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АвторТема: Current Stable Release: 12.0 “Frodo”  (Прочитано 4595 раз)

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Current Stable Release: 12.0 “Frodo”

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Everyone at Team XBMC is proud and excited to announce the long awaited XBMC 12 “Frodo.” Features for XBMC 12 include:

- HD audio support, including DTS-MA and Dolby True-HD, via the new XBMC AudioEngine (OSX/iOS not yet available)
- Live TV and PVR support
- h.264 10bit (aka Hi10P) video software decoding for anime
- 64bit support in OSX to match the 64bit support in Linux
- Improved image support, allowing the database to accomodate numerous additional image types and more interesting and complex skins
- Support for the Raspberry PI
- Initial support for the Android platform
- Improved AirPlay support across all platforms, including AirPlay audio in XBMC for Windows to match the other platforms
- Improved controller support in Windows and Linux
- Advanced Filtering in the library
- Video library tags to complement movie sets
- Advanced UPnP sharing
- Default video languages now match the language being used by XBMC
- Translations now powered by Transifex

Скачать: xbmc-12.0-x86_64.dmg  xbmc-12.0-x86.dmg
  • Vu+ Uno | Vu+ Solo 2
TV: LG55LM640T                            TV: Sharp LC-46XL2RU
Receiver: Vu+ Uno                         Receiver: Vu+ Solo2
Image: Black Hole                          Image: OpenPLi

Оффлайн uno-duoАвтор темы

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Current Stable Release: 12.0 “Frodo”
« Ответ #1: 02 мая | 2013г. | 19:57:27 »
Current Stable Release: 12.1 “Frodo”

Fixes include:

  • XBMC now supports using OSX’s default output device for audio as well as hardware decoding with Intel GPUs in OSX
  • XBMC no longer hogs audio for Linux and on resume audio will continue to work in Linux
  • Full iPhone 5 resolution is now enabled
  • Volume buttons on Android devices now control Android volume, rather than XBMC volume
  • Volume buttons on OSX devices once again control OSX volume, rather than XBMC volume
  • Player optimization on the Raspberry Pi, including more efficient playback, better subtitle support, and many crash fixes
  • iOS 6 support on the AppleTV 2.
  • XBMC does not crash when listed on the AppleTV top shelf
  • Added support for additional Xbox 360 controller types
  • Broader and more intelligent support for CEC devices
  • Fixed problems with several addons due to broken binary read/write in our python interface
  • Language fixes, including 7 new languages: Albanian, Burmese, Malay, Persian (Iran), Tamil (India), Uzbek, Vietnamese
  • AirPlay fixes, including making discovery of XBMC more reliable on OSX
  • Numerous crashing and stability fixes across all platforms

For all users interested in maximum stability, we highly recommend that you update from 12.0 to 12.1. This is the XBMC you were looking for.

  • Vu+ Uno | Vu+ Solo 2
TV: LG55LM640T                            TV: Sharp LC-46XL2RU
Receiver: Vu+ Uno                         Receiver: Vu+ Solo2
Image: Black Hole                          Image: OpenPLi


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