30 июня | 2024г. | 10:41:34

АвторТема: Сборки эмулятора Doscam для разных имиджей платформы mipsel (без обсуждения)  (Прочитано 12809 раз)

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Пакеты эмуляторов и архивы бинарников прячем в спойлер и хайд (Скрытие текста)
Doscam rev. 0.20

BlackHole, VTI, OpenPLI

Спойлер   :
Doscam rev. 0.20

Changes in the EMU cache
- EMU caïds are no longer added, are if defined for these services
- Fixed rate limit bug
- Various bugs fixed WebIf
- Memleak WebIf fixed
- Various other minor improvements and changes
- New default for gbox_reshare = 1

Changes in the EMU cache
- EMU caïds are no longer added, are if defined for synthesis services
- Fixed rate limit bug
- Various bugs fixed WebIf
- Memleak WebIf fixed
- Various other minor improvements and changes
- New default for gbox_reshare = 1

Pliki konfiguracji takie same jak w opisie Doscama 19
Спойлер   :
oscam.conf , oscam.server and oscam.user were combined to doscam.cfg
-> All the other config files have been renamed as follows :

- Pin codes can be defined now in doscam.cfg under [ pincode ]
-> Format: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH : XXXX (H = Hexserial , 8 digits and Webif under the Entitlements to read, X = 4-digit pin)
- > Example of map with Hexserial 0000AABBCCDD0000 and Pin 1234 :
[ pincode ]
0000AABBCCDD0000 1234

- AES keys can be defined now in doscam.cfg under [ crypto ]
- > Format for AES Keys : A: CAID : provid : keyid : aesKey
-> The A stands for AES. Later there will possibly be other things in [ crypto ]
- > Example 0500:030 B00 :
[ crypto ]

- Rate limits can be now defined as in doscam.cfg under [rate limit]
-> Format: CAID : [ provid ]: [ srvid ]: [ chid ] : Ratelimitecm : Rate Limit Time (ms): Srvidholdtime (ms )
-> Entries in square brackets are optional
- > Example of 0100:00006 A for all SIDs :
[rate limit]
0100:00006 A ::: 4:11000 :

- New Reader Parameters " slots " which to define it in a quad Mouse, MCR and similar devices superfluous , for each slot a reader
-> The device must always only the first slot are specified
- > Example of operation with a quad Mouse ( 4 slots) :
[ reader]
label = quad
protocol = mouse
device = / dev/ttyUSB0
slots = 4
group = 1
- > Example of operation with a MCR8 (8 slots) :
[ reader]
label = MCR8
protocol = sc8in1
device = / dev/ttyUSB0 : 1
slots = 8
detect = cts
group = 1

- Improvements in the DVBApi for request_mode = 1
- Improvements in the automatic recognition of internal slots
- Bug in CCCam protocol now fixed , which could lead to freezers
- Now fixed a few rare segfaults
- Adjustments in the T14 protocol for Coolstream devices
- New BISS format ( ONID sid VPID ), for example F onidsidvpid 00 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX
- Gbox protocol adapted so that it remains compatible with the OSCam (long ecm support and gbox_my_password under [ gbox ] instead of [ reader] )

Обсуждение Эмулятора  Doscam
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