathrein UFS 910 | GI 2138 HD | GI M100 Xtremer
Vu+ Duo HD Twin Linux, Vu+ Uno, Kathrein UFS 910

Оффлайн crasher

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #1: 26 декабря | 2011г. | 17:02:30 »
Vu Uno ViX 2.3 (Linux 3.1.1) 25.12.2011

Enigma: 24-12-2011.
Enigma Plugins: 24-12-2011.
GCC Version: 4.4.4
Kernel Version: 3.1.1
Drivers: 2011-12-22

Забираем тут h**p://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?14237-Vu-Uno-ViX-2-3-(Linux-3-1-1)-25-12-2011

Оффлайн atomik123

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #2: 25 января | 2012г. | 14:39:36 »
Нужно ли менять загрузчик перед заливкой этого имиджа и где его взять?

Оффлайн 2boom

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #3: 25 января | 2012г. | 14:58:54 »
atomik123, для uno занрузчик менять ненадо
  • VU+ Duo 2 | Vu + Ultimo | DM800se (A8P) | MK-Digital xp1000
на подкуп резидента webmoney: R152988468288  yandex: 410011849574352  Приват24 (в личку)
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Оффлайн VladKBF

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #4: 11 июня | 2012г. | 19:55:23 »

New VIX Image Vu+ Uno Version 2.4
15/05/2012 - Open ViX 2.4.96
From VIX Team
Enigma: 04-05-2012.
 Enigma Plugins: 04-05-2012.
 GCC Version: 4.4.4
 Vu + Kernel Version: 3.1.1
 Vu+ Drivers: 2012-02-28

Оффлайн maikl

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #5: 12 июня | 2012г. | 01:11:12 »

New VIX Image Vu+ Uno Version 2.4
15/05/2012 - Open ViX 2.4.96
From VIX Team
Enigma: 04-05-2012.
 Enigma Plugins: 04-05-2012.
 GCC Version: 4.4.4
 Vu + Kernel Version: 3.1.1
 Vu+ Drivers: 2012-02-28
Мужики, кто на этот имидж пробовал ставить MGcamd 1.35a ? Объясните как? Через tmp вроде ставится, но не запускается. :'(

Оффлайн 2boom

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #6: 12 июня | 2012г. | 01:41:05 »
maikl, вот пак эмулей под этот имидж, а то что ты поставил вероятно отдругого имиджа
  • VU+ Duo 2 | Vu + Ultimo | DM800se (A8P) | MK-Digital xp1000
на подкуп резидента webmoney: R152988468288  yandex: 410011849574352  Приват24 (в личку)
Авторские работы (скины, пиконы, плагины) выкладывать на сторонних ресурсах запрещено, без согласования с автором

Оффлайн Odyssey

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #7: 23 июня | 2012г. | 22:53:47 »
2.4 Build 151:
enigma2: fix BblueSOD with help/wizard screens.
Also fixed IMDB failure to download error thanks to regarto

  • Dreambox 800 \ 600 \ Vu+ Uno \ Solo
Харьковский сатмастер

Оффлайн VladKBF

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #8: 19 августа | 2012г. | 16:43:35 »
Brand New VIX Image Vu+ Uno
15/08/2012 - OpenViX 3.0.204
From VIX Team
GCC Version: 4.4.4
Vu + Kernel Version: 3.1.1
Vu+ Drivers: 28-06-2012


Graphics and Text mode available.
Video Playback
All EPG screens now available while watching a recording, for easy switching back to Live TV or setting timers.
Channel Selection
Support added to change font sizes and number of rows.
Support added to have a 3rd event showing (Skin Dependent)
Support added to display start time and end time for all events shown.
EPG Selection
Added help screen to all epg selection screens.
Added support to change font sizes and number of rows.
Language Selection
Added English (UK) to available languages.
Added support for English (UK).
You may now sort Menus, Settings and Plugin Browser alphabetically.
Network Browser
Uses less memory during Scan.
Moved to new Setup Mounts screen.
New style webif now accessed using default port 80
Old style webif still available if required for use with certain PC signal meters and Fancontrol 2
About Screen
Added network info.
As part of streamlining the image, removed NFS, AFP, Samba, OpenVPN, Inadyn, MiniDLNA & uShare from default image (can now be installed/de-installed through Network setup screen)
On Screen Hints
Now available as options are selected.
Instant Record
from channel list, EPG or current channel.
Enhanced Movie List Features
It is now optional to play next movie, when the a movie reaches end, setup in menu of movie selection screen.
Latest Drivers (28/6/2012).
Loads of under the hood changes made for a smoother user experience.

Button Mappings

Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red ** & *** - Sort single EPG info when in channel list.
Short Green** & *** - Timers.
Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** - Instant IMDB Database search on the current programme.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.
** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

забирать отсюда,потребуется регистрация h**p://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?20214-New-ViX-Team-VU-Uno-OE3-0-Release

Оффлайн Sowa

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #9: 12 апреля | 2013г. | 10:29:40 »
Обновилась линейка имиджей для VU+ OpenViX Downloads
В частности для VU UNO последняя версия openvix-3.0.649-vuuno_usb от 08.04.2013

Спойлер   :
openvix: build 649
[enigma2-oe-alliance-plugins] update some provides, and a depend to Hbbtv.
[openvix[ change PLi svn url as 'svn.code.sf.net' is unreachable.
[vuplus-opera-browser-util] fix build.
openvix: build 648
[vuplus-opera-browser-util] revert to a earlier version, to try to fix overlay issue.
[bootlogo] update bootlogo/splash
[enigma2-oe-alliance-plugins] update some provides, and a depend to Hbbtv.
[vuplus-opera-browser-util] revert to a earlier version, to try to fix overlay issue.
[openaaf] change forum name
[tuxbox] update satellites.xml
openvix: build 647
[venton] updated driver, improved mediaplyer and recording
[ixuss] update drivers 5.4.2013
[enigma2-plugins] fix package building for EventList plugin.
[enigma2-plugins] fix package building for EventList plugin.
[vuplus-opera-browser-util] fix build.
openvix: build 646
[vuplus-opera-browser-util] bump version.
[enigma2-plugins] fix package building for EventList plugin.
[enigma2-skindefault] fix depends.
[ixuss] update kernel sdk to fix image backup issue
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core
[skindefault] added python as DEPEND as it is needet for fresh building
fix depends build error on high speed systems
[channel-settings] add some new settings.
openvix: build 645
[ventonhde] improved mediaplyer
fix e2 plugins git url
openvix: build 644
[openaaf] enable: rm_deepwork
[ebox] update drivers 2.4.2013
[channel-settings] fix predrag 28e, 19e, 13e
fix typo last commit
fix dona settings
fix settings foldername
fix predarg settings
fix build settingsfile
fix build rtl8192cu with kernel 2.6.18 set prefered version to 3.3.0
[ebox] update drivers 1.4.2013, fix hardware mac
[realtek rtl8182cu] update to new version.
[enigma2-channel-settings] update bitbake.
[channel-settings] fix typo.
[channel-settings] bump PR.
[channel-settings] fix catseye 23e.19e.
[channel-settings] add predrag.28e.23e.19e.13e
[channel-settings] removed by mistake.
[channel-settings] fix typo.
[channel-settings] update bitbakes.
[xtrend alliance] add unrar to image build
  • VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51
VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51 [Имидж-разные] & Philips 40PUT6400 & LG 32LH3000  +  NETGEAR WNR3500L v.2 & FTTH Internet 25 Mbit

Оффлайн Sowa

  • Младший Джедай
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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #10: 15 апреля | 2013г. | 16:53:58 »
Что-то на последних ViX и openSPA не работает samba
вот лог, последние строки добавлялись при попытке рестарта
Может кто подскжет, где "капать"

Спойлер   :
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 1 (min password length), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 2 (password history), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 3 (user must logon to change password), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 4 (maximum password age), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 5 (minimum password age), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 6 (lockout duration), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 7 (reset count minutes), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 8 (bad lockout attempt), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 9 (disconnect time), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:50, 1] lib/account_pol.c:account_policy_get(286)
  account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field 10 (refuse machine password change), returning 0
[1970/01/01 04:00:51, 0] /home/vix/oe-alliance/builds/openvix/gb800solo/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/samba-3.0.37-r5/samba-3.0.37/source/lib/pidfile.c:pidfile_create(112)
  ERROR: smbd is already running. File /var/run/smbd.pid exists and process id 909 is running.
[1970/01/01 04:00:53, 0] smbd/server.c:main(984)
  standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option
[1970/01/01 04:00:53, 0] /home/vix/oe-alliance/builds/openvix/gb800solo/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/samba-3.0.37-r5/samba-3.0.37/source/lib/pidfile.c:pidfile_create(112)
  ERROR: smbd is already running. File /var/run/smbd.pid exists and process id 909 is running.
[2013/04/15 13:06:50, 0] smbd/server.c:main(984)
  standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option
[2013/04/15 13:06:50, 0] /home/vix/oe-alliance/builds/openvix/gb800solo/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/samba-3.0.37-r5/samba-3.0.37/source/lib/pidfile.c:pidfile_create(112)
  ERROR: smbd is already running. File /var/run/smbd.pid exists and process id 1136 is running.
[2013/04/15 16:29:20, 0] smbd/server.c:main(984)
  standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option
[2013/04/15 16:29:20, 0] /home/vix/oe-alliance/builds/openvix/gb800solo/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/samba-3.0.37-r5/samba-3.0.37/source/lib/pidfile.c:pidfile_create(112)
  ERROR: smbd is already running. File /var/run/smbd.pid exists and process id 1215 is running.
[2013/04/15 16:35:27, 0] smbd/server.c:main(984)
  standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option
  • VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51
VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51 [Имидж-разные] & Philips 40PUT6400 & LG 32LH3000  +  NETGEAR WNR3500L v.2 & FTTH Internet 25 Mbit

Оффлайн Sowa

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #11: 29 апреля | 2013г. | 23:19:25 »
Обновился имидж до версии 3.0.653
Качаем тут
  • VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51
VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51 [Имидж-разные] & Philips 40PUT6400 & LG 32LH3000  +  NETGEAR WNR3500L v.2 & FTTH Internet 25 Mbit

Оффлайн Sowa

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #12: 03 мая | 2013г. | 22:56:49 »
Обновление русской локали Локализация имиджей (без обсуждения)

Кстати, если на последних версиях проблемы со временем - замените /etc/tuxbox/timezone.xml на прилагаемый.

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  • VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51
VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51 [Имидж-разные] & Philips 40PUT6400 & LG 32LH3000  +  NETGEAR WNR3500L v.2 & FTTH Internet 25 Mbit

Оффлайн Sowa

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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #13: 11 мая | 2013г. | 13:55:48 »
Обновиил русификацию Локализация имиджей (без обсуждения)
Добавлено  12 мая | 2013г. | 10:43:44   
Прошивка обновилась до версии 3.0.664 (обновление через имидж)
Основное отличие - драверы от 06.05.2013.
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  • VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51
VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51 [Имидж-разные] & Philips 40PUT6400 & LG 32LH3000  +  NETGEAR WNR3500L v.2 & FTTH Internet 25 Mbit

Оффлайн Sowa

  • Младший Джедай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 60
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ViX Team VU+ Uno Image
« Ответ #14: 14 мая | 2013г. | 14:11:06 »
664 релиз получил статус официального, скачать можно тут
  • VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51
VU+UNO; AX 4K-BOX HD51 [Имидж-разные] & Philips 40PUT6400 & LG 32LH3000  +  NETGEAR WNR3500L v.2 & FTTH Internet 25 Mbit


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