29 марта | 2025г. | 00:25:43

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Mipsel emu on Vusolo4k

Guide & files by Lallone of Sat-universe.

Now it is possible to run some well known softcams from mips boxes on the Solo4K, using BH 3.0.x images.

First you need to install gnemul-qemu_mipsel-lib-all_bh.tgz (this file contains the libs needed from a mips box)
qemu --> is a a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. Here it is used as a virtualiser, QEMU achieves near native performance by executing the guest code directly on the host CPU.

To install qemu you need to do the following:

telnet your vusolo4k, then type

Вам не разрешен просмотр кода. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь для просмотра.
This will install the required packages

I've prepared a mgcamd example for you...

NOTE: So far CCcam does not work with this trick.

Next you will need to modify the camscript to reference your old softcam and make it to start using qemu with attached library, something similar to:

Вам не разрешен просмотр кода. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь для просмотра.
If you find that some library files are missing, copy them from a mips box into the /usr/gnemul/qemu-mipsel folder.

mgcamd_1.38c attached and working
oscam mips (emu patched) working
CCcam so far not working

Спойлер   :
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Для просмотра нужно иметь не менее 3-х сообщений
или Оформить подписку


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